Aquascaping...Confused...please help?

Okay! I have experienced a complete disasted

That aquamend isn't as great as I thought....I added my emerald crab today and was moving some powerheads and cleaning their sponges, and accidently dropped the powerhead ontop on my huge Island and "the wall came tumbling down!!!!"
So now...I'm stuck...and unahppy with my rock...any suggestions or techniques with stacking???
Originally Posted by new-guy
how about drilling your rock and putting in plastic rods........

Hmmmm....That could work...Anyone have any experience, or any tips? I love the island look and will highly enjoy the fish swimming through, and interacting with the coral as well!

scopus tang

Active Member
You can also use already existing holes as well as drilling additional ones and "zipstrip" your rockwork together. The white or black 12" to 18" plastic zipstrips that are sold at local hardware stores work very well for this. Once zipped when coralline begins to grow in your tank, they quickly cover up. Also personally found rockwork to be more stable if you place multiple smaller pieces on the bottom and then work up rather than starting with larger pieces and trying to get smaller.
Just a couple of suggestions
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
You can also use already existing holes as well as drilling additional ones and "zipstrip" your rockwork together. The white or black 12" to 18" plastic zipstrips that are sold at local hardware stores work very well for this. Once zipped when coralline begins to grow in your tank, they quickly cover up. Also personally found rockwork to be more stable if you place multiple smaller pieces on the bottom and then work up rather than starting with larger pieces and trying to get smaller.
Just a couple of suggestions

I'm glad I caught this before before I went to the hardware store!

I'll get zipstrips as well as acrylic rods!! THanks soooo much for your suggestions!


Active Member
Did the Aquamend actually fail or did your PH hit an area that wasn't glued? You got some good advice about using plastic tie wraps and smaller pieces of rock on the bottom (triangular works) to act as a base for the rock on top.
Good Luck,

Originally Posted by metweezer
Did the Aquamend actually fail or did your PH hit an area that wasn't glued? You got some good advice about using plastic tie wraps and smaller pieces of rock on the bottom (triangular works) to act as a base for the rock on top.
Good Luck,

I glued everything...I don't know if I got a bad batch, didn't use enough/or used to much,but it just didn't seem to work very well for me. Some places were as tough as concrete, and others seemed to not be glued at all.... I went to the hardware store, got some black zipties, a 3/18 masonry bit, and some small acrylic peg like things. I'm not going to start my project till tomorrow morning, I'm class free and my fiancee finally has a day off so he can help me!!
I will def. try to use the smaller pieces at the bottom.
I Will update pics as soon as I get done!
THANKS for the advice thus far everyone! Yall have been great help!

Wish me luck!


I haven't read all the posts. Here are my suggestions. First, I would get rid of the picture background and replace it with a black background. It is going to become distracting when you start putting in coral and when the tank starts to get dirty. The black background will really show off the colors and corals and it won't compete with them as the picture background will. Second, I would make more of a mound of the rock and not stack one on top of the other. I like what you have (the two different "islands" of rock). I would just mound it and try to make it look more solid with no holes in between. That's just my opinion.
Originally Posted by Eaglephot
I haven't read all the posts. Here are my suggestions. First, I would get rid of the picture background and replace it with a black background. It is going to become distracting when you start putting in coral and when the tank starts to get dirty. The black background will really show off the colors and corals and it won't compete with them as the picture background will. Second, I would make more of a mound of the rock and not stack one on top of the other. I like what you have (the two different "islands" of rock). I would just mound it and try to make it look more solid with no holes in between. That's just my opinion.
on the background....getting a black background this weekend. I'm getting ready ot start my drilling so we'll see how it goes! I appreciate your input.

scopus tang

Active Member
Looks nice, depth and width hard to tell from the pictures. Have you got enough space on the individual pieces of coral across the top to be able to add the corals you want - keeping in mind that some corals you get are already going to come attached to a piece of rock. Just asking, cause from the pictures it seems like it might be a little narrow?

The holes and openings are going to be great because you are going to be able to maintain good flow around and through the rock, so that beneficial bacteria will be able to thrive and work at keeping nutrient levels down.

Did you go deep sand bed?
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Looks nice, depth and width hard to tell from the pictures. Have you got enough space on the individual pieces of coral across the top to be able to add the corals you want - keeping in mind that some corals you get are already going to come attached to a piece of rock. Just asking, cause from the pictures it seems like it might be a little narrow?

The holes and openings are going to be great because you are going to be able to maintain good flow around and through the rock, so that beneficial bacteria will be able to thrive and work at keeping nutrient levels down.

Did you go deep sand bed?
I'll have to take better pics. I just finnished cleaning my stand lol
The rocks are 4-5 inches across!
I'm almost finnished with acclimating my star so later tonight I'll turn my lights on


That will be very nice. Just get that black background!
It will match your tank, stand and canopy very well. What do you want to put in it?
Originally Posted by Eaglephot
That will be very nice. Just get that black background!
It will match your tank, stand and canopy very well. What do you want to put in it?
Thank you!!! I'll def. be getting the background on Saturday!!
Hmmm...I have sooooo many things I want!!! On Thursday I will be recieving yellow polyps, orange centered zoas, 2 watermelon mushrooms, and 2 red mushrooms and I can hardly stand the wait!!!!

Ever since seeing Finding Nemo I've always wanted an anemone and 2 clowns...but by doing lots of research I'm not sure I want an anemone anymore....would LOVE to have one, but I understand they are delicate, and the might kill my coral...soooooo I'm still up in the air with that idea...
I know for sure, I want 2 clowns (not sure which ones) and a royal gramma. I'd like to keep hardier fish such as those. As for anything else I'm all up for suggestions!!!


Active Member
With those fish, add a bi-color blenny, firefish gobie, and maybe a bangii or pj cardinal.

dont forget about the suprise that is coming with those corals.

Also dont forget to pick up son superglue gel tomorrow to attach your corals to your rocks.
Here are a few more pics (after I cleaned my stand and tank of the salt!! Aquascaping makes such a mess!!)

Oh yeah!! I'm getting yellow polyps, orange centered zoas, 2 red mushrooms, 2 watermelon mushrooms, and a suprise comming from Teresa Q!!!
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
With those fish, add a bi-color blenny, firefish gobie, and maybe a bangii or pj cardinal.

dont forget about the suprise that is coming with those corals.

Also dont forget to pick up son superglue gel tomorrow to attach your corals to your rocks.

Oh yeah....I almost forgot! I'll put superglue gel on the top of my list for tomorrow!! Would it be better to attach the coral to a small piece of LR, and then glue to My bigger rocks?