Attn: Squidd


:help: :help: :help: :help:
i read the whole plumbing 101 thread and i have many questions of my own now.
1] im building a stand for a 55 gal tank and wanted to make a sump out of a 20L. in order to fit that tank inside, i have to build a stand for the 75 gal size tank. is that ok?
2] another thing is taht i have plans for the stand but i need someone to tell me if it will hold my tank and maybe if i decide to upgrade to 75 if it will hold a 75 too?
3] also what shold the overflow size be and the parts of the sump.
4] and lastly, i have no idea how to make my sump. i have an HOB CPR bakpak2 skimmer that will go in the sump and i want to have the fuge in there also. i know im gonna need a mag 9 to pump wayter back to the MT, but what will i need inside the sump and ...
i have many more questions but these are the most pressing ones as im planning to build the stand this weekend [hopefully]
:help: :help: :help: :help:


here is the picture i found in one of the threads
i changed the number to fit my size tank 31x12x13 [extra inch for the frame included]


Active Member
Hey, Im glad you were able to make it all the way through the "101" thread....although I see it keep you up till near "midnight" before you could ask questions.... :D
I didn't see this till I got home after work today...
1.I encourage building extra depth and length into your stand from the start...otherwise many people end up with way less sump/fuge than optimal due to size constraints...
2. Shouldn't be a problem setting a 55 on a stand built for a fact while building, try to size it to fit the 55 "under" the stand for a S/F for your future 75... :yes:
3.Overflow size and sump "parts" are calculated off "Goal Flow" and the answers to the questions on page one of the "101" thread...
4."but what will i need inside the sump"... besides the skimmer and return pump...??
. Baffles... :yes:
As far as sump/fuge design...try something like this...


i have never seen such a design.
what are the advantages of it and dissadvantages?
wouldn't i need two overflows for that?
im really not all that DIY ish, so if i can avoid doing extra, i would love to.
other that that, i would also like how big the compatments in the sump each should be, or how can i calculate them?
also, if i decide to make it FOWLR for now, would still be ok to have a sump/fuge on it and MH/VHo combo lights?
lastly, the size inside the stand im getting with my stand design is 41"x13" or 11"x37" depending whether i will decide to go with 2"x4" or 4"x4" wood thingys.which ones would be better.
im really starting from scrathch, so ill be a bit annoing with many questions to ask.
:confused: :thinking: :notsure:


ok...the deal is like this.
im getting a 75gal tank [not drilled] and a 40 breeder sump/fuge.
im making a DIY stand that will be 50x19x35.
i have an HOB CPR bakpak2 skimmer, which im still hoping to use in the sump [ iknow its a bit downsized for the new tank, but $$ is a big issue rite now 4 me ]
two overfolows in each corner
sinse my tank is not drilled [my LFS wanted 245 for a drilled 55. i dont think i want to know how much they will ask for a 75 reef ready] i will nedd an HOB overflow, but have no idea how to make them or wjat size they should be. its good that at least i know how they look :D .
i will be using a mag12 as the return pump, my fuge should be around 30 gal [20" around], everything i dont know.
also im shooting for a 30X the flow rate, so thas around 2250gph. 1200 gph from the overflow, the rest from chaotic movement suplemental devices.
i would also like to incorporate my eheim 2213 filter to help a bit for the skimmer [im not if it makes sense]
the lights i was planning to put on a 55 were dual 175MH with 2 110Watts VHO, but now i have to higher sinse i have extra 25 gal to light up. so i was thinking if i add 2 96watt PC would taht be enough or i would still need dual 250watt MH?
i'd lime to keep SPS and clams, along with LPS and softies. and ofcourse fish. regal and yellow tangs and few small fishes.
i really can't put out too much money rite now, so i have a tight budget.
im trying to stay in 1500 range for this tank.
75gal tank .............................$110
40gal breeder.........................$65 or maybe even more
stand/canopy DIY................... $150
MH/VHO/PC combo..................around $600-$800

total[for now]..........................$925-$1125

$$ left to spend.......................$575-$375 :scared:
that includes LR/LS/ and any other misc. expenses till i get it up and cycling


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
i have never seen such a design.
what are the advantages of it and dissadvantages?
>>> Advantage "pump in center" returns pods and life forms from fuge area and skimmed water from skimmmer area , splits flow between two chambers leasier to contain/control bubbles, matched flow for effecient fuge and skimmer opperation...Disadvantages...size and cost<<<
wouldn't i need two overflows for that?
>>>Not neccessarly, shown with two for larger system<<<
im really not all that DIY ish, so if i can avoid doing extra, i would love to.
other that that, i would also like how big the compatments in the sump each should be, or how can i calculate them?
>>> That's in the 101 thread or after settling on final tank size/availbilty we can get nto detail and the "whys"...<<<
also, if i decide to make it FOWLR for now, would still be ok to have a sump/fuge on it and MH/VHo combo lights?
>>>It's an excellent filtration system and I run the same thing on my 210 FOWLR Aggressive and I throw a 1/2 lb of meat into that a week<<<
lastly, the size inside the stand im getting with my stand design is 41"x13" or 11"x37" depending whether i will decide to go with 2"x4" or 4"x4" wood thingys.which ones would be better.
>> I build my stands "oversize" and place framing material for strength and size to allow maximum sump fuge area...Your building it...Why compromise??<<<
im really starting from scrathch, so ill be a bit annoing with many questions to ask.
>>>>Keep asking..I've had a busy week but I'll be around sometimes more..sometimes less..<<<
:confused: :thinking: :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
ok...the deal is like this.
that includes LR/LS/ and any other misc. expenses till i get it up and cycling

So...Now we have the "basics" and design parameters and limitations...SO...
What's the question...??


