Asian pollution blamed for halt in global warming


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming#post_3395768
I used to think that, until I started talking more thoroughly to Ron Paulites. Who are simply liberals, who don't like belonging to a large party... It blows my mind, talking to these people, they think they're constitutionalists, while parroting liberals on almost every topic (especially social topics)....
Thinking the government doesn't have the right to ban abortions or gay marriage isn't an endorsement of those things. It's understanding the constitutional limits on the power for the federal government.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nihoa http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming#post_3395770
the 'left vs right' divide in the states is scary as eff. scarier still not that its spilling over here into canada if you look at the way the last election went. the funniest thing about the anti-climate change movement is where is the motive for the scientific community to try and trick the world into believing in global warming? hah, whats the agenda and who is the mysterious 'they' leading the worlds scientists to pulling the wool over your eyes all in an effort to ... improve air quality? the evil of it all!!!
the same way there are fossilised seashells on mountaintops, geological process. the continents werent always where they are found today. and the rest of your comment proves and neglects everything i said. no one disputes that climate has varied through time, it naturally fluctuates. the problem is amplitude and rate = potential for a greater spike in warming occurring much faster than previous warming events.
I guess you missed the story about James Hansen taking money and "awards" from environmental groups that raise a lot of money based on his global warming theory. It's like the guy who thinks grizzly bears would be reintroduced on the Montana Idaho border. Wat would he have to gain? Well SOMEBODY has to track and study the bears. You don't suppose this "bear expert" would be on the short list for the job do you? Environmentalism is big business.


Active Member
The thing is with that NOAA chart is where the temperature guages are placed. By far most were in heavily urbanized areas, in which temperatures increased dramatically as concrete and steel raised temperature. I rarely use the a/c in my truck and as I leave the urban areas of Tucson and Sierra Vista into the open desert, I can feel the heat difference dramatically. Usually it is 5-8F less after getting out of town. I would love for some honest NOAA scientists to get the data from just the guages in rural areas. I'm confident the readings would be much less dramatic. As far as why the left is using environmentalism, it's all about giving governments more power and of course the pointy-headed elites will benevolently tell us how to live.

bang guy

Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395781
The thing is with that NOAA chart is where the temperature guages are placed. By far most were in heavily urbanized areas, in which temperatures increased dramatically as concrete and steel raised temperature. I rarely use the a/c in my truck and as I leave the urban areas of Tucson and Sierra Vista into the open desert, I can feel the heat difference dramatically. Usually it is 5-8F less after getting out of town. I would love for some honest NOAA scientists to get the data from just the guages in rural areas. I'm confident the readings would be much less dramatic. As far as why the left is using environmentalism, it's all about giving governments more power and of course the pointy-headed elites will benevolently tell us how to live.
That's interesting. When I lived in Tucson I noticed it being warmer outside the city in the day and warmer inside the city at night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nihoa http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming#post_3395770
the 'left vs right' divide in the states is scary as eff. scarier still not that its spilling over here into canada if you look at the way the last election went. the funniest thing about the anti-climate change movement is where is the motive for the scientific community to try and trick the world into believing in global warming? hah, whats the agenda and who is the mysterious 'they' leading the worlds scientists to pulling the wool over your eyes all in an effort to ... improve air quality? the evil of it all!!!
the same way there are fossilised seashells on mountaintops, geological process. the continents werent always where they are found today. and the rest of your comment proves and neglects everything i said. no one disputes that climate has varied through time, it naturally fluctuates. the problem is amplitude and rate = potential for a greater spike in warming occurring much faster than previous warming events.
Money is the motive. Anyone with half a brain, can look and connect the dots...
I love your argument, using amplitude, because it just doesn't make any sense, if you go listen to the climate change crowd. They're not talking about a huge % of change. IMO the change they're talking about tempurature wise is so small, I'd consider it inside a margin of error. But they consider it, earth shattering.
The changes needed to have glaciers all the way down in Kasas, or oceans covering most of Texas, is much much larger, than ANYTHING even on the "table" so to speak from the alamists.


