anyone going to the inauguration?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Oh I've seen plenty of 3rd world conditions in my time. All you have to do is drive across the Mexican border to see that. I spent 3 months down in Central America working and rebuilding a hospital and care center for the deprived down there. So yes, I do know what poverty is.
I don't know of a single home in the U.S. that has dirt floors that the children sleep on. Yet you have the audacity to compare the fifth ward to that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
See this is the problem with your logic, the homeless here in the U.S, have opportunities to better themselves. They made choices that resulted in their current lifestyle. In this country you have choices. In places such as Iraq, N. Korea, China, the people HAD NO choices. That is the one key difference. But you ignore that fact. You would rather waste tax money on people that chose to not work hard and such. Waste money on people that knew the opportunities they had and wasted them.
I find it funny, yet sad all at once, your thinking.
You speak of forcing taxation. Yet the guy you voted for is bailing out every corporation with our money. Corporations that had made some poor choices in how they run their country. See that is the problem, Your President is forcing taxation on the citizens. But then again, the politicians receive kickbacks from the corporations so they can get reelected so they have to save them. They receive no funding from foreign countries so why help change the mindset of those people? After all, Sadaam was a good man and who are we to tell him how to run his country. Glad to know you support the sort of Government Sadaam ran. To do nothing is to support it. To Want to do nothing is to condone the action.
In the end, you are a Sadaam Husein supporter. Nothing less.
Please. Get off your high-horse Republican platform. My guy is bailing out every corporation? Which president was in office when the first $300 billion was handed out? I'll be the first to say I don't agree with all this bailout crap. Initially it looked good on paper, but then the beaurocratic wheels started to turn, and it was business as usual in Congress.
You need to quit listening to your conservative media spin. China has no choice? You are joking right? How many products in this country are labeled 'Made In China'? And to say a homeless person made their choices to live the way they do is insulting and uncalled for. You actually think every destitute person in this country is living that way on purpose? Please tell me you're not that naive. So there's this abundance of jobs available to anyone that wants one in this country? Do you ever read the paper or watch the news on a daily basis? I sure hope you never lose your job. If you do, don't come crying here when you get tossed out on the street because you can't pay your

/rent, utilities, or food expenses.
Hate to tell you, but right now he's YOUR president as well as mine. If you don't like his policies, or believe he's going to do some to turn this country around, go find someplace else to live until you can get another Bush into office.
You're calling me a Sadaam supporter? Dude, you don't have a clue. After a statement like that, I have no respect whatsoever for you or anything you represent. If you're the poster boy for what a staunch ultra-conservative Republican is, then it's a comfort knowing we don't have to get your same archaic ideologies pushed down our throats the next four years (hopefully eight if the American majority have any sense).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I don't know of a single home in the U.S. that has dirt floors that the children sleep on. Yet you have the audacity to compare the fifth ward to that?
You want pictures of some? I saw homes in Houston first hand that had dirt floors because the old wooden floors rotted to the core. Go ask some of the residents in New Orleans. You really need to get out more.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You're calling me a Sadaam supporter? Dude, you don't have a clue. After a statement like that, I have no respect whatsoever for you or anything you represent.
Considering you feel Iraq is wrong and we had no business there, like I said previously, Inaction or a lack of desire to action is a show of support. Do you believe Sadaam was good for the Iraqi people and the world? If you say no, then our action was right.
And yes, please post pics where the majority of the homes in the area are dirt. Multiple pics, different homes. See the majority of what I see in Mexico is dirt floors. The majority of the poverty here is NOT dirt floors. see the difference yet? Of course you don't, because in your eyes, we do not have a higher quality of living than other countries. In your eyes poverty in Mexico, Africa, and southeast asia is equivalent to the poverty level here. Which is ridiculous. And yes, I have traveled extensively. Live 6 years in Europe. 1 Year in southeast Asia. Been to various border towns in Mexico along with Resort towns and spent a lot of time in the worse districts of the resort towns. You may be older, but don't assume I have not seen the world. I have stood in the attic Anne Frank lived in for years. I have been to the Beaches of Normandy. I have seen the windmills of Holland. I have been to the Black Forrest. I have walked the halls of Dr. Frankenstein's Castles. I have seen the Alps. I have Been to Taiwan. I have been to Hiroshima. And in all of these places I have seen the lives of the people there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Oh I've seen plenty of 3rd world conditions in my time. All you have to do is drive across the Mexican border to see that. I spent 3 months down in Central America working and rebuilding a hospital and care center for the deprived down there. So yes, I do know what poverty is.
Sorry you've had such a hard life. Probably explains why you're so adamant about helping the less fortunate. Don't chastise me because of my success. My family wasn't wealthy by any means when I was growing up. I worked 60hour weeks to earn the money I needed to go to college. When I finished, I worked my way up in various companies, gaining the experience I needed to make a business of my own. I still contribute quite a bit to needy organizations, and spend time helping at the LOCAL area, where I feel it's needed. That's the difference between me and you. I prefer to take care of the people I live and work around first, instead of helping someone on the other side of the world. You want to help the less fortunate? Look in your own backyard. Take those billions of dollars you want to give to Iraq, and rebuild those impoverished areas you say are worse than the 5th Ward. That's the problem with your logic. You think a person that lives in the US that is homeless and destitute, still has a better life than a person living in Iraq or North Korea. Sorry, but if you actually spoke to that homeless person whose digging in garbage cans looking for food, and covering themselves up with cardboard to stay warm, they'd probably disagree with you.

