anyone going to the inauguration?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You rely too much on history to guide your values and principles. Pretty sad. The difference between me and you is I know how to think for myself.
Yet everything you say comes straight from left-wing think tanks. See unlike you, I am not a true republican. There are many things Republicans support that I just don't care about. You mock the study of history and how it affects our lives, yet you don't realize without the study of history nations are doomed to repeat the same mistakes as before. I guess you only live in the now, not concerned about our future and how past policies have affected the now.
There are several things Bush did that I vehemently disagree with. Things he did to appease democrats in this country, and he got crucified for it by you guys. I have no problem with a democrat in office. JFK was a great president even with the bay of pigs incident, (which he learned from). This president is not a the left of the left. Hilary Clinton would have gotten more support from than this guy. Atleast she understands the majority of the country is middle of the road. This guy does not, or does not care if they are.
He was suppossed to make things better, yet even when he took office, the stock market has continued to drop. That tells me no matter what he is saying, people don't believe he will turn things around. Otherwise they would leave their money alone and trust his policies.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
For you, following the political principles laid down for this country, they are the best in the world. But at the same time, the people who live in China, Russia, Korea, Denmark, England, or any other country in the world probably feel the same way about their way of life and how their country is run by their respective political powers. That's the way it should be. No one country should try to influence or force their values or principles on any other country. So take your last sentence and change the words USA and America for any other country in this world, and the same should apply.

Coming back to this. Here is the key reason your comments don't wash. In the case of England, Denmark, and to a degree Russia, the People dictate the principals and values of those countries. Just as the Usa does except under a different style of government, which is fine. Where your argument falls apart is China and N. Korean government dictate the principals, values and lifestyle of the people. See the difference?. 3 of your 5 countries still promote, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as the people see fit. The other two promote these as the government sees fit no matter at what cost to their people.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
You even denegrate you're own fellow citizens and call them bums and freeloaders simply because they fell on hard times and can't find a job to support even their basic living expenses. What a bunch of pompous asses. You'll welcome all these foreigners into our country, then complain that your taxes are going to support the bums on welfare. Get a reality check.
1st and foremost, our country was built from foreigners. I have no problem with people coming here from other countries, WHEN THEY DO IT LEGALLY! Second, even with the economy doing what it is, Mcdonalds, Arbys, Bob's Burgers, Powdrells (BBQ restaurant), Lota Burger, and Wendy's are all hiring. These jobs are starting at 8 an hour. This will sustain the BASIC needs in life. Yet these guys couldn't find a job?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
BLAH BLAH BLAH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Average cost of a inauguration, 38-40 Million , Mr. Wonderful ( AKA Obama) 170 Million. He spent more on his campaign then ANY past Pres! now triple the amount
on the Inauguration..........BLAH BLAH BLAH Anyone see a pattern here???? DUH
Let us not forget that Mr. Scourge of the evil Lobbyists has already had to grant two "wavers" for two lobbyists he's put in high positions. For all the Liblabs attacking Wall Street guess which candidate received the most money from Wall Street?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Why don't you grow up? The guy has a legitimate gripe. You, Darth, journey, reefraff, and all you other right-wing coalitionists do nothing but sit here venting about how this country will go down the tubes as long as a Democrat is in office. Bush had 8 YEARS to turn things around. Things just went from bad to worse. The only thing you keep ranting is he 'kept us from more terroristic attacks'. No that's the Homeland Security Act doing that. Only thing Bush contributed to that was his signature. But of course you'll give him all the credit for it because that's what Republicans do. You don't like how this country is run? CHANGE IT. Go get elected to a Congressional Seat and let's see you make a difference. Quit whining about how Obama will do this, and Obama will do that. Get elected and see if you can do any better.
Up until the Democrats got control of Congress things were doing a whole lot better, 4.5% unemployment, Positive GDP growth, monthly job creation etc.
Now that doesn't make Bush blameless but exactly what did your lovely Democrats do to halt the slide? And don't give me the tired line that Bush wouldn't let them. Feel free to list the great Democrat bills that were vetoed by Bush.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
What about responsibility. we destroyed it, we should fix it. In the beginning they didn't have millions. Now because of what we did they do. If we stop rebuilding there, how many American jobs will be lost? How much would that affect our manufacturing jobs here? Believe it or not the Iraqi rebuild is employing a lot of Americans....
Second, your comment about terrorist watch list is retarded. I voice my dissent and my opinion. I do not ask that we kill our leaders or civilians here because they voted in a President I have disagreed with on just about every proposal he has made so far.
As far as Sadaam, I asked you a question that you avoided. Do you feel he was good for Iraq, the region, and was not a danger to anyone? Do you feel he should be still in charge of Iraq?
So that's your agenda. We go into Iraq to rid the world of this vicious dictator, so of course we have to rebuild what we destoryed. How about not blowing up half the country in the first place? You don't actually think if Bush just wanted Sadaam out of the picture, he could'nt get Special Forces units in there to do the job with little or no destruction to the country? And of course we don't want to lose all those overpaid contract jobs over there. What would journey do? Manufacturing jobs over here?
Dude, this isn't WWII. Hate to tell you, but we're losing BIG TIME because of this war. What do you think drew this country into a recession in the first place?
Your question about what I think about Sadaam is to ignorant to even respond. If you honestly think I supported what Sadaam was doing during his reign, simply because I don't agree with starting the war, or wasting billions fixing what we screwed up, then you have no concept between right or wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Riight. Ok now you attack me, instead of addressing your claims...
This is a teachable moment. For anyone reading this. Because this is the same type of BS that Obama and other liberals use. They make ridiculous wild claims.
Then when someone points out how insane it really is. You get this.
How can you say
then claim
Does anyone besides me see a problem here?
Why else would they get back on that plane?
You sound like the typical journalist that takes one or two quotes out of context, and put them together in a way to prove some illogical point. How about going over the entire conversation before those statements were made? I stated that most North Koreans are content with their current lifestyles. You went on some rant that if they could live here, they'd know what a better life is. I used the 5th Ward as a reference that not everything in the US is as rosy as you paint it to be. It had absolutely nothing to do with whether it's better to live in North Korea than in the US. Expand that young brain of yours. Look at the overall picture before making assumptions of what I'm trying to convey. That's the problem with debating controversial issues in some forum. You just spend all your time reading into every statement looking for ways to prove your point. Believe me, if we had a face-on-face debate, you wouldn't stand a chance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Yet everything you say comes straight from left-wing think tanks. See unlike you, I am not a true republican. There are many things Republicans support that I just don't care about. You mock the study of history and how it affects our lives, yet you don't realize without the study of history nations are doomed to repeat the same mistakes as before. I guess you only live in the now, not concerned about our future and how past policies have affected the now.
There are several things Bush did that I vehemently disagree with. Things he did to appease democrats in this country, and he got crucified for it by you guys. I have no problem with a democrat in office. JFK was a great president even with the bay of pigs incident, (which he learned from). This president is not a the left of the left. Hilary Clinton would have gotten more support from than this guy. Atleast she understands the majority of the country is middle of the road. This guy does not, or does not care if they are.
He was suppossed to make things better, yet even when he took office, the stock market has continued to drop. That tells me no matter what he is saying, people don't believe he will turn things around. Otherwise they would leave their money alone and trust his policies.

