Originally Posted by socal57che http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/20#post_3348677
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about#post_3348466
I have a single .22 at home, which is simply for protection, which I shoot maybe twice a year. So I by no means am an expert on handguns...
If you are serious about using it for home protection, I would choose a different round. A .22 can kill, but it just doesn't transfer enough energy to be real effective in a situation where you need it to protect your life or someone elses life. Great for target and plinking, but not so great for stopping an intruder with 1 shot. Just something to think about.
I agree a .22 might not be as intimidating looking but its definitely going to be lethal under circumstance. I someone breaks into your home, how far away is that person going to be? 5 yards, tops? And where are you going to point it? Probably their head.
If someone breaks into your house you have the edge, because you will have an idea where they are coming from, and they likely have no idea where you are. Unless your using subsonic ammo, your going to penetrate the skull at least on one side, and even if it doesnt that person is NOT going to be retaliating any time soon. And your typical burglar probably wont be armed with anything more then his fists or a knife.
And it all goes back to the gun control laws, do you really NEED anything larger then a .22? Should the rest be banned? I dont think so, but thats just me. : / But all reason I have for it have been previously stated.
Fun fact of the day: in most states (at least in new york)where extended mags are illegal, its not illegal to own an extended mag that was manufactured before the year that the law was inacted (dont remember the exact year).....yet in new york you still cant have any 'assault rifle looking' hardware/stock on your Rugar
....even though it does not increase the lethality of the gun AT ALL.
The stock i have on my ruger

I would LOVE to get a 30rd banana clip, a silencer, and a nice laser scope for it though....you know....for plinking.....seriously
Another fun fact, drop $400 in NY and you can add a silencer to your gun legally =l
Originally Posted by socal57che http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/20#post_3348677
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about#post_3348466
I have a single .22 at home, which is simply for protection, which I shoot maybe twice a year. So I by no means am an expert on handguns...
If you are serious about using it for home protection, I would choose a different round. A .22 can kill, but it just doesn't transfer enough energy to be real effective in a situation where you need it to protect your life or someone elses life. Great for target and plinking, but not so great for stopping an intruder with 1 shot. Just something to think about.
I agree a .22 might not be as intimidating looking but its definitely going to be lethal under circumstance. I someone breaks into your home, how far away is that person going to be? 5 yards, tops? And where are you going to point it? Probably their head.
If someone breaks into your house you have the edge, because you will have an idea where they are coming from, and they likely have no idea where you are. Unless your using subsonic ammo, your going to penetrate the skull at least on one side, and even if it doesnt that person is NOT going to be retaliating any time soon. And your typical burglar probably wont be armed with anything more then his fists or a knife.
And it all goes back to the gun control laws, do you really NEED anything larger then a .22? Should the rest be banned? I dont think so, but thats just me. : / But all reason I have for it have been previously stated.
Fun fact of the day: in most states (at least in new york)where extended mags are illegal, its not illegal to own an extended mag that was manufactured before the year that the law was inacted (dont remember the exact year).....yet in new york you still cant have any 'assault rifle looking' hardware/stock on your Rugar
The stock i have on my ruger

I would LOVE to get a 30rd banana clip, a silencer, and a nice laser scope for it though....you know....for plinking.....seriously
Another fun fact, drop $400 in NY and you can add a silencer to your gun legally =l