Anyone have some nice photos? Now is the time to get them published!


South Jersey
Before and after MH's on a Toadstool
Couple random starfish sandsifter and fancy red?
My FOWLR setup--b4 coral and canopy



Here you go...
Midas Blenny
Ghost Eel
Blue Ribbon Eel and Annularis Angel
Crocea clam and Blue Ribbon Eel



I have a couple
Snowflake Eel

Octopus from the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium

I just placed an order tonight, so if you want I can take some pictures of acclimation if you want me to when it comes.


Active Member
Acclimation pictures would be excellent!
I was so disappointed that that was not your octo because that is a very good octopus picture. Still, I may contact the aquarium about using the shot, anyway.
Thank you again everyone. I cannot emphasize how appreciative I am that you all have been so supportive. My credits section is going to be an extensive one but it will be great because they will all be members.
The book is coming along well. Almost finished with the text; pictures are slowly being added in. It is really progressing well, despite a 55+ work week every week. Having my new laptop coming tomorrow will greatly help, since I have been mainly working on it on a desktop for the past month. It would be nice to sit in bed or somewhere comfortable and work on it.


Active Member
ok a few questions, when is it due to be published, whats the title, and how much is it going to cost me to buy when it comes out? (i'm buying it whether you use any of my pictures or not)


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Acclimation pictures would be excellent!
I was so disappointed that that was not your octo because that is a very good octopus picture. Still, I may contact the aquarium about using the shot, anyway.
Thank you again everyone. I cannot emphasize how appreciative I am that you all have been so supportive. My credits section is going to be an extensive one but it will be great because they will all be members.
The book is coming along well. Almost finished with the text; pictures are slowly being added in. It is really progressing well, despite a 55+ work week every week. Having my new laptop coming tomorrow will greatly help, since I have been mainly working on it on a desktop for the past month. It would be nice to sit in bed or somewhere comfortable and work on it.
I'll be sure to take some pics during the acclimation then. Hopefully it'll be here a little later this week. I wasn't sure if the octopus shot would work or not. It's my pic but they own the octo.
I also have some shots of a snail (not sure what kind) eating algae off the front glass that came out decent.



Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
ok a few questions, when is it due to be published, whats the title, and how much is it going to cost me to buy when it comes out? (i'm buying it whether you use any of my pictures or not)
yep, me to


i know you have a lot of pics and i only have a few use them if you want

my two clowns male and female
six line wrasse
i have a lawnmower blenny and two gobie engineers that i can get you pics of