You need a quick lesson in economics. I don't care who you put in the Administration today, there's no way they can fix what is happening to our economy in just a couple of months. You're not going to see the effects from any of Obama's initiatives until 2010 at the earliest. The experts just recognized we've been in a recession since 2007 just a couple months ago. Before that, they kept denying it. You seem to be in this hurry-up generation. I want results now. That's the problem with what Congress is trying to do. They want this quick fix to try and pacify everyone. Make everyone think things are getting better. Go look at your history on the Great Depression. See how many years it took us to get out of that quandry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
... And of course we don't want to lose all those overpaid contract jobs over there. What would journey do? ....
Once again pointing out you've admitted you make money by sending other people to this region as contractors...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Coming back to this. Here is the key reason your comments don't wash. In the case of England, Denmark, and to a degree Russia, the People dictate the principals and values of those countries. Just as the Usa does except under a different style of government, which is fine. Where your argument falls apart is China and N. Korean government dictate the principals, values and lifestyle of the people. See the difference?. 3 of your 5 countries still promote, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as the people see fit. The other two promote these as the government sees fit no matter at what cost to their people.
Three are Monarchys, two are Communism (or whatever ism they are). What's your point? You want to start another war because you don't believe in Communism? Because that's what it would take to change the mindset of the rulers of those countries. Ever hear of the Cold War in your hsitory lessons? The difference is, the North Koreans and Chinese would have no problems 'pushing the button' or invading our country to keep us from changing their ideologies. And if you haven't done a head count lately, we're a little outnumberd by the Chinese by what, a 10 to 1 margin?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Once again pointing out you've admitted you make money by sending other people to this region as contractors...
Go away journey. Using what I do to justify your agenda over there doesn't wash with me. I have no problems sleeping at night regarding what I charge our government for having my people over there. Doubt your boss could say the same....


