Asian pollution blamed for halt in global warming



1. if you are referring to the climategate emails there were plenty of committees that reviewed the research conducted and found the science to be sound. it was the communication and attitudes of the group in question the committees disagreed with. those finding are easy to get but no one seems interested in that fact, why would they when the spin is so much more fun?
2. even if they did its one small group of tens of thousands of people studying climate change. if we held a large group responsible for the actions of a few would that make all priests peodophiles? your space agency disagrees with you that there is no way of telling if we are in a warming or cooling period.
3. im still not convinced you arent saying this crap just to get me going. there is debate in the scientific community as to what is happening in the environment and thats fine. what is downright ridiculous is to believe proponents of climate change are soviet sympathisers trying to push a socialist agenda on america? if you were to talk like that in most parts of the world youd be institutionalised for schizophrenia. sorry to be rude but its one thing to argue the science and a complete other to extrapolate that the entire climate change community are leftist pinkos based on something you read that one guy said.
4. all this proof? as i said you cherry picked a few examples of whatever it was you found and make generalisations that arent even remotely sane.
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/40#post_3396076
Regarding global warming:
1. It was proven all of the "most respected" scientists were doctoring data and lying to the public because we "wouldn't understand"- the proof is in their own emails.
2. These same dirtbags have now been proven by this NOAA study to have been lying about the temperature rising the 1.5F in the last 10 years.
The earth has been far warmer in the past and far cooler. There is no scientific way to prove if in this tiny span of time we are having a naturally occurring warm up or cool down.
3. If you read the link I put up, you will see several of the most prominent global warming hoax scientists have said they will use the environment to institute socialism and change society. One of them is quoted as lamenting the destruction of the Soviet Union and vows to use environmentalism to do what Russia could not-spread socialism throughout the world.
4. Al Gore has made millions trading carbon credits and will make billions if this global warming hoax is forced on American industry.
So for me, the question "why are these scientists doing this" should be directed at you koolaid drinkers. Why after all this PROOF of malfeasance would you believe these dirtbags?


Active Member
lol, yes, we cooked and cherry picked the data, failed to properly record the data, but the conclusions are still good. yeah. what a joke.


look at the strategy behind any political attack ad and youll know. the world only has the attention span for soundbites and its far easier to smear than absolve oneself. our conservative gov repeated time and again that the liberal party planned to raise taxes if elected which was 100% not true. it didnt matter how many times the other parties refuted these statements they still stuck. as i said, the findings of the committees that reviewed the work of that group found the science to be sound but it doesnt matter. people arent going to take the time to read the reports of all these committees when the neatly packaged spin and smear is so much easier to consume and regurgitate!
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/60#post_3396959
If it was settled why the jihad against anyone who doubts the co2 theory?

darthtang aw

Active Member

restoration ecology/conservation biology.  currently working on translocating criticially endangered birds to increase their range and reduce their chances of extinction.
Couldn't you just have purchased a boat for the cost of your 20 day rental?


Active Member


thats logical and has no place in bureaucracy! its an obvious solution but the grants are ridiculously specific about what the $ can and cannot go towards. it really isnt on me, fws should purchase a vessel of their own but the red tape is quite restrictive.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/60#post_3397013
Couldn't you just have purchased a boat for the cost of your 20 day rental?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Nihoa http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/60#post_3397031
thats logical and has no place in bureaucracy!
its an obvious solution but the grants are ridiculously specific about what the $ can and cannot go towards. it really isnt on me, fws should purchase a vessel of their own but the red tape is quite restrictive.
That in a nutshell is why we are 14 scajillions in debt. People want a government program for everything and the only thing the government does well is spending a dollar when it could be done quicker and better for 40 cents.

darthtang aw

Active Member

thats logical and has no place in bureaucracy!  its an obvious solution but the grants are ridiculously specific about what the $ can and cannot go towards.  it really isnt on me, fws should purchase a vessel of their own but the red tape is quite restrictive.  
So it is then suffice to say the grants specify the outcome of the researsh due to how money is spent.
Like restristing how the money is spent to research a specific thing to acquire a specific conclusion....regardless of what other findings may be seen along the way. I am not saying climate change is false, I am saying the degree of impact man has on it is very miniscule. Instead of creating another ice age in 6 billion years...our impact is thus it will occur in 5.99999999o99 billion years instead..........this is the types of numbers we are talking when factoring the total amounts of other greenhouse gases we have no control over. The gases the grants do not allow for any study on......


no not at all. the restrictions on grants deal 100% with process and have nothing to say about the subject matter of the research. my grant $ can be used to charter a boat but cant be used to buy a boat or my equipment budget needs to be spent through u.s. businesses. that puts no pressure on me to provide results one way or another on whether i feel a bird should be moved?
same as money coming into the universities. when a gov gives $ to a uni here there is no control on their part as to how it is spent. usually the only requirement is proper reporting that you spent the $ as you said you were going to, again the focus is on process. there is no pressure in our lab to produce research saying a thing one way or another. in science we say if it disagrees with experiment it is false. it doesnt matter if there were pressures on us to doctor data, you will be caught as you have to publish your methods and analysis for people who are dying to tear you down. there are checks and balances in place which dont always work but show me a field with 100% piousness.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/60#post_3397040
So it is then suffice to say the grants specify the outcome of the researsh due to how money is spent.
Like restristing how the money is spent to research a specific thing to acquire a specific conclusion....regardless of what other findings may be seen along the way. I am not saying climate change is false, I am saying the degree of impact man has on it is very miniscule. Instead of creating another ice age in 6 billion years...our impact is thus it will occur in 5.99999999o99 billion years instead..........this is the types of numbers we are talking when factoring the total amounts of other greenhouse gases we have no control over. The gases the grants do not allow for any study on......

darthtang aw

Active Member
So if you get a grant to research co2 levels, and in your studies you also see water vapor having the same effect, can you use the grant money to also research water vapor effects...or do you have to stick to co2?


sorry its a bit of a weird question. if you received a grant to study co2 but in the process of that research found that water vapour played some role you would simply report the role water vapour played and there would be no restriction based on the grant you got. im asked to investigate the critical habitat requirements for birds and there is zero pressure or penalty to report that it is food vs any other variable. the whole point in a grant is to allow a researcher the means to figure out a problem. it is up to the researcher in the proposal stages to decide what bounds to put on the project.
you know that both bp and shell have accepted that climate change is occurring and that increased emissions from fossil fuel combustion and rearing of livestock are responsible for its acceleration? if those with the most to lose see the writing on the wall...
i would also say that when scientists first reported that pollution was acidifying rain and other precipitation there were hordes of nay-says that discounted our ability to affect the environment at that scale. same when it was found cfcs destroy ozone and put a whole in ozone layer. and of course not to mention the time and time again warnings were given over imminent fish stock collapses.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/60#post_3397069
So if you get a grant to research co2 levels, and in your studies you also see water vapor having the same effect, can you use the grant money to also research water vapor effects...or do you have to stick to co2?