Are blue mushrooms rare or just hard to find??? Or is it just me?


Active Member
I want some blue shrooms to add to my tank but cant seem to find em anywhere. Its driving me nuts. I need blue. Since I cant find the blue shrooms anywhere... if anyone has any, I would love to trade or buy. if not, what is blue that I can add to the tank? Coral wise, not fish. Thanks. :cool:


I am in the same boat. can't find them in my area either. I also can't find any other corals that are blue.


Active Member
Ugh, wow, lucky you. Are they actually blue, like wow, bright stunning blue? and did you get them from an LFS or offline?

richard rendos

Active Member
Every blue mushroom I have ever bought looks purple under my lighting. I have seen some blue tonga mushrooms online, but the price is forbidding.

cap'n pete

Blue mushrooms look differently according to lighting used. The most common look is a purple, which occurs in low lighting (which they prefer). This is a pic took with 1 55W smartlite PC.

cap'n pete

And this is the same bunch when I used the nice yellow flash on my digi. As you can see, the brighter lighting caused them to go to a deep blue and you can see the blue pigmentation. They are very small now compared to the first picture. My reds also don't like the brighter light.


Have you tried asking one of your lfs to get some for you.I know there are a couple of places here that will add something to thier order for me if they can get it.


Active Member
wow, Cap'n Pete, your rock is infested with mushrooms, whats your secert? heres a picture of mines, great in the morning, i wish it always looked like that, that great metallic look over the mushrooms

cap'n pete

wow, Cap'n Pete, your rock is infested with mushrooms, whats your secert?
Now you know why I refer to mushrooms as weeds! Seriously, my secret.... time. Those are all from a single specimin, about 3 years later.


Blue Mushrooms are easy to find and they are sold like any color shroom. True Blue is hard to find and what Bang Guy has in his tank is True Blue. I think that they used to import them from Hawaii those days that that corals were allowed to be exported but not anymore. I had three colonies and now I have just one single shroom.


Active Member
i have a single blue ricordea polyp that cost me an arm and a leg, but it has to be the coolest mushroom i own...i am gonna take a pic with my slr but wont be able to post it until i get the film developed :( ahhhhh.... the sadness of not having a digital camera!
good luck

chris l

I don't think I agree with the whole lighting issue on the color. I have what I thought were blue shrooms but are purple under my lighting which is 425w of halide. So I think my lighting is pretty intense but mine are still purple. Might be a difference with the kelvins in the bulb but not the intensity.


Chris L: I agree with you because they look different under different light. They don't look that blue in my main tank but they do in my prop tank. :)

chris l

Zoogi: somone told me there is a man in Williamsport that sells out of his garage. Would you know who this person is?


hhhhhh,, out of his garage !! What about out of his basement? Long time ago or recently. I don't know anybody in this area who has systems in the garage. If there was anybody I would know. Did they say what kinds of corals does he sell ? I had systems sitting in my garage that I sold not that long ago. I had 180 system, 120 system and 55 and all gone. I had prop systems in my basement that I sold all of them to a reefer in NY and MD.