Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package


New Member
Hey all thanks for the kind words,
Sorry for the delay in posting back , I've been away from the computer for a bit.
I'll get a few more pics up shortly.
That's a deresa clam in January he weighed in @ 6.5 lbs and 8.5 inches.
When I got him 4 years ago he was small enough to close my hand around.
Unfortunatly we lost him the end of Feburay in a PH "event".:confused:


Marco, you did very well to keep a clam that long a period of time. Love to have one and have a great tank and an established one but perhaps due to the newness of the tank at the time, mine did not survice long. Am not sure I want to take a chance. Maybe now after 8 yrs. I can try again.


Marco, Thanks! Well, Might just attend. Knew nothing of this. Grateful for a neighbor who I share this interest with. This orginazation is one which I would learn important environmental information from. { You do have a lot of aquariums! At one time I had 5, one of which was a cichlid tank, African's, of which I miss terribly. Could not serve so many "Gods". Had to make an important decision and spend more time on my art, and taking care of this property. Husband works outside of the home, my responsibility is in the home. Fish tanks are a learning tool for me as well as a relaxing hobby. Great to hear that there is an organization out there for the benefit of the health of our reef systems. Again, thank you!


We would all love to see more pictures of your tank! Think you can post as many times as you want.


Active Member
how do u guys keep ur tanks so clean my whole whole back is covered with algae and my sides and the bottom of my tank is covered in algae and to top it off my sand bed has algae