Are these tangs safe together?



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Very possibly... as noted earlier that size tank cannot provide proper food or habitat for 1 much less two of them however.
I think the issue isn't whether the species will get along as much as whether they feel their sense of territoriality has been threatened and whether they have room to graze. I bought a CA reactor Thursday from a guy that had a 6" blue hippo, a 4" Naso, a Yellow, Purple, and a Powder Brown in the same tank. Normally this would be a major no-no but he had them in other tanks and moved them all into the larger tank at the same time. It's about a 240-260 reef and he said the squabbles seemed to die down after the first week. I think even in that sized tank he's stretching the limits when you think of what they will probably grow into.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nathanrudy9
the question was do hippo tangs get along with eachother, a 3 in. and a 1 in.
why don't you go ask your marine biologist and leave this site to those who really care about this stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nathanrudy9
i fancy amateur opinions.. whats yours ?
my opinion is you should go away


Active Member
And folks, please do not dredge up a poster's past remarks and destroy the OP's thread.
If Nathanrudy causes problems his posts will be dealt with. No reason to ruin this thread over his past posts.


If anyone esle who lives in a a major city in the U.S. (i.e. LA,NY,) knows if 2 blue hippo tangs will get along with eachother let me know.
Thank you.


Active Member
Nathan, you've had one thread locked before because of your attitude and condescending remarks. I deleted your last post. Learn from your mistakes or move along.


it wasnt a mistake and you dont have the right to delete my post please dont be racist towards ppl who live in large cities that matter to the world...moving fwd...can two hippo tangs live together in peace if one is 3 in and the other is 1 in ?
thanks everyone fdor your anticipated cooperation and continued support


Active Member
Originally Posted by nathanrudy9
I have a 3 in. blue hippo tang in my 55 gal tank its the only tang fo now in adding on thursday a 3/4 in. blue hippo tang.. will they get along ? will they fight ?
All aquariums vary.
That said, in general, 1 much less 2 will not be ok in that size tank and yes they will probably fight.
Your question was originally answered on the thread you started 12-5 here


Active Member
Another thing to remember is that Hippo's are very prone to ICH even more so when they are smaller...I really need to get pics of mine on here....Its about 9" or so...Sorry...Didnt mean to derail..


so bottom line im better off not putting in the 1 in. hippo tang and just leave the 3 in. hippo tang in my 55 gal for now...and if the 1 in hippo tang is prone to ich will that affect the other animals in the tank...yellow carpet anemonie, hammer tourch coral,royal gramma,2 fp clown fish and white gobby.. ??? in putting in a fire shrimp and coral banded shrimp tomorrow can they help with the ich problem i may have ?...i have a 10 gal qt but theres nothing alive in it but rock and im not quite sure on the parameters...last i check they were decent the ammonia slightly high like ...(.20) please advise all opinions are appreciated.
thank you !


Active Member
*You're better off not having a Tang in a 55.
*Yes, if a fish comes into your tank with ich it introduces ich into your whole system and can affect all fish.
*No, they will not prevent ich.
*A QT tank should not have live rock in it. Live rock will die under reatment for many diseases which can lead to an Ammonia spike. Dead or live rock can house chemicals and medicines used to treat the tank and be difficult to clean. The best thing most folks have found is to use pvc joints of different sizes to give cover to your fish in QT. These can be easily cleaned or discarded after treating a tank.


Active Member
*You're better off not having a Tang in a 55.
*Yes, if a fish comes into your tank with ich it introduces ich into your whole system and can affect all fish.
*No, they will not prevent ich.
*A QT tank should not have live rock in it. Live rock will die under reatment for many diseases which can lead to an Ammonia spike. Dead or live rock can house chemicals and medicines used to treat the tank and be difficult to clean. The best thing most folks have found is to use pvc joints of different sizes to give cover to your fish in QT. These can be easily cleaned or discarded after treating a tank.


that all may be true ...prob is..but i have a 1 in b.h. tang coming to my door at 9 a.m. i can put it in the 10 gal. which i guess is a regular 10 gal and he'll be alone...theres about 5lb of lr in the 10 gal. or he can be a bit roomier in the 55...what do u suggest he must be put in water and i dont know anyone who would want a 1 in b.h tang most of the ppl i know who have tanks in thier offices have more like a 400+ gal tank. with much bigger fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nathanrudy9
so bottom line im better off not putting in the 1 in. hippo tang and just leave the 3 in. hippo tang in my 55 gal for now...and if the 1 in hippo tang is prone to ich will that affect the other animals in the tank...yellow carpet anemonie, hammer tourch coral,royal gramma,2 fp clown fish and white gobby.. ??? in putting in a fire shrimp and coral banded shrimp tomorrow can they help with the ich problem i may have ?...i have a 10 gal qt but theres nothing alive in it but rock and im not quite sure on the parameters...last i check they were decent the ammonia slightly high like ...(.20) please advise all opinions are appreciated.
thank you !

Your kicking yourself in the butt right now. I thought you pay someone to take care of your tank??? I don't think anyone is going to answer you this time after the comment you've made on your previous post.....My advice is you shouldn't be in the hobby period when you don't care about the life your killing when you made the comment saying they're only money.....