Active Member
That's a microcosm of what legitimate scientists realize was causing the increase of average temperatures since the late 1800's. Global warming/climate change is a myth that unscrupulous leftist scientists are using to push us toward the socialist utopia they envision. In junior high science we were taught that "junk science" was forming a theory and then using anecdotal evidence to support it. That's "climate change" and why they keep modifying it as anecdotal evidence changes. In the 80's when I was in high school and "global warming" was first taught, we were told the whole earth was warming and that drought would overtake the entire world, and at that time there was drought all over. As the natural cycle changed and we had extreme cold and flooding, they changed the theory to say some places would get colder and some places more rain. You think? Oh yeah, that's proof of a natural cycle, but don't let evidence get in the way of a perfectly good theory that will empower the governments and enrich the true believing scientists. The coldest winter in Idaho history was 1990-1991. Here in Az, the last 2 winters were the coldest ever recorded. But we are supposed to believe these scientists who admitted in emails they were lying and covering up "inconvenient truths" to their theory and now NOAA admits that it's got cooler 2000-2010 after global warming scientist were lying and saying it was warming, but trust us it's pollution just masking the warming. And you global warming alarmist think we aren't paying attention?

bang guy

You made your point. I agree with your findings. I lived on the far East side of town so my anecdotal evidence is invalidated by your findings (which is common for anecdotal evidence).

bang guy

Oh, I'm sure it depends on the vehicle but I always got better gas milage with the windows up and the AC on when driving across the desert. Of course, it you were driving with the AC off AND the windows up then you were getting optimal mileage (and you're a tougher bloke than I).

darthtang aw

Active Member

the 'left vs right' divide in the states is scary as eff.  scarier still not that its spilling over here into canada if you look at the way the last election went.  the funniest thing about the anti-climate change movement is where is the motive for the scientific community to try and trick the world into believing in global warming?  hah, whats the agenda and who is the mysterious 'they' leading the worlds scientists to pulling the wool over your eyes all in an effort to ... improve air quality?  the evil of it all!!!
the same way there are fossilised seashells on mountaintops, geological process.  the continents werent always where they are found today.  and the rest of your comment proves and neglects everything i said.  no one disputes that climate has varied through time, it naturally fluctuates.  the problem is amplitude and rate = potential for a greater spike in warming occurring much faster than previous warming events.   
Who let the canadian on my american interweb?
Darth (surrounded by commies) Tang


Active Member
No the windows are always down.
I rarely drive over 55, even on the freeway. So the drag created is very minimal. I get 20 mph in my 98 Ram if I keep it at 55 and it drops like a stone over that. At 65 mph it's about 16 mpg and 75 mph it's about 14 mpg. So slow and easy is the only way I go.

bang guy

Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395837
No the windows are always down.
I rarely drive over 55, even on the freeway. So the drag created is very minimal. I get 20 mph in my 98 Ram if I keep it at 55 and it drops like a stone over that. At 65 mph it's about 16 mpg and 75 mph it's about 14 mpg. So slow and easy is the only way I go.
Yeah, I was always in a blasted hurry due to poor planning. 85 in the K-5 on the I-10 between Tucson & Phoenix so MPG was minimal.


there is no end to paranoia. big business? similar to your bearologist i am an ecologist working on reintroductions of hawaiian birds and i was just saying to my collegue the other day how nice it is to be in a flush field as we lit cubans with hundreds and snorted coke off high price strippers. you show me a well paid ecologist and ill give you the 'good job for finding a well paid ecologist' medal.
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395780
I guess you missed the story about James Hansen taking money and "awards" from environmental groups that raise a lot of money based on his global warming theory. It's like the guy who thinks grizzly bears would be reintroduced on the Montana Idaho border. Wat would he have to gain? Well SOMEBODY has to track and study the bears. You don't suppose this "bear expert" would be on the short list for the job do you? Environmentalism is big business.


elaborate on $ is the motive. what lefty scientist is cashing in making you think global warming is occurring? if you want to make $ in science you work FOR industry not AGAINST industry.
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395820
Money is the motive. Anyone with half a brain, can look and connect the dots...
I love your argument, using amplitude, because it just doesn't make any sense, if you go listen to the climate change crowd. They're not talking about a huge % of change. IMO the change they're talking about tempurature wise is so small, I'd consider it inside a margin of error. But they consider it, earth shattering.
The changes needed to have glaciers all the way down in Kasas, or oceans covering most of Texas, is much much larger, than ANYTHING even on the "table" so to speak from the alamists.