There you have it folks, a liberal has now said it is better to live in North Korea than the USA...
Then tells me I'm illogical!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27

There you have it folks, a liberal has now said it is better to live in North Korea than the USA...
Then tells me I'm illogical!

Well of course they are. I mean who wouldn't want to live where the average yearly income in 2003 was 818 dollars. That has to be great!!! Who wouldn't want to live where the government with holds information to the rest of the world regarding the status of their people, the government controls what news is shown, and allows no pictures to be taken inside of the country without government approval. Sounds like a great place to live.
They are so great they have received exactly 0 immigrants in the last 5 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Well of course they are. I mean who wouldn't want to live where the average yearly income in 2003 was 818 dollars. That has to be great!!! Who wouldn't want to live where the government with holds information to the rest of the world regarding the status of their people, the government controls what news is shown, and allows no pictures to be taken inside of the country without government approval. Sounds like a great place to live.
They are so great they have received exactly 0 immigrants in the last 5 years.
After all they don't know any other better way...


New Member
Enough With The Politics!!! Why Are We Waisting Everyone's Time With This Crap? I Thought This Was A Place For People To Discuss Aquariums. Lately I Have Been Seeing More Stuff That Is Totally Unrelated. I Am Not Sure What The Rules Stipulate, But I Think You Should Go Somewhere Else. I Am Angry That Politics Are Even On Here Because All Of This Discussion Is Opinion Based With Nothing To Back It Up. I Like This Site And Would Like To See It Get Back To What It Was Made For. Nobody Cares About Your New Dog Or Cat Or Whatever Else Is Being Written About, Unless It Eats Your Fish. The Site Is Called Not Whine About What Is Going On With Your

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by masterhobbyist
Enough With The Politics!!! Why Are We Waisting Everyone's Time With This Crap? I Thought This Was A Place For People To Discuss Aquariums. Lately I Have Been Seeing More Stuff That Is Totally Unrelated. I Am Not Sure What The Rules Stipulate, But I Think You Should Go Somewhere Else. I Am Angry That Politics Are Even On Here Because All Of This Discussion Is Opinion Based With Nothing To Back It Up. I Like This Site And Would Like To See It Get Back To What It Was Made For. Nobody Cares About Your New Dog Or Cat Or Whatever Else Is Being Written About, Unless It Eats Your Fish. The Site Is Called Not Whine About What Is Going On With Your
This portion of forum is to discuss off topic stuff,like politics ,religion and whats going on in your life,thing that amuse you........
Its really not a place to discuss "Aquariums"Its just what it is called.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by masterhobbyist
Enough With The Politics!!! Why Are We Waisting Everyone's Time With This Crap? I Thought This Was A Place For People To Discuss Aquariums. Lately I Have Been Seeing More Stuff That Is Totally Unrelated. I Am Not Sure What The Rules Stipulate, But I Think You Should Go Somewhere Else. I Am Angry That Politics Are Even On Here Because All Of This Discussion Is Opinion Based With Nothing To Back It Up. I Like This Site And Would Like To See It Get Back To What It Was Made For. Nobody Cares About Your New Dog Or Cat Or Whatever Else Is Being Written About, Unless It Eats Your Fish. The Site Is Called Not Whine About What Is Going On With Your

