Attn: Squidd


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
1 -- spa flex tubing 1" (5 feet of it)
2 -- stree "L" elbows and 1" piece of PVC
3 -- thinwall PVC 1"
Much better..Two out of three this time... :D
You'll want the "street L's" to be slip fit both ends so they slide into one another...The ones you show are "threaded" (mpt)....


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
the 3/4 FTP to 1" hose Barb adapter at lowes they told me will be very hard to find around here. they said i should check out plumbing supply store [ i have no idea where i can find one around here], but hope everything else is good.
I don't know what you have available in Brooklyn, but try a "hardware store" like ACE ... (I believe they are a national chain)..


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
ok not more 40 gal
my LFS wanted 100, way too much
i got a 30 long
its 36x13x16
That's more like a "standard" 30... It "could" work, but a tank with more "foot print" is much more user friendly than one that is taller than it is deep (front to back)...
A 30 "breeder 36X18X12 wold be better and a 40 "breeder" 36x18x16 would be ideal....


all the standard sizes are cheap by him, but breeder or hex or bowfront are extremely expensive and petlanddiscount told me they dont carry 40 breeder. btw the 40 breeder i looked into was 36x13x20.
can't we work with this one. i really need to stick to my budget.
i went to a special plumbing supply store and they didn't have 3/4" FTP to 1" adapter.
ACE is my last hope.
btw iwould it be a bad idea to build my own skimmer?
i laready started on my stand. the bottom base of it is ready. hopefully by the end of this weekend i will be done and readyt to move on to the tank.


Active Member
Breeders by their very definition are short and wide tanks, a a 36x13x20 is too tall and is a "standard" built tank...
We can layout a "semblance" of a sump fuge in the size you have, but it really is too small to get an effective fuge area.. Maybe use it as a skimmer/return pump chamber and add a useable sized "Rubber Maid" fuge above it (or next to it ala...
Building an effective skimmer "body" is easy..the preformance is in the pump/impeller design... That's where the money is..


rubber maid container is out of question as i only have 4" xtra space between the wall of my stand and the 30 gal tank. if i will add another tank as a fuge [in the near future] i will have to consider the possibility of making another kind of stand and maybe hiding it there, but it really doens't fit my living room.
anyhow...i tried to do some math and eher is what i came up with.
in case of blackout... (48x18x2)/231 = 7.48 gal will flow back to sump.
in sump i will need to leave (36x13x4)/231=8.11 gal or 4" from the top. this means that the highest divider i can have is 12".
that leaves me with:
17" of fuge which comes out to be 10.5 gal [ i know its not enough but its a start, besides im planning to keep using my eheim 2213]
9" of skimmer area, or 5.5 gal
and 6" for mag12, or 3.72 gal.
i left 4" for dividers. 2"on the skimmer side, 2" on the fuge side.
im gonna try to put this into a drawing maybe tomorow. tell me if i got anything wrong!!!! plz :D
the dimensions inside my stand will be 13"x40" +/- 1/8"


btw do u have any good skimmer designs that i can maybe use?

oh and i just realized u wrote to put the rubber container on top of the sump. i think that will be too clustered, i really like my space as im extremely clumsy. :happy:


im going to have 40"x13.5" of space inside the stand. so i was thinking maybe i can use my 25 gal [put it sideways] and then maybe exchange the 30gal for something else that will fit into 27.5" remaining inches.
would that be a good idea?
also is EuroReef CS5-3 Protein Skimmer this skimmer good?


i am going with the 90 gal. except i cannot decide what to get. regualr [not frilled] $160, drilled in the back is $160 +$25 ea. hole, custom built drilled in the bottom is $375. the last option is out of question. but im not sure where i want the holes to be, in the back or on the bottom.
plz let me know you opiniopn on this as i will have to make adjustments to my whole set up plans
btw my stand is basicly complete.
i am actualy considering building a small cabinet next to the stand and housing my 25 gal there as a sump.
what do you think?


Active Member
btw my stand is basicly complete
You built the stand, so This is where you could have picked up an extra couple inches for a larger tank...:thinking:
i am going with the 90 gal. except i cannot decide what to get. regualr [not frilled] $160, drilled in the back is $160 +$25 ea. hole, custom built drilled in the bottom is $375. the last option is out of question. but im not sure where i want the holes to be, in the back or on the bottom.
If you get it drlled in the back, you could build a "Weir" overflow...(do "search" for pics...)


which would be safer in the long run [overfow box or drilled in the back?
and if drilled in the back how many holes and how big, b/c i want to place an order for the tank soon.
im going on vocation in a week and don't want to loose precious time.


Active Member
Drilled tank beats a HOB anyday...
You keep changing tanks on me...How much flow were we talking about (to sump and return) and how much is coming from supplwmwntal ...?


ok it is 90 gal drilled :jumping:
sump is still 30
fuge might be 25 but i need opinions here
flow = 90x30 = [ouch] 2700gph
sump =around 1100-1200 gph
suplm flow =the rest
well i was thinking and if i have the fuge separately i will have the return pump there too, so some flow will be from there
what kind of pump would i need to use on DIY skimmer to make it good???
how many holes drilled???
what size should they be and where in the back???
many more questions to come... :D


what do you think about having the skimmer outside of the sump/fuge. that should give me at least 20-22 gal for the fuge?
let me know what u think


Active Member
Running an external skimmer and external return pump will give you a lot more options for baffling and flow control as well as larger chambers...
Just a little more difficult to plumb...


im ready for it :jumping:.
but i only want the skimmer to be external, pump would still be inside the sump/fuge.
now that i have made up my mind, can we get to nitty gritty stuff like sizing everything and drilling tanks.
i dont want to talk theory anymore
i want action now :happy:


here is the plan, got it from you btw. the only thing is i dont know how many holes i need so i dont know how many overflows . im also not sure how to set-up an external skimmer [how to drill my 30 gal tank]
but thats the plan so far. i need to tell the guy at the LFS where and how big the holes should be so he can go ahead and get it drilled for me.
i told him i'll get back to him when i figure everything out, so thats what im trying to do.
i saw the pics from 101, but i cant make heads or tails from them, they look like chinese to me. 2nd post is what im talking about...