Are we nerds?


Active Member
What are you talking about?!?! Of course it's me!! Boy o boy if I had my mutator ring with me I would set it to...........well, you will see. BLAMMO!!


I read in newsweek I think a study done. It was titled
"Nerds or Jocks"
It when on to say that Micheal Jordan( the greatest player to ever touch a Basketball) makes with all his promotions, his line of clothes and contracts $4,000 every 2 hours. If he watches a movie he makes $8,000 just to sit there. would take him 50 years of saving every penny without spending anything to get as much money as Bill Gates has right now.
So if I had to be a nerd or jock guess what I would pick...


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
hehehahah quit it slothy, you made me slobber on my pocket protector!!:D

LOL, sammy is that a real pocket protector, or a tattoo??
tattoos dont count, but... we will let you in the club anyhow.


Active Member
After reading this thread for a while, I have to agree,
WHAT A BUNCH OF NERDS, what the hell was I thinking :eek:


Active Member
Do I watch scifi shows.......................................Yes
Do I like computers............................................Well, I work on them anyway.
Do I surf BB's....................................................Yes
Am I a reefaholic...............................................YES!
Am I socially challenged......................................No
Has anyone refered to me as a nerd......................No
Do I think some people may think we're nerds..........Probably
Would I care if they thought I/we are....................No
I'm happy with what I do and who I am and if someone wants to look at me and classifies me as a nerd, that isn't going to change who I am or what I enjoy, and I would never stop or change for them because I'm going to do whats best for me.
So to answer your question.
Are we nerds?...........................................................Depends on who you ask.
Should we care if someone or everyone thinks we are?.....NO!


New Member
Merriam Webster Definition...
: an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits
I'm a computer programmer, been called nerd most of my life...but when their computer stops working who do they call???
Likewise, when someone's tank is just not doing good, who they gonna call...


Active Member
rye where did you get that giant stuffed plecostamus? that is the coolest thing ever! i have my stuffed percula clown named shirley, and she sleeps with me all the time. were best friends!


YES you all are a bunch of nerds! Get a life!!!!!!!:p
Kidding.... I don't think any of you are nerds, (well maybe some) heehee... But if you're interested in something that you really like and invest so much time and money in it, that's just a hobby. That doesn't make you uncool. Personally, I think saltwater fish are so pretty. It's amazing if you think about how they just live in their own lil world. :D



Originally posted by sammystingray
Speaking of pretty....................:D sorry slothy, can't help it.:D ;)

It's okay, he's trading me for clams remember! :rolleyes:
Thank ya! :)


You are all such nerds. I want no further part in this.....ahhhhhhhh....ooowwwww.....nevermind, I guess resistance is futile;)
I think we are all nerds to some extent. I am a jock, but also in Mensa. I might spend all day Saturday learning to play the violin and messing with my tank and then spend all day Sunday watching football and working on my car. I guess I'm just a nerd every other day:D


Active Member
A nerd is such a relative term.
Go ask a nerd - who he or she thinks a nerd is ?
I've got a mirror - so I know who the nerd is around our house.
I'm a tanknerd for SURE !
But ...... dim down the lights, slip in a Pink Floyd CD and crack open some adult beverages ..... and the goofy tanknerd becomes ........
:( just a drunk tanknerd listening to some good tunes in the dark :p
Actually - I clean up okay and can get into most anywhere without drawing a crowd of too many nerds around me.
My wife thinks I'm pretty cool - at least that's what she told all my friends at our annual Erector Set vs Chemistry Set playoff barbeque !
Shine On Your Crazy Diamond :cool: :p


"Everyone is someone elses wierd-o"
and in this case maybe nerd.
Hey ntvflgirl how about that on a t-shirt, although it is not Reef safe.
Just like NaCl-H2O said, it is all in ones perception of you.
Now back to my BB's and PC repairs.:D


Nerd? No.
I don't think anyone here is socially challanged, and all the picts I've seen, we have a lot of nice looking people.
Learners, challengers, obsesive...yeah maybe.
I'm also one that care's about animals.
3 dogs
1 cat
fish, fish, fish.
Anyone want a dog? 3 is too many when you have a kid lol!


Man you guys really are nerds. Why do you have pocket protectors? That is so low tech. I spray the inside of my pockets with silicone sealant and it's like a bedliner on a truck. Now I can keep my C3P0 head pen in the pocket of my garanimals and never worry about ruining my members only jackets;)