Are The Colts Going To Be Beat?


I couldn't read this without saying GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Even if they do get beat before the playoffs, they're going to the dance.
I'd say if anyone has the chance to beat them it will be Seattle. They're tough, but they don't have what it takes.....


I say the seattle has a chance chance now after watching the giants v. seahawks
the giants should have won that game... no wait the giants did win that game thats just not what the final score said. well after watching that I don't think seattle will beat the colts.


I think they are gonna finish the year undefeated but i have a feeling they are gonna get beat in the playoffs either in the afc championship or the super bowl.


Active Member
Much like last year..towards the end of the season when Miami beat New England...I beleive if they will be in game 16...AZ. You heard it here first! The least likely sometimes is the most likely.
They'll most likely rest their core valuable starters. Any takers? LOL... :cheer:


Active Member
Well Congrats to the Chargers...The Colts Streak ends at 13...It didnt look like the Colts showed up until late in the 3rd qtr.
'72 Dolphins record lives on for another year!!!


Active Member
that record will never ever be broken teams have to much respect for the game just like bary sanders did thats why he stopped playing so he did not break the record he would have blown by it other wise


Active Member
Barry Sanders retired because he was sick of the Detroit front office and the coaching staff...he has stated in several interviews that he would have gone for the record had the Lions front office given hom what he wanted...A TRADE!!!
So you are saying that Emmitt Smith overlooked the Importance of not breaking the rushing yardage record, or how about Peyton breaking the single season passing TD, or how about Shawn Alexander going for the rushing TD record??? Do you think the record holder was/is on their mind??? Heck ya it is cuz they want to be better!!!
The unbeaten record will probably never be beaten because of the length of season (there were only 14 weeks in '72) and the talent of athletes playing the game today...there are people that dont even get to play in todays game that would have been stars in '72...


Originally Posted by ruaround
The unbeaten record will probably never be beaten because of the length of season (there were only 14 weeks in '72) and the talent of athletes playing the game today...there are people that dont even get to play in todays game that would have been stars in '72...
Don't forget the salary cap in today's nfl. Parady will make it difficult for the record to be broken but it will be someday. Look at how close Indy got.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
trust me barry quit because he had respect for the game
I don't agree with this for ONE SECOND took Emmitt Smith another season and a half to break Walter Payton's record, in which Barry Sanders would have done in '99... Barry Sanders was very unhappy with the front office of Detroit, which he has stated several times!!! He wanted a trade and the Lions tagged him their franchise player...his only option out was to retire...
Parady & Salary Cap IMO wont have as much to do with the unbeaten season, by having free agency and finagling the cap a team can get more marquee players on the same team, not to say this is the smartest thing (i.e. T O
) ... IMO Salary Cap and free agensy will hinder the next Dynasty, but that was said in the 90's and look what the Patriots did


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
trust me barry quit because he had respect for the game
DETROIT, MICH---Barry Sanders doesn't cite one reason for his abrupt retirement from the Lions four years ago. In his new autobiography, Sanders mentions quite a few.
Among them: his frustration with the organization, his doubts about its commitment to winning, the departure of former teammates -- and exhaustion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
have u also heard about the cell phone static one to
I have...why didnt he call back ASAP??? I think the Barry would have gotten more respect and would have proven his respect for the game by not quitting, not necesarily getting the record...Had he stayed and gotten the record there is no doubt he would be hailed as the best running back...right now im not sure if I put him in the top 5, he was a great back he was one of the best, but he will be pushed out of the top 5 in yardage soon...


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
he is #1 and everyone knows that including him he is kinda cocky about it to
When the situation gets tough...the quitters get gone. He quit plain and simple. There was no noble cause other than his own. When you look at when he exited and was obvious.
While he may have wanted to stick it to the orgnization and out of Detriot .....the fans certainly didn't deserve this. The class respectable thing to do would have been to walk away at the end of a season...not the beginning of training camp when all the good running backs were under contract. His actions remain obvious to me..
The numer one guy right now is Emmit...until such time that record is broken. Barry is not number one...that record is "earned"


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
When the situation gets tough...the quitters get gone. He quit plain and simple. There was no noble cause other than his own. When you look at when he exited and was obvious.
While he may have wanted to stick it to the orgnization and out of Detriot .....the fans certainly didn't deserve this. The class respectable thing to do would have been to walk away at the end of a season...not the beginning of training camp when all the good running backs were under contract. His actions remain obvious to me..
The numer one guy right now is Emmit...until such time that record is broken. Barry is not number one...that record is "earned"
Wow... I actually agree with you for the most part. He is a quitter. He sold out the Lions by faxing his resignation the night before training camp. Couldn't even face the people and answer questions until he wanted to sell a book. I used to see him around here at bars and night clubs.... we used to give him some sh--. He let down a city full of people who adored him. Many people around here, including me, lost all respect for his accomplishments simply by the manner that he left.
But he was the greatest running back to ever play...


Active Member
emmit is no where near as good as barry nor walter emmit has 4409 total caries 3838 caries and barry with 3062 caries with 15269 yards he was gonna blow by all of the records and for emmit he should hold the record look at how many times he caried the darn ball not to mention bary is the 3rd youngest player ever in the hall of fame