

quick question....
I'm at player level 5-90%
rank: 1486 (56)....
....not too bad for a "newbie"......right?..........
I was in the top 500 before a few days ago (briefly).....and found myself atttacked by 3 different guys........
......and I didn't even drop the soap......:D


Active Member

Originally posted by belothsurf
....if 2 different people send destroyers to one planet (mine) at the same time, do their destroyers fight each other if I still have the planet? They sent no transports...

Whoever got tothe planet first would siege the planet (assuming they defeated any starbase and fleet. The second player would fight the first players fleet.
That can be used to your advantage. Earlier this beta, I launched a fleet at my ally's planet to allow him to break free of a besiegement.


Active Member

Originally posted by Ty_05_f
How do I buy astrodollars through my pp?

At the planets screen, you need to "spend all points" in the lower right. After you click that, you will see another screen. Click "intrastellar trade". Your astrodollars can now be viewed on the trade screen. You need to have at least 150 total PP's on all your planets to use this function.
This function is very helpful to get the production from secondary planets to your main planet. Make sure you spend any points on planets that you are trying to build up, then spend all points, then rebuy PP's. To do this go to the trade screen and then click on buy at the bottom of the screen. If you click on PP's, you can find your PP's all at your main planet.



Originally posted by Ty_05_f
How do I buy astrodollars through my pp?

:hilarious ....That is funny.:)
Anyway, this game is getting interesting. I think I may be addicted. When I first wake up in the morning (or whenever) first thought is ..."gotta check on my planets and fleet" first thought "used" to be ....."coooffffeeee....:sleepy: ".
Anyway, just as I thought I was about to be gang banged, my Spanish friend comes to my rescue. I now find myself being a mediator between 2 Spanish guys, a French guy, a German guy, and I'm trying to get to another American from Chicago who's getting slammed by another French guy, so I can help him. I'm probabaly going to have to fight another French guy, just to be able to help my American friend. Now I know how Colin Powell feels at a UN meeting......:D
In 24 hours I will be able to make cruisers.......:D :D


Active Member
Cruisers in 24 hrs. Not bad for a noob. BTW I built 6 battlships today, to go along with my 500ds, now I just need a victim.



Originally posted by StacyT
Cruisers in 24 hrs. Not bad for a noob. BTW I built 6 battlships today, to go along with my 500ds, now I just need a victim.

Ouch...! :D What makes me mad, being a "noob", is that I didn't even check in for the first 2 days of this beta, maybe 3, and I signed up on the 12th. Then it took me 2 days to figure things out. I would definitely do things differently given another chance. Oh well, gotta play the cards I'm dealt, even though I was the dealer.....Sorta.....:D
BTW, Stacy, you built 6 Battleships and have 500 ds? My friiieeennnddd! I have always liked you. You are a great guy! Smart, intelligent, and I even hear the women say you are good looking. Myyyyy Buuuuuuddddyyyyyyyyy!
:D :D :D


...keep in my mind, I took the "noob" neutral race, I'm at player level 6-73%, and am in the 1300's, and I'm just getting warmed up......


I just went back and re-read this thread, and it was actually about the 4th day before I really checked in.....(patting myself on the back).......:D
Question? I was reading in the AW forums about how this is supposed to be a longer game. How long should this one last?


Active Member
The last beta lasted 8 weeks. This one will probably last closer to 10-12 weeks.
Culture levels and each science level counted as points in the last beta. This beta, culture levels don't count for anything and science levels only apply for levels greater than 20. Within 4 hours, I will be at level 15 in 4 science areas. Within another two weeks, I am sure I will be scoring points for science levels.


Active Member
Probably close to the time this beta is over I'll have BIO 23. I may be able to send a little fleet to the guys that ganged up on you. We'll see how it plays out.
You are doing very well for a noobie though. I've been surrounded by them, but its been a lot of fun. Still havn't lost a single fight. Now I'm up 2 PL's today, and will gain at least 1 more tomorrow. Than over the weekend after I'll regroup all my fleet, and someone will be hurting real bad.
I did find a victim to send my fleet at. He attacked another alliance member. I can only imagine his surprise when he logged in and saw what was headed his way. He panicked and launched everything he had at me. Of course he was so slow, that I had time to build another fleet and get it to the planet before him. I can only imagine his surprise when he logged in, and realized that he lost his fleet of 189 DS. Plus he has another fleet inbound, and that one will die as well. Not to mention the fact that I have 1 of his planets now under seige with 338DS, and 2 BS, and reenforcments on the way.
Plus I had another noob launch a fleet at my spend all planet. He's so slow that I have 36 hrs to prepare for that fleet. I sent him a PM, and thanked him for attacking me.
congrats to elfdoctors for maintaining that player ranking. I know how tuff that can be. I dropped down to the 1000's, but after todays fighting I'm back in the 700's.


Staff member
Let me say here, the advise that you guys have posted here has really helped this newbie out treamendously. Now that I have the cumulative knowledge of you high ranking warriors, I pledge to never take your planets. :D
I hope to take my 9th planet today. All other planets in my system are under seige by me. If I can take and keep the whole system, I will really build my defense force before moving out to the other systems. There are a few emperial types out there, so I want to make sure my own system is secure before venturing out. I hope to achive a Science level of 15 this weekend in Math, and then will begin to add cruisers to my fleets.
Any tips from the pros are alway appreciated.
And a special thanks to the doc for all his help and advise. He is ranked 10 now! :cheer:


I started less than 2 weeks ago.
I'm at 24/69 if anyone nearby wants to ally.
I own 3 planets, 5 by tommorrow. The other 3 players in my system don't seem to be doing much so I might end up taking the whole system.

I can see 5 systems now, 2 don't seem to be advancing, which I guess I should add to my 'places to conquer list', 1 is almost occupied by one player (maybe I should ally with this guy) :thinking:, 2 systems have planets occupied by all their players, I can only hope they're fighting each other for planets and not allied working their way over here. :nervous:
Do planets in red signify they've been occupied by outsiders or won in battle?



Originally posted by zephyrlily
Do planets in red signify they've been occupied by outsiders or won in battle?

It means that someone has a fleet on that planet, either to destroy an opponent for experience, or for future occupation, or both.


Staff member
Red means that someone has seiged the planet, but not own the planet. Currently I have 3 under siege waiting for Culture to advance so that I can completely own the planets.


Active Member
elfdoctors it would appear that you have some new recruits for the next beta!!
We'll need a few more NEMOs next beta.
For some reason I just havn't been making any freinds in this game, excpet for the ones in our alliance.:thinking: Maybe I should stop building big fleets and sending them to my neighbors??:D
Last beta elfdoctors and I even made a guy so mad that he's trying to form his own alliance this beta, called the anti-NEMOs.


Active Member
I really struggled early last beta. I agree with StacyT that it is a lot more fun to work with other people within an alliance. As the new players are all saltwater enthusiasts, they should be welcome to join the NEMOs next beta. People usually need a beta to realize what they should have done earlier.
Cornelios, a player from Spain, was hard to topple, as he had a +4 attack bonus. We finally did it at the end of last beta. I'll try to post his avatar on the end of this message. :notsure:
I have a big battle tonight. If I win, I will probably get 12 points, and my 11th planet, and be back up in the rankings tomorrow.