Anyone who is dieting!!


Originally Posted by ruaround
absolutley mix it up... you can run everyday or atleast walk for a nice switch up... a routine become too routine and and some point will start to feel like a chore... dont worry about your weight <--- worry about unhealthy weight... judge by how your clothes fit... get a body fat % test done and a cholesterol test done...
weigh yourself 1 time a week the same time and day and put the scale away... drink alot of water and as blue said take a multi vitamin...
disclaimer: and check with your doctor
Yeah I'll need to do that. I absolutely hate to run. Is walking just as beneficial as runnin? I also read you don't burn fat till after you've ran 30 min or more.


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
ah, see i work for a corporate store, which is the best kind of store to shop at btw, cuz we are just plain nicer and will tell you if something is popular or if we've had lots of returns on an item. most of us anyways. we have stricter rules to follow.
solaray sounds familiar, is it one of those *ahem* cheapie multis. sorry bout that. lol.
No all of our brands are really good. No lie. We only distribute to health food stores no individual consumers or anything. It's a really good company! We distribute nation wide. I think we even have stores out of the country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Yeah I'll need to do that. I absolutely hate to run. Is walking just as beneficial as runnin? I also read you don't burn fat till after you've ran 30 min or more.
walking is as good as if not better for impact reasons... not to sure about that fat stat though... i will check into it...


We don't own the stores we just distribute to them. I was saying we have stores out of the country but I meant we distribute to stores out of the country. If you're interested about stores we distribute to in your area I could always look them up for 1 billion dollars. Nah just playin I can look them up for nothin.


Originally Posted by ruaround
walking is as good as if not better for impact reasons... not to sure about that fat stat though... i will check into it...
It seems like if you're way overweight or anything you can lose 5 lbs here and there. I need to lose like 5 lbs and it's damn near impossible. I just wanna lose it so I can start to bulk up with healthy muscle weight and stay away from the fat side.


I read somewhere that you burn more fat by walking than you do running, since fat gets burned anaerobicly. When you run, you use oxygen to burn sugar and carbs. Of course walking takes twice as long to burn the same total number of calories. Don't know how true this is, but I read it somewhere.


Oh also, I found on the web that 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories. So if in one week you cut back 1000 calories on your diet and burn 2500 calories through exercise, You "should" loose 1 pound. (or any combination like that)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
It seems like if you're way overweight or anything you can lose 5 lbs here and there. I need to lose like 5 lbs and it's damn near impossible. I just wanna lose it so I can start to bulk up with healthy muscle weight and stay away from the fat side.
are you M or F???


Tell me about it. Last year I got on a kick and wanted to tone up, lift weights and get the "beach body" going... I wound up drinking water instead of juices or softdrinks and I cut back on my portions at luch and supper. I lost about 7 pounds after doing that for about 2 months. I also got on th eliptical machine too.


Active Member
Best thing I ever did was switch to water. It's the only thing (other than mother's milk) that you were intended to drink. Everything else we (man) have come up with. I mean how "natural is it to drink the milk of another animal? And fruit juice....we used to eat the fruit, who was the first person to squeeze the fruit, drink the juice, then toss the fruit??
I lost more weight by switching to water than anything else I've tried. Every function your body performs requires water. Oxidants are removed more easily. 60% of muscle weight comes from water. I hover around 14-17% bodyfat and if I see an increase I walk more and increase workout frequency and intensity. One summer I lost 18 lbs. in 2 months by switching to water, salad for breakfast & lunch, a fruit snack and chicken or turkey for dinner.


Active Member
I drink 4 24 oz bottles of water just at work. I drink water in the morning as soon as I wake up. I drink water when I am at home. I don't drink soda, fruit juice or Kool -Aid. I drink water.
I am stuck in a rut right now of not losing anything and it frustrating me!! Shoot give me one pound and I will be happy!!!!


If your going to be lifting a lot make sure that you eat a good amount of protien to repair those torn muscles. also drink your milk or take calcium suppliments to keep your bones strong if you are going to have extra muscle on them.


Originally Posted by keleighr
I drink 4 24 oz bottles of water just at work. I drink water in the morning as soon as I wake up. I drink water when I am at home. I don't drink soda, fruit juice or Kool -Aid. I drink water.
I am stuck in a rut right now of not losing anything and it frustrating me!! Shoot give me one pound and I will be happy!!!!
What part of Cali you from? Im not on a weight loss Diet perse. More of a High protein gain weight diet. But when i cut down in Aug i try to keep it simple. NO MILK ABSOLUTELY no soda no candie, no cheeses, No oils. Oh yeah and remember Trying to loose weight by walking is like trying to bake a cake with a lighter. And mabey instead of all that water try some tea. tast better and Jasmin is great for you.


don't forget tho that all calcium supplements are not created equal. some are absorbed more easily than others. a lot of people like coral calcium, but i recommend Calcium Citrate Malate. also called Calcimate at GNC. in the bone health section, in the green bottles. calcimate is more absorbable than the calcium in milk. and make sure you are getting enough. people between ages 19 and 50ish need 1000mg daily. you calcium intake changes based on age, pregnancy, gender, etc.


Originally Posted by keleighr
I drink 4 24 oz bottles of water just at work. I drink water in the morning as soon as I wake up. I drink water when I am at home. I don't drink soda, fruit juice or Kool -Aid. I drink water.
I am stuck in a rut right now of not losing anything and it frustrating me!! Shoot give me one pound and I will be happy!!!!

Make sure you're eating enough. If you don't eat enough, your body thinks you are starving and your metabolism slows down. Like someone said earlier it is best to eat 6 smaller meals a day than 3 big ones.


A great way to keep track of what you eat, and how to lose weight, maintain loss, etc can be found at There is a freebie download, and one that is private and you can dodwnload for a little $. GREAT program, and it's addicting to try and beat your calorie intake/restriction from the day before. THAT = weight loss and a healthy body!
The SHAKLEE vanilla soy protein powder blended with ice cubes, a cup or two of minute made orange juice and a banana makes a WONDERFUL smoothy. Very addicting. Replacess a small meal or big snack.


Originally Posted by petieaztec
like i said if you don't want to drink milk you have to take a suppliment.
FWI: Whey protein is a milk based protein, still high in C and D. That and on top of a Mega Men, on top of some air born. all i need and then some. But like she said shes takeing a Multi allready. So the need for the extra Fat and Calories is unessesary, unless she really cant get away from it.