Active Member
Al Gore owns the biggest carbon trading company and has made millions so far and, if this cap and trade and carbon credit scheme gets rammed through, will make billions. Too many "climate scientists" think big government and restricting what we can buy is the way they can exert their agenda and thus make serious $ as the "experts" that will tell us how we should live. Every idea to prevent a problem that doesn't exist involves the government forcing people to do what the pointy headed scientist say. It is an incestuous relationship between power hungry liberal politicians and know-it-all scientists. The vast majority of scientists live on the government dime and it is in their interest to put out cr@p that keeps the government $ flowing. It ain't too hard to follow the money.


i cant tell if you are serious or if this is a parody of insane right wing drivel? that may or may not be true about gore, i have no idea. but making the connection between al gore and ALL climate scientists is a big one and makes no sense. you make no case for why there would be troves of leftist climate scientists dying to implement 'big government agendas'??? its quite a random and bizarre way to go about sneaking dreaded socialism into america! as i said above, divisive politics in the states is scary. anything you disagree with its the same rant, just swap out climate changers with fag or atheist or baby killer or _____.
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395882
Al Gore owns the biggest carbon trading company and has made millions so far and, if this cap and trade and carbon credit scheme gets rammed through, will make billions. Too many "climate scientists" think big government and restricting what we can buy is the way they can exert their agenda and thus make serious $ as the "experts" that will tell us how we should live. Every idea to prevent a problem that doesn't exist involves the government forcing people to do what the pointy headed scientist say. It is an incestuous relationship between power hungry liberal politicians and know-it-all scientists. The vast majority of scientists live on the government dime and it is in their interest to put out cr@p that keeps the government $ flowing. It ain't too hard to follow the money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nihoa http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395887
i cant tell if you are serious or if this is a parody of insane right wing drivel? that may or may not be true about gore, i have no idea. but making the connection between al gore and ALL climate scientists is a big one and makes no sense. you make no case for why there would be troves of leftist climate scientists dying to implement 'big government agendas'??? its quite a random and bizarre way to go about sneaking dreaded socialism into america! as i said above, divisive politics in the states is scary. anything you disagree with its the same rant, just swap out climate changers with fag or atheist or baby killer or _____.
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395882
Al Gore owns the biggest carbon trading company and has made millions so far and, if this cap and trade and carbon credit scheme gets rammed through, will make billions. Too many "climate scientists" think big government and restricting what we can buy is the way they can exert their agenda and thus make serious $ as the "experts" that will tell us how we should live. Every idea to prevent a problem that doesn't exist involves the government forcing people to do what the pointy headed scientist say. It is an incestuous relationship between power hungry liberal politicians and know-it-all scientists. The vast majority of scientists live on the government dime and it is in their interest to put out cr@p that keeps the government $ flowing. It ain't too hard to follow the money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nihoa http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395873
elaborate on $ is the motive. what lefty scientist is cashing in making you think global warming is occurring? if you want to make $ in science you work FOR industry not AGAINST industry.
??? umm, judging from your post, you've NEVER EVER heard of a grant... You don't think companies/governments/politicians who stand to gain from the alchemy of turning carbon into gold, aren't greasing the "scientific" wheels funding proponents of the global warming hoax? Heck last month, this guy got "busted"
You surely can't think that the global warming crowd is so altruistic that they aren't producing what they are paid to produce? Heck you'd have to be to ignore that bad science that they spit out... To cover up the loss of data, to cherry pick temperature data to shape their findings, to arbitrarily increase the "rise" in the oceans by 20% claiming that the basin holding the water has grown during their seawater projections
btw 5 minutes on google will lead you to articles reporting all these stories...


well thats just not true to begin with. there is much more $ coming from the private sector, industry, than government. if you go through biology, the natural sciences, or engineering there is far more $ to be made working for industry than gov. geologists working for the mining, fossil fuel industries, biologists ending up in companies involved in fisheries, forestry or agriculture. and on and on. often those that end up in gov take significant pay cuts but get to study things beyond what interests corporate research & development. i could make way more $ in the forestry sector here at home but i work on bird conservation cus i have a passion for it. dont assume everyone is motivated by the money.
and further, governments change all the time which flies in the face of your argument. you had 8 years of bush who wanted nothing to do with climate science and we currently have a conservative gov muzzling canadian scientists of all stripes. if it is in their interest to crank out science relative to gov interest why werent those scientists mute during your bush years or now during our harper years?
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386519/asian-pollution-blamed-for-halt-in-global-warming/20#post_3395890
The vast majority of scientists live on the government dime and it is in their interest to put out cr@p that keeps the government $ flowing. It ain't too hard to follow the money.