Anyone have some nice photos? Now is the time to get them published!


They're not done yet but here are some pics of my acclimating (not quite as fancy as Heart & Sole's)...
55 Gallon Drip Start

55 Gallon Drip Setup

Knot in Hose

Hose attached in 75 gallon

Hose knots

Corals Floating

55 gallon drip a few hours in

75 gallon drip a few hours in


Active Member
heres some of mine. if you'd like to use any just pm me so I can give you the photo credits info.. and so I can buy the book!



Active Member
wow shrimpi those are AMAZING!!! great quality!
How long do you think it will be till you dont need anymore pictures?


Active Member
Thank you very much Shrimpi. Awesome shots. I don't want to tell anyone to not post pictures because I keep getting amazing shots with every post. I will probably wrap it up once the text portion is done. I am probably 90% of the way there.


Active Member
Okay, so I have been sorting through pictures and there are a couple of things I do not have many pictures of:


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
No problem! Just wondering are all of the pics of your stuff or do you go to like a LFS and take photos too? or what?

they are all currently in my tank, or were in my previous tank. So, they are all mine :) at some point or another.


OK here is the best picture i have of my Blue Jaw Trig. He loves the camera but will not stay still long enough for a clear pic. I have been trying for 2 days to get a good one. if i can get a better one ill post it too.


Active Member
Tim, the eel shots are phenomenal. You did post the fish pictures in this thread but not the eels shots! Thank you.
eelfan, I am hoping we can clean up one of the undulated pics a bit because there is one I would love to use it. It has a bit of glare but my editor is pretty good.