

Staff member
Who knows if it continues longer if the superfleets are knocking down the top players. :rolleyes:
I'm not experienced enough to say whether funding should be allowed or not. I think the ability to fund certainly makes things more realistic, and makes the game much harder. It stimulates other stradegies to be advanced such as super diplomacy and work on allies. Also, it does give other players who funded the feeling of contributing to their fav alliance or player whereas they would not be involved at all in the finale win or fight wo astrofunding.
Its really a complex game based on very simple gaming tools. I am still just learning all the ins and outs.
Who funds all the alliance forums?? :confused:
Its kinda a bummer that fighters can't win this game.....:notsure:


There is no need to help me at all Doc. It's just to late this beta.
Be sure to give us a time for signup next beta and perhaps some tips on what you or the others would choose for the + and - race bonus for next time.


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
There is no need to help me at all Doc. It's just to late this beta.
Be sure to give us a time for signup next beta and perhaps some tips on what you or the others would choose for the + and - race bonus for next time.

Will do! The optimal race modifiers are being discussed now. We will have to wait to see how AllesRogers changes things for beta 8 before making any recommendations.


Game over. Finally. That was interesting, watching who would get knocked down next. I thought Runner was going to make it.
Sorry Doc, we tried. At least we took ES out of the picture.The French are strong.
In beta 8, we need to make a concerted effort to not allow the French to win. There is no reason why the U.S. should not be dominating this game.
Anyways, so we have 9 days till next beta. Do you have to resign and then re-sign up again?
Man, that was fun! I've made some neat friends from all around the world. My friend, Frank, (Blechdepp) an architect student from Germany, is about to have his 26th birthday on Saturday. He likes to tell me about his problems with his "scrap-heap" car. He also has a relative in Pensacola. We've talked about all the hurricanes. It's been interesting, to say the least. Also, Germany is very much in agreement with the U.S,'s policy on Iraq, at least according to him.
Anyway, it's been fun. Thanks Doc.
Spot :D


Staff member
I know that the game is over, but why is it still running? I am still able to "play" so to speak.
I think to have good stradegy, the best bet is to have members from Europe and the Americas on the same alliance....that way you have 24-hr coverage and no one has to fall down dead from exhaustion trying to be on the game around the clock. However, for real life, this is likely not going to happen as AW players will gravitate to their own nationalities.
Anyway, it was a nice experience. However, I can't spend my life on AW so, I'm going to pass playing the next round. Good luck to the NEMOS and CORE! :cheer:


Active Member
You can continue to play until just before the next beta starts. Some people use up their fleets. Some attack players they wanted to attack during the beta. Some resign and start over to test out a new race. I experimented with artifacts during beta 6.5 as I never got to buy one during beta 6.
Sorry you will not be joining us next beta, Beth. You seemed to be a good player!
Belothsurf, it sounds like we got you hooked. The diplomacy is very interesting. I have been amazed at how many educated people from around the world that I have been able to converse with during this game.


Staff member
This game is not for dummies, that is for sure. If all you do is build your planets and fight occasionally, then you are missing out on 80% of what the game is about. I read a long post by Orphebus this morning at the GPS site about what happened, and I was simply astounded of the complexities of the game and the dedication to the game that all rankers and their core fighters must have. Hat off to all of them! None of them are simpletons, that is for sure.
I feel very fortunate, as a new player, to have stumbled into Orphebus's realm. He was the one who actually recruited me for his alliance. To be that close to all the action was really something.
Thanks, doc, for your compliment. You and Stacy had a lot to do with my being a step ahead of most new players. I may play again in the future, but right now, I have no time for both AW and


Active Member
Beth you where a really good player. Considering when you started, and how well you where ranked at the end. When you want to play another beta let me or eldoctors know, and we'll get you in an area with us.
belothesurf you did very good as well. Maybe we'll see eachother in the next beta. I'd look forward to working with you. Is your alliance picked startup times for their players?
thomas you need to get into an alliance next beta. You seemed to be a good scorer, but it's a hard game on your own. Start about the same time as elfdoctors and I.
elfdoctors and I are great at taking players out. We've begun to earn respect from some of the top alliances/players in the game. Right before I resigned I took a planet in a mostly IS controlled system. They where rather surpised to say the least.
I myself have been recruited to the TZAR alliance for next beta. I like the way they handle diplomacy. Some warefare, some espionage, and some Diplomacy. A well rounded mix, and I think I'll fit in with them.
I worked with their generals this last beta, and we think alike in terms of strategy. We should be a powerfull force next beta.


