Anyone have a POLYDACTYL CAT


Active Member
Otherwise known as a Hemingway cat.
I have been thinking of getting my daugher a kitten, and my girlfriend works with a lady that has a litter of big foot kittens. I will find out in a few days if she has a female kitten, otherwish I will go to the humain society for one.


Active Member
We have a male cat and 2 females already. I just dont think my male would stand for another male in the house even though he is fixed. I know his personality, he is a very sweet cat, but when he was younger he was allowed to go out when he wanted and I know he kept the male cats away from our house. He stays in full time now.


Active Member
My male cats get along better than my female cats (3 girls and 2 boys), but it may be an exception. We always call them our little gay boys.
As long as you keep the kitten in a room with the door shut for about a week or until they start to play footsies under the door you should be fine with a male. I believe females are more territorial.


Active Member
my granny had a white one she refused to get fixed that populated the west side of odessa tx with wild hemingway cats


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
my granny had a white one she refused to get fixed that populated the west side of odessa tx with wild hemingway cats

You can look at the bright side. They've probably taken care of the varmit, populations. And are probably a little big for a hawk to carry away. And just mean enough that it might take on a rattler and win.
Good morning everyone, I have a female poly, her name is Mystic Angel. She is pure white, her tail only is black. She has one beautiful blue eye and one green eye. It's like God took all of his leftover parts and stuck them on one cat. Also, my males (4) are alot more loving and affectionate towards eachother than my females (4). All are spayed and nutered.


Active Member
They have 6 plus toes on each foot. Its a genetic trait and can only passed down by a parent. The orig came from a ship in key west and given to Ernest Hemingway

al mc

Active Member
Generally the extra 'toes' are only from the 'declaw' area. They can be a problem...keep the nails trimmed short on the 'extra' toes. Theyare generally non weight bearing so the nails will not be kept in check with normal activity.
Thus, they tend to grow in a circle and can literally puncture back into the pad...ouch!


Now I will have nightmares about mutant kitty feet...

I thought you all were talking about a completely different kind of cat, not just an extra toe. Don't get me wrong, they are very cute kitties, just not what I was expecting to see.