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Up until the Democrats got control of Congress things were doing a whole lot better, 4.5% unemployment, Positive GDP growth, monthly job creation etc.
Now that doesn't make Bush blameless but exactly what did your lovely Democrats do to halt the slide? And don't give me the tired line that Bush wouldn't let them. Feel free to list the great Democrat bills that were vetoed by Bush.
Hate to tell you, but I'm not a big fan of Pelosi and her bunch. But the Democrats have only had a stranglehold on Congress the last two years of Bush's term. It's taken longer than that to bring this country down to where it is now.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
You sound like the typical journalist that takes one or two quotes out of context, and put them together in a way to prove some illogical point. How about going over the entire conversation before those statements were made? I stated that most North Koreans are content with their current lifestyles. You went on some rant that if they could live here, they'd know what a better life is. I used the 5th Ward as a reference that not everything in the US is as rosy as you paint it to be.
It had absolutely nothing to do with whether it's better to live in North Korea than in the US. Expand that young brain of yours. Look at the overall picture before making assumptions of what I'm trying to convey. That's the problem with debating controversial issues in some forum. You just spend all your time reading into every statement looking for ways to prove your point. Believe me, if we had a face-on-face debate, you wouldn't stand a chance.
yeah, right, that is what you said. Is it slippery to backtrack so much? Or do you always say something then make up a different meaning afterwards?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Go away journey. Using what I do to justify your agenda over there doesn't wash with me. I have no problems sleeping at night regarding what I charge our government for having my people over there. Doubt your boss could say the same....
Yeah, go away you make too much sense how dare you disagree with Mr. Know It All! Actually Primus has a funny song with that title.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Hate to tell you, but I'm not a big fan of Pelosi and her bunch. But the Democrats have only had a stranglehold on Congress the last two years of Bush's term. It's taken longer than that to bring this country down to where it is now.
2 years to create this mess is not enough time, but 2010 to get us out of it is?
Think about what you are saying.
The rest I will touch on later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Go away journey. Using what I do to justify your agenda over there doesn't wash with me. I have no problems sleeping at night regarding what I charge our government for having my people over there. Doubt your boss could say the same....
This isn't about my boss Bionic.
You continually attack me for what I'm doing, meanwhile you sit back safe and sound while your evil contractors make you money.
You've said before that any contractor who doesn't get paid vacations and huge paychecks is a fool. I can only imagine what you get, therefore.
This is sadly the democratic way. Biden says we should pay more taxes to be patriotic, meanwhile they appoint a Treasury Sec. who doesn't pay taxes. President Obama talks about "giving" and "helping", meanwhile his aunt lives in the country illegally on subsidized housing, his relatives in Kenya live in poverty, and until recently he and his wife gave less than 1% to charity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This isn't about my boss Bionic.
You continually attack me for what I'm doing, meanwhile you sit back safe and sound while your evil contractors make you money.
You've said before that any contractor who doesn't get paid vacations and huge paychecks is a fool. I can only imagine what you get, therefore.
This is sadly the democratic way. Biden says we should pay more taxes to be patriotic, meanwhile they appoint a Treasury Sec. who doesn't pay taxes. President Obama talks about "giving" and "helping", meanwhile his aunt lives in the country illegally on subsidized housing, his relatives in Kenya live in poverty, and until recently he and his wife gave less than 1% to charity.

Recent studies have shown Conservatives give more than liberals


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This isn't about my boss Bionic.
You continually attack me for what I'm doing, meanwhile you sit back safe and sound while your evil contractors make you money.
You've said before that any contractor who doesn't get paid vacations and huge paychecks is a fool. I can only imagine what you get, therefore.
This is sadly the democratic way. Biden says we should pay more taxes to be patriotic, meanwhile they appoint a Treasury Sec. who doesn't pay taxes. President Obama talks about "giving" and "helping", meanwhile his aunt lives in the country illegally on subsidized housing, his relatives in Kenya live in poverty, and until recently he and his wife gave less than 1% to charity.
Here's me putting my forefinger and thumb together, moving them back and forth, playing "My Heart Bleeds For You". WAAAAH. YES, I'M THE EVIL CONTRACTOR! BWAHAHAHAHAH! Isn't the American Way great?
And I'm sure if your buddy McCain were in office with that dingbat he picked to play his second, all would be right with the world -- We'd be in this euphoric state where the economy was immediately fixed, everyone's stock account was busting out of its seams, any person that wanted a job could get one, no one's house would be foreclosed, and we'd all be getting a $10,000 tax credit on our returns this year. You can now tap your red-glittered shoes and recite "There's No Place Like Home" because Dorothy, you're not in Oz anymore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
2 years to create this mess is not enough time, but 2010 to get us out of it is?
Think about what you are saying.
The rest I will touch on later.
Go to your local college and take a course on Macro and Micro economics. After you do that, come back and we'll have an intelligent conversation...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Go to your local college and take a course on Macro and Micro economics. After you do that, come back and we'll have an intelligent conversation...

Now we are insulting each other. Nice, you are a class act...very "big" of you to insult someone from behind a monitor. But if that makes you feel better, please continue to do so. Now as for understanding economics, I think I have a pretty good grasp of it, considering I own my own business and have seen a 20% profit increase each year. Also considering the state of the economy and managing to continue the same increase each month must mean I understand something about economics.
I also find it very amusing that you criticize Journey for actually being over there as a contractor, while you on the other hand are sitting in a nice cushy chair. Meanwhile, complaining about the very situation that allows you to make a boat load of money off of the back of another employee in the "hot zone". At least Journey put his money where his mouth is. You on the other hand risk nothing. Hypocrite much?