Thanks Stacy.
We haven't decided a time yet, but I'll let you know. We're discussing all that now. I think we've decided that we definetly want to be friends with TZAR and The Nemo's, of course.
And STG has been tight with HNU. Doc, I'm counting on you putting in a good word for STG. We'll help "spread the reef":jumping: .:D


Active Member
Belothsurf, I'll do my best.
The NEMOs are sorry to see StacyT leave. However, we are getting back at least 5 former members already. Since the NEMOs and TZAR are allies we hope to continue to work together. We are still hashing out stategy for the upcoming beta. New members are welcome. I will let people know when we will be logging in. Feel free to join us.
The new rules changes for beta 8 have just been published. Money transfers have been eliminated except between players who have trade agreements. This change will dramatically change how this game is played.
Experience will be cut to 25% if you do not have at least 2 surviving ships of one type. I think that defense negatives are a poor choice for next beta (I had a -2 this beta).
All racial modifiers except speed have been decreased. Racial choices will generally matter less during the upcoming beta. I had a -2 to culture and still ended up with 20 planets before the end. I will probably have another -2 to culture this beta. I had a +4 to production this beta (in a support role) but I will probably take a -1. I feel that attack and growth are two essential areas to have bonuses, if possible, this coming beta.


Staff member
I really don't understand why races were ever included in this game. Its is basiaclly giving you a handicap or an edge. Oh well, I'm far from understanding every nuance of AW.


Active Member
It puts one more level of complexity into the game. For alliances, or for different types of players, it does have its role. AllesRoger has toned down many of the bonuses, especially to growth and culture, over the last several betas. There are even some specialized races such as trader and banker which give people something different to try each beta (although bankers are now almost irrelevant).
It also gives you another way to blame yourself when you see that your ranking has been slipping. :D


Staff member
I'm suprised how everyone stop fighting just because the game is over......most players don't even come close to winning, and never even expect to, but it seems like once the winner was announced, everyone left. LOL
You notice how the Europeans take a lot of "Holidays" [vacations]. :D


Active Member
After much deliberation, I have decided to join with TZAR (and StacyT) and leave the NEMOs for the next beta. I have been concerned that the NEMO alliance is becoming too military in its orientation. Many of the marine aquarists are leaving as the casual players are not as welcome. They also tend to give new players very little forum access for quite a while after they join. This is not the way it was when I first joined. I tried to make some changes, but the military types seem to have more influence.
We will post a new thread for beta 8 with a proposed new signin time within the next several days. It will probably be Wednesday evening.
In the meantime, I have generated a fleet of over 10,000 destroyers. I am destroying a few enemies but have yet to meet up with much resistance. I hope to get some experience before the end of this beta.


Staff member
So, does anything that a player does in this game count or carry over to the next? Or do you have to go thru a whole new sign-on procedure and start right from the beginning?


Active Member
Beth nothing carries over to the next beta, other than your name, and reputation.
The next beta, everyone starts over. Thats the hard part. One day you have a fleet like elfdoctors, 20 planets, lvl 25 sciences, and the next day you have nothing but 1 planet.
Last beta I was to the point of being unstoppable in my sector, and building 10+ BS a day, than all of a sudden down to 1 planet.


Active Member
I can actually build 53 battleships daily right now. My sciences are now Bio 28, Econ 20, Energy 29, Math 31, Physics 32 and social 29. I have 521 points. It is a shame that I have to start over. I will end up with 21 planets with my culture almost up to 22.
The first few days are crucial to having a strong game. If you read the interview with snakepit in the forums, you will see that he says that waiting even an extra hour to get a factory early on can make a large difference later on in the game.
I have been sending my fleet along with transports at two NAP breakers. I am surprised that they don't resign.
TZAR is much more multinational than NEMO. I have already been meeting more foreign players.


Staff member
TZAR wants to seriously produce rankers/warriors and beat PM, as you know very well. Thus, they cross all nationalities to obtain the best players. Its a good stradegy. I was actually the only one from USA in my alliance. GPS players are all Spanish, and mostly from Spain. But they welcome all.
I did read snakepit's interview. I think that that is why I did do fairly well in this game. I was on top of production every step of the way from day 1. I actually would have done a lot better but I got that big attack towards the end of the game which Stacy helped me with :D but I never completely recovered after that. Of course after that astrofunding began and all my money went to fund Orph rather than rebuuild my planets.
The forums can be really entertaining.
They certainly let it rip without mercy in there....unlike what I am used to with moding
Why do a lot of top fighters build DS fleets moreso than BS? Is it because it doesn't hurt as much to loose a DS? I thought it was a lot harder to bring down BSs, thus you would be more likely to loose less fleet in battle. Maybe it is because you can divide your fleets more during attacks?
I was able to build 15 BS/day by end of game....hehehe


Active Member
Destroyers have the best attack ratio. Therefore they maximize the probability of victory. This is countered by heavier losses.
In the mid-game, cruisers and battleships are of great value especially if you do not have a bonus to defense. However, towards the end of the beta, you worry less about losses and need to maximize your chances of victory.


Hey Doc and Stacy,
What do you think about the new rule changes? I've been reading opinions in the AW forums and it's starting to make my head swim.
What would now be a good race setting for me? I'm wanting to lean a little towards the fighter side. We already have our farmers and warriors, so I want to be somewhere in the middle.
Thanks in advance.
Go Cocks!!!!
(football bet I lost):D