The Aquarium (141 Viewing)
A forum to discuss off topic subjects.
Which part of that do you not understand?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Considering you feel Iraq is wrong and we had no business there, like I said previously, Inaction or a lack of desire to action is a show of support. Do you believe Sadaam was good for the Iraqi people and the world? If you say no, then our action was right.
And yes, please post pics where the majority of the homes in the area are dirt. Multiple pics, different homes. See the majority of what I see in Mexico is dirt floors. The majority of the poverty here is NOT dirt floors. see the difference yet? Of course you don't, because in your eyes, we do not have a higher quality of living than other countries. In your eyes poverty in Mexico, Africa, and southeast asia is equivalent to the poverty level here. Which is ridiculous. And yes, I have traveled extensively. Live 6 years in Europe. 1 Year in southeast Asia. Been to various border towns in Mexico along with Resort towns and spent a lot of time in the worse districts of the resort towns. You may be older, but don't assume I have not seen the world. I have stood in the attic Anne Frank lived in for years. I have been to the Beaches of Normandy. I have seen the windmills of Holland. I have been to the Black Forrest. I have walked the halls of Dr. Frankenstein's Castles. I have seen the Alps. I have Been to Taiwan. I have been to Hiroshima. And in all of these places I have seen the lives of the people there.
I could care less what you've seen. Why don't you take your humanitarian acts and go back?


Active Member
Originally Posted by masterhobbyist
Enough With The Politics!!! Why Are We Waisting Everyone's Time With This Crap? I Thought This Was A Place For People To Discuss Aquariums. Lately I Have Been Seeing More Stuff That Is Totally Unrelated. I Am Not Sure What The Rules Stipulate, But I Think You Should Go Somewhere Else. I Am Angry That Politics Are Even On Here Because All Of This Discussion Is Opinion Based With Nothing To Back It Up. I Like This Site And Would Like To See It Get Back To What It Was Made For. Nobody Cares About Your New Dog Or Cat Or Whatever Else Is Being Written About, Unless It Eats Your Fish. The Site Is Called Not Whine About What Is Going On With Your
the only person I see whining is you...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I could care less what you've seen. Why don't you take your humanitarian acts and go back?
You are the guy that places value on actually seeing or doing instead of reading history. Now you don't care. Me thinks it because you have no leg to stand on...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27