1] how do i start to build the overflow [dimensions, matirials, etc]
2] what plumbing supplies will i have to order from fish stores, and what ill be bale to get at HD
3] what sort of plumbing supplies wil i need in general. in plumbing 101 u had a whole list for leona, but 1/2 of that list i did not understand, maybe u can post pictures of those things as i have no idea how they look.
4] i will be buying my tank once i finish the stand for it. so for now i still have time to plan everything out.
5] will the dual 175watt MH/220watt VHO work on this 75 tank or would i have to go higher to dual 250watt MH/ and same VHO [220]. like i said before i want to keep SPS and Clams, along with other LPS and softies.
6] would i be ok with a regal and yellow tang in a 75 and few [3-4] small fishes like gobies and blenies?
main question? WHERE DO I START?


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
1] how do i start to build the overflow [dimensions, matirials, etc]
im really not all that DIY ish, so if i can avoid doing extra, i would love to.
>>>This is really not a "hard" project, (two specimen boxes, a "U" tube and a bulkhead) and may be a good "starter" project... assuming you have a well stocked LFS and can get the parts reasonably cheap...otherwise they are available for purchase...With a Mag 12 as return you'll be getting 940 gph to the tank, so a 1000 gph rated overflow will do fine...<<<
2] what plumbing supplies will i have to order from fish stores, and what ill be bale to get at HD
>>> Pumps and overflow from LFS most everything else HD or local Hardware store...<<<
3] what sort of plumbing supplies wil i need in general. in plumbing 101 u had a whole list for leona, but 1/2 of that list i did not understand, maybe u can post pictures of those things as i have no idea how they look.
>>> Will post pic of basic return pump pipe and outlet...if you want to build a Durso style standpipe I can post a pic of that as well<<<
4] i will be buying my tank once i finish the stand for it. so for now i still have time to plan everything out.
>>>Time is a good thing, but it's nice to have the tank(s) on hand to make sure everything fits...(like the breeder will fit under the stand)<<<
5] will the dual 175watt MH/220watt VHO work on this 75 tank or would i have to go higher to dual 250watt MH/ and same VHO [220]. like i said before i want to keep SPS and Clams, along with other LPS and softies.
>>Standard 75 is what 48X18X20..? 175s will be fine...But 250s aren't that much more money..and will give you many more choices in bulbs...go for those if you can<<<
6] would i be ok with a regal and yellow tang in a 75 and few [3-4] small fishes like gobies and blenies?
>>> Thget are cute when they are the size of a 50 cent piece, but in a year or so they'll be 6"-8" long and bigtime crowded in that tank...skip the tangs...(I have one of each in a 210 and they use ALL the tank fact my 6 1/2" Regal took out my 7" Niger Trigger, cause he...well :thinking: ...cause he's a Butt Head... <<<
main question? WHERE DO I START?
Get the 40 and build the stand to fit..then get the 75 ..and the overflow and the meantime let's baffle out the 40...


Active Member
Sorry...forgot "parts list" (hdwr store stuff)...
1. 3/4" FPT to 1" hose Barb adaptor
2. 1" Spa Flex Tubing (flexible PVC)
3. 1" slip Union
4. 1" thinwall PVC
5. 1" Street "L" (90* elbow...hdwr store guys will know)
6-7. Pic was drawn for a EuroBraced need another 1" Street "L"
8. Short piece of 1" PVC with anti-siphon hole...


i went to the hrdwr store [HD, which sucks lately], and here is what i bought...
i got #2
pictures follow respectively. i hope i bought the right things. this is what they gave me from reading your list. mind you all the rest they didnt have in HD.



Active Member
Well.... :thinking: out of three ain't bad... :D
The hose you got is a braided pressure hose and not Spa Flex..Spa Flex is white and you will be able to "glue" it into your slip's the same ID and OD as sched 40 PVC, but flexable...(hint...check with the SPA boys)
The last pic you showed is a 1" "coupler" ...not on the list, but handy to have around.. :D
The 1" PVC you should find in a 10' length for about a buck 90...


1" should be dimension from the outside or from the inside. im planing to go to lowes tomorow, hopedully.
also im about to order mag12 and a u-tube but not sure on the size of the u-tube.
40 gal should have by the end of the week.
the stand im about to start on friday too. already cut all the wood i need to sizes.
also, like i said be4 i have an HOB skimmer, but maybe if i seel this one i can get another one for the in-sump but not too expensive, maybe one of those similar to seaclone, but i hear lotas a good feedback. or maybe i can use this one, but not sure how to position it in the sump???? :confused:


the 3/4 FTP to 1" hose Barb adapter at lowes they told me will be very hard to find around here. they said i should check out plumbing supply store [ i have no idea where i can find one around here], but hope everything else is good.