Atlantic Carpet Anemone STUNG my Tang!!!


Active Member
My sailfin tang got wasted by my anemone last night. It's whole entire side is peeling away. It is breathing quite heavy and don't know if its going to make it. I was wondering if I should put it in my fuge or will that be too much stress? So should I try to put it in the fuge? Its does swim still but my closed loop is pretty strong and didn't know if it would help to put it in a low flow current... in the fuge.
I'll post pics in a little bit.
Any help or advice would be great.


Active Member
You need to get him out of there and into a QT asap! He will need treatment for a secondary bacterial infection. Poor thing.:(
EDIT:The fuge is better than nothing,but he still needs to be dipped on the way. Good luck. Are you feeding this anemone? You realize they do not host fish and will eat them? I would get rid of it. No offense.


Active Member
This makes me hate anenomes even more.. I think that having clowns play with them is awsome but if they kill or harm ur fish thers no point.. Ive heard so much bad stuff about fish dieng cause of them. I will never keep one.


Active Member
They are overrated and should be left in the ocean. I don't keep them anymore. Carpets have a very bad sting. I have had them wrap around my hand and cause dozens of welts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
They are overrated and should be left in the ocean. I don't keep them anymore. Carpets have a very bad sting. I have had them wrap around my hand and cause dozens of welts.
I agree, they should be left in the oceans due to the high mortality rate in captivity...they are not really suited for most tanks.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Lubeck
How do I treat the tang? what do I use?
IMO time it the only thing it needs right now. A little extra of its favorite food might help as well.


Active Member
Thanks Bang I will give her some seaweed. I hope this helps. I tried breifly to get her out and there is too many rocks so i will just have to wait it out.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Lubeck
Thanks Bang I will give her some seaweed. I hope this helps. I tried breifly to get her out and there is too many rocks so i will just have to wait it out.
IMO the stress of trying to remove a Tang from a reef it usually harder on the Tang than the injury. It does make treatment easier but the act of catching a Tang will usually put their immune system on standby and then they are exposed to infection & disease.


you should try to use that plastic soda bottle trap method, i saw it here. just cut at the top of bottle (around the top) 2-3 in down,then cut the top part off, insert it backwards into bottom of the bottle and add seaweed/food and place in tank where tang will swim in but cant really get out becase of top...good luck!!


Active Member
She was on her side for some time so I scooped her up with one swipe. I put her in the fuge. She didn't eat the seaweed either.
So HOw do I treat her? What do I need to get?


Active Member
Oh yeah.... does anyone want to trade for an Atlantic Carpet Anemone. I'll take 1 polyp of ricordea or zoos for it. I decided I had enough. It got my damsel last week. My first fish death since tank inception.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
She was on her side for some time so I scooped her up with one swipe. I put her in the fuge. She didn't eat the seaweed either.
So HOw do I treat her? What do I need to get?
So sorry to hear this! I'm not really sure there's anything you can give her, just give her time and peace. You're really lucky that the carpet actually let go. Normally, they'd just eat the fish. If she gets a bacterial infection from it or something, then you can get medications and what not, but I wouldn't. You don't want to stress her anymore than you have to, right now.


Active Member
hey lubeck!
yeah carpets are bad news in reef tanks!
they shoiuld be in a species only tank
i have my 8" rbta in my reef with sps and everything else its never killed a fish and ive seen fish bump into it without even a grimmace.... the rbta has bumped up against other softies and they dont even getr hurt
id say toss the carpet and get a bta if ur lookin for an anemone and clown in ur tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
hey lubeck!
yeah carpets are bad news in reef tanks!
they shoiuld be in a species only tank
i have my 8" rbta in my reef with sps and everything else its never killed a fish and ive seen fish bump into it without even a grimmace.... the rbta has bumped up against other softies and they dont even getr hurt
id say toss the carpet and get a bta if ur lookin for an anemone and clown in ur tank
Carperts arent as bad as everybody makes them out to be , I have not had one problem with my carpet ....... If the carpet is wrapping around your hand there is a sinple remedy to that ..... KEEP YOUR FREAKING HAND AWAY FROM IT. De De De . Theres no reason to say that they should be left in the ocean. People just need to use common sense and understand what type of fish should and shouldnt be in the tank with this anemone. Granted they do pack quite a sting, nobody said your supposed to play with it.


Active Member
I just got back from the lfs and traded the capet in for a seabea. I hope that was a good descion.
I just went down to the fuge SHE's GONE RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!