Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/379968/anyone-here-have-a-flounder/100#post_3307539
Ok Ok...I was bashing a little bit. But only cause I've used them before don't think they are as reliable as a half way descent test kit.
LOL...Yes, and I agree as a test kit they are not reliable, but in emergency situations they have a place. When my broken heater killed just about my entire CUC and most of the coral in the tank, I had to keep a very close watch for ammonia spikes. A test every 30 minutes was just silly, so I got one of those badges, if it started changing color at all, I started a water change. I lost no fish, which was the next stage of such disasters..
Wayner had no tests and his water was cloudy, he gave no indication he was even going to bother with a test kit so I told him to AT LEAST get one of those.
I just didn’t want to be known on the site as the ditz that uses an ammonia badge to test for spikes, so I had to say something in my defense .
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/379968/anyone-here-have-a-flounder/100#post_3307539
Ok Ok...I was bashing a little bit. But only cause I've used them before don't think they are as reliable as a half way descent test kit.

LOL...Yes, and I agree as a test kit they are not reliable, but in emergency situations they have a place. When my broken heater killed just about my entire CUC and most of the coral in the tank, I had to keep a very close watch for ammonia spikes. A test every 30 minutes was just silly, so I got one of those badges, if it started changing color at all, I started a water change. I lost no fish, which was the next stage of such disasters..
Wayner had no tests and his water was cloudy, he gave no indication he was even going to bother with a test kit so I told him to AT LEAST get one of those.
I just didn’t want to be known on the site as the ditz that uses an ammonia badge to test for spikes, so I had to say something in my defense .