Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/post/2480079
some will need that, some are already on small rocks.
Ok Freaky, i just looked at your pictures again, and the rock on the left looks like a skull with two empty eye sockets
I know, it is totally a skull! It came from SWF.com and its really cool! My scarlet hermit like to stay in one of the eye sockets!! My other fav. is a clam shell to the right! It's still attached in the back but is covered with rock shells and purple coralline! My fiancee calls the left Island, skull Island!!
Anemone aren't as hard as you think. I think every tank should have an Anemone and clowns. Get a BTA they are very easy and son't need as much light as say a carpet. What kind of lighting do you have anyway?
Originally Posted by Eaglephot http:///forum/post/2481397
Anemone aren't as hard as you think. I think every tank should have an Anemone and clowns. Get a BTA they are very easy and son't need as much light as say a carpet. What kind of lighting do you have anyway?
I have a retrofitted light. four 54 watt bulbs with individual reflectors...do you think that's enough for a bta?
I didn't paint the back of mine either, i found poster board that works well it's black, the only problem i have is that sometimes a white salt streak will show itself on the back wall. next time i will paint.
Originally Posted by slomo http:///forum/post/2481616
I didn't paint the back of mine either, i found poster board that works well it's black, the only problem i have is that sometimes a white salt streak will show itself on the back wall. next time i will paint.
Originally Posted by amyandbrandon2 http:///forum/post/2481403
I have a retrofitted light. four 54 watt bulbs with individual reflectors...do you think that's enough for a bta?
Yes that would be enough. I would just place it high if you can, I mean, if it stays. It will move itself if it's not happy, I would put it in first before any corals too big or expensive. Anemone are very cool to have. What kind of clowns were you thinking of getting?
I was thinking any of these: False, True, Maroon, Clarkii, Misbar
I can't decide! Any input of which is best? Less Agressive? In your experience which to better in aquariums?