There you have it folks, a liberal has now said it is better to live in North Korea than the USA...
Then tells me I'm illogical!
You people need to quit putting words in my mouth. You have this inane way of twisting my comments to try and justify yours. I never said it's better to live in North Korea. I said the people who live there have their own quality of life, and their own ideas of what 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' is. You think every person in this world is dying to come to America, because of course we have the best of everything.
It's that arrogant self-righteous attitude that has the other countries in the world hating us. Believe it or not, people who live in countries are satisfied with what they have and what they need to survive. You think a person is deprived if they don't have a 2000 sq. ft. house, a 60" LCD screen, two cars, a cat, a dog, and a cell phone in their ear. You even denegrate you're own fellow citizens and call them bums and freeloaders simply because they fell on hard times and can't find a job to support even their basic living expenses. What a bunch of pompous asses. You'll welcome all these foreigners into our country, then complain that your taxes are going to support the bums on welfare. Get a reality check.
Darth, you have the strangest reverse logic that I've ever seen in a person. So I don't believe we should be wasting BILLIONS of dollars helping people who have MILLIONS sitting in their own banks, so of course I must be a Sadaam supporter. Well since you don't support our president, and what he is trying to accomplish, then you're nothing more than an Anti-American rebel. Maybe you need to be put on the Terror Watch list like all the other 'suspects' out there....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
the only person I see whining is you...
Why don't you grow up? The guy has a legitimate gripe. You, Darth, journey, reefraff, and all you other right-wing coalitionists do nothing but sit here venting about how this country will go down the tubes as long as a Democrat is in office. Bush had 8 YEARS to turn things around. Things just went from bad to worse. The only thing you keep ranting is he 'kept us from more terroristic attacks'. No that's the Homeland Security Act doing that. Only thing Bush contributed to that was his signature. But of course you'll give him all the credit for it because that's what Republicans do. You don't like how this country is run? CHANGE IT. Go get elected to a Congressional Seat and let's see you make a difference. Quit whining about how Obama will do this, and Obama will do that. Get elected and see if you can do any better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You are the guy that places value on actually seeing or doing instead of reading history. Now you don't care. Me thinks it because you have no leg to stand on...........
You rely too much on history to guide your values and principles. Pretty sad. The difference between me and you is I know how to think for myself.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Darth, you have the strangest reverse logic that I've ever seen in a person. So I don't believe we should be wasting BILLIONS of dollars helping people who have MILLIONS sitting in their own banks, so of course I must be a Sadaam supporter. Well since you don't support our president, and what he is trying to accomplish, then you're nothing more than an Anti-American rebel. Maybe you need to be put on the Terror Watch list like all the other 'suspects' out there....
What about responsibility. we destroyed it, we should fix it. In the beginning they didn't have millions. Now because of what we did they do. If we stop rebuilding there, how many American jobs will be lost? How much would that affect our manufacturing jobs here? Believe it or not the Iraqi rebuild is employing a lot of Americans....
Second, your comment about terrorist watch list is retarded. I voice my dissent and my opinion. I do not ask that we kill our leaders or civilians here because they voted in a President I have disagreed with on just about every proposal he has made so far.
As far as Sadaam, I asked you a question that you avoided. Do you feel he was good for Iraq, the region, and was not a danger to anyone? Do you feel he should be still in charge of Iraq?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You people need to quit putting words in my mouth. You have this inane way of twisting my comments to try and justify yours. I never said it's better to live in North Korea. I said the people who live there have their own quality of life, and their own ideas of what 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' is. You think every person in this world is dying to come to America, because of course we have the best of everything.
It's that arrogant self-righteous attitude that has the other countries in the world hating us. Believe it or not, people who live in countries are satisfied with what they have and what they need to survive. You think a person is deprived if they don't have a 2000 sq. ft. house, a 60" LCD screen, two cars, a cat, a dog, and a cell phone in their ear. You even denegrate you're own fellow citizens and call them bums and freeloaders simply because they fell on hard times and can't find a job to support even their basic living expenses. What a bunch of pompous asses. You'll welcome all these foreigners into our country, then complain that your taxes are going to support the bums on welfare. Get a reality check.
Darth, you have the strangest reverse logic that I've ever seen in a person. So I don't believe we should be wasting BILLIONS of dollars helping people who have MILLIONS sitting in their own banks, so of course I must be a Sadaam supporter. Well since you don't support our president, and what he is trying to accomplish, then you're nothing more than an Anti-American rebel. Maybe you need to be put on the Terror Watch list like all the other 'suspects' out there....
Riight. Ok now you attack me, instead of addressing your claims...
This is a teachable moment. For anyone reading this. Because this is the same type of BS that Obama and other liberals use. They make ridiculous wild claims.
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Shoot, all I'd have to do is take them over to the Fifth Ward in Houston, and they'd want to get on the plane back to North Korea as fast as they got off...
Then when someone points out how insane it really is. You get this.
Originally Posted by bionicarm

You people need to quit putting words in my mouth. You have this inane way of twisting my comments to try and justify yours. I never said it's better to live in North Korea.
div> How can you say
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Shoot, all I'd have to do is take them over to the Fifth Ward in Houston, and they'd want to get on the plane back to North Korea as fast as they got off...
then claim
Originally Posted by bionicarm

I never said it's better to live in North Korea.
Does anyone besides me see a problem here?
Why else would they get back on that plane?