Are we nerds?


Hmmmm, are we nerds???? I don't think so. Unless of course you play Dungeons & Dragons while waiting for your fish to acclimate, then you might be.


I hope my tank doesn't crash on December 18 since there will be noone here to answer my questions as we'll all be at the LOTR2 premier.
Seriously though, nerd rock is the best music. Weezer and NerfHerder are my favorite bands =W=:D


Cool, I'll save you a spot on the sidewalk for your tent.
New Orleans is a blast, i was there for a week and I can't wait to get back.


Honestly, I'd rather be in Florida. I love New Orleans for some things but after 29 years of it I'd welcome the change.


Maybe other parts of FL, but not this one. I was in LA when I was deciding what school to go to, I was visiting LSU. I realized I couldn't go there because I would never get any work done because girls from LA have a pretty hot accent. I was walking around in a daze for a week hearing them but not listening. LOL!


Yeah LSU can be quite distracting. My wife was going there when we met so I spent alot of time partying up there even though I went to school here in New Orleans.


In hindsight I probably should have gone there because I was going on a baseball scholarship and they have one of the best programs, but I settled on University of AZ. Now I find myself back in FL surrounded by old least I don't have to drive far when I retire, just give me my cadillac and my white shoes and I'll be ready to go.


LOL don't forget your black socks to go with those white shoes. You'll, apparently, also have to disavow any ability properly vote in an election.


Active Member
this is a hilarious post.
LATE IN LIFE - hell I have been doing FW for a while and am just now feeling confident enough to move up to SWF - and I am 31 .....
Man alive how do you young people afford this hobby????
Excuse me now while I go polish my slide rule collection


Active Member
Lets see. 1. I'm an archaeologist that has travelled and worked all over North and Central America. 2. Enjoy Guiness Stout. 3. Personally know Gene Simmons and have hung out with KISS on legs of their tours, as well as seeing over 250 other shows. 4. Love the ladies (and they love me-seems to get me in trouble though). 5. Am the lead signer in a rock band. 6. Love muscle cars, harleys. 7. Love to hunt and fish 8. Kung Fu
Am I a nerd. Not by most standards and even if somebody called me a nerd I'd slap a little Kung Fu on um and then let DINHOUSE beat um up!!!


Active Member
You know, I'm just not a Ford person, but those Fastbacks are awesome. Carol Shelby did a good job on those guys. I am a chevy man, particulary Chevelles. I've got a '69 that I've put a lot into over the years.


Active Member
:( I was almost convinced, until you mentioned Fords and Chevys,:eek: NO nerd drives a Mopar, Thank God Im safe:)


Active Member
hey, it's friday night, where is everybody?
i'm here so i guess i have to be a nerd. i also agree being a nerd requires social deficiencies. basically, to avoid being a nerd, i just try to dumb down what i say about my tanks, and try to just answer the questions they ask instead of rambling forever. i just have to remember everyone else doesn't really care about the details.


Hey Martin I'll agree with ya! The new tanks are coming along well. Just ordered a custom sump that will arrive around the middle of December. That leaves me with the the Fuge, Plumbing, and canopy modifications left to prepare. I'll end up with 1450 Watts in the 180 and 2200 Watts in the 250. Should have everything ready by the end of December!! (Nice X-Mas gift to myself!!) Then it's time to Rock-N-Roll!! :)
The corals are doing GREAT!!! If they continue their growth rate I'll be able to frag them in a couple of months!! Thanks again! Once I get the two tanks running we'll have to get together again - I'll have 430 gallons to stock!! LOL :D


I LOVE the ocean… And want to have a small piece of it in my living room. If that makes me a nerd, so be it.
But on the counter argument, I also write books, race bikes, have a band and travel to remote locations.
You decide..


I tend to think of us more as artists. Just look at your aquarium. Doesn't that trigger more emotion than so called "Abstract Art?"


In college both my roomate and I had saltwater tanks. That was 15 years ago when UGF were the norm I think. He and I picked up more women,drank more beer and were both varsity football members, good looking and extremely cool. Big strong Jocks who fly airplanes, SCUBA, parachute, hunt, fish and drive big trucks. not to mention being extremely successfull in business. My buddy just built a new home and I convinced him to built a tank into the bar downstairs, he did and now is on his fourth tank. Three in the basement and one aggressive setup in his kids room. The builder liked it so much he made them standard for his plans and now has two in his home with a deal at the LFS for the upkeep. After seeing their tanks I had to get back into the hobbie(I declined the LFS help so I can make a mess of it myself). Thanks to this board I have realised that learning is not so bad but I do talk over the LFS head sometimes!!!
Is there really such a thing as a nurd after age 21?
I Hope not cause my 20 year reunion is coming up and I do not want them giving me wedgies when I bring up my new tank. I do know the good girls are always interested. My wife and kids LOVE it. Anyone that doesn't can just kiss my a$$