Away With The Irs!!!


Have you guys heard about this new idea that has been going around Washington D.C.? It's a across the board, flat rate, sales tax. I think it's around 15% tax on items you purchase. No more income tax. Any thoughts?


Active Member
i don't like it i always get a return and imagine 15% on everything 100.00 groceries 115.00 new 40000 car 46000 plus the interest no i am not for this...tobin


Originally Posted by seasalt101
i don't like it i always get a return and imagine 15% on everything 100.00 groceries 115.00 new 40000 car 46000 plus the interest no i am not for this...tobin'll make more. There won't be a gross/net on your paystub. What you make, is what you'll get. Your income will not be taxed.
No more cheating on taxes. EVERYONE get's nabbed equally. Food would'nt be taxed. Why do you need to buy a $40,000 car. If you can afford $40,000, you can afford the additional tax.
I believe house purchases would get taxed only 3%. I'm not sure the exact figures.
Remember, EVERYONE gets taxed only on the stuff you buy. All the people working "under the table" don't pay taxes now. The IRS knows nothing aobut them. They have no W-2's. But, they gotta buy stuff too! That's how we get everybody, even the illegal aliens would pay into the system, unlike now.


Active Member
Levels the playing field for the lifestyles people choose.
I am all for it. I am SOOOO tired of dirtbags bragging about thier 12k returns when they only made 20k the whole year but since thier have 6 children and are on they make a mint every year.



Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Levels the playing field for the lifestyles people choose.
I am all for it. I am SOOOO tired of dirtbags bragging about thier 12k returns when they only made 20k the whole year but since thier have 6 children and are on they make a mint every year.
Another prime candidate that's been moochin' off the system and time for them to pay into the system. However, there is relief for those that have an income below a certain number. They would get money back, but nothing like the abuse we're seeing now.
Another death tax. For example, life insurance policies will not be taxed after your loved one dies. (As a side note, I believe Clinton initiated that tax)


Active Member
I love the idea of the flat tax. It levels the playing field and eliminates tax evasion (including that of illegals).
Unfortunately I don't see it happening anytime soon. The down side is all the jobs it will eliminate for the IRS as well as the impact it will have on CPA's throughout the country.


Originally Posted by shogun323
I love the idea of the flat tax. It levels the playing field and eliminates tax evasion (including that of illegals).
Unfortunately I don't see it happening anytime soon. The down side is all the jobs it will eliminate for the IRS as well as the impact it will have on CPA's throughout the country.

True, it won't happen anytime soon. Simply due to lack of education of the American public. They hear 15% heck with that.
Regarding the IRS scabs, I mean employees,.........they'd get a year, or possibly TWO, of severence pay. Plenty of time to find a new job. CPA's would be more than happy to quit learning loop holes, updated tax laws, newer ways to evade paying taxes, etc., etc,.


I am all for it! And if you are getting a refund each year, you are still losing out because the government is holding your money interest free! If you took that same money and put it into an interest bearing account, think about how it would add up. I am a small business owner and the IRS eats me up. I pay, pay, pay, while several people I know who make wwwwaaayyy more than I do pay less and others that like mentioned above get back more than they have paid in. I am sick to death of shouldering the burden!

darthtang aw

Active Member
For ten years now I have saying this is the way to go. It eliminates a lot of problems. You no longer have those that work for cash ducking under the tax radar. Illegals when they purchase their good would be taxed as well.
Everyone would still live with in their means. and EVERYONE would pay taxes fairly. This is so simple it is stupid and I never understood why we didn't do this in the first place. Of course, Beurocracy never makes sense. This won't happen soon, but hopefully in my lifetime our politicians will get smart.
I see no downside to this....I want to hear a downside to I can't see one.
Wait...their is a downside, our federal government would operate and rely on the economy (which would force them to be more active in ensuring it remains stable)...If the economy drops and people stop spending...the government and our programs would take a hit.


Originally Posted by NVMYCJ
Have you guys heard about this new idea that has been going around Washington D.C.? It's a across the board, flat rate, sales tax. I think it's around 15% tax on items you purchase. No more income tax. Any thoughts?
In most cases the people pushing this are trying to sell there book. It will never happen. It cannot be tracked properly.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
For ten years now I have saying this is the way to go. It eliminates a lot of problems. You no longer have those that work for cash ducking under the tax radar. Illegals when they purchase their good would be taxed as well.
Yes and the illegals collecting the tax would put it in there pocket!
Everyone would still live with in their means. and EVERYONE would pay taxes fairly.
Most lower income pay no taxes and get an EIC REFUND from the goverment now. So you would collect some tax from this group possibly but the lottery collects it now, hahahahah!
This is so simple it is stupid and I never understood why we didn't do this in the first place. Of course, Beurocracy never makes sense. This won't happen soon, but hopefully in my lifetime our politicians will get smart.
Far from simple I think.
I see no downside to this....I want to hear a downside to I can't see one.
Wait...their is a downside, our federal government would operate and rely on the economy (which would force them to be more active in ensuring it remains stable)...If the economy drops and people stop spending...the government and our programs would take a hit.
Might be good for me because I think I would purchase less overall.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
socialism at its finest.
this is a very bad idea.
care to explain that a little further?


Active Member

Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
socialism at its finest.
this is a very bad idea.

1. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
2. an economic system based on state ownership of capital
3. the belief or theory that a country's wealth (its land, mines, industries, railways etc) should belong to the people as a whole, not to private owners
How is a flat tax socialism????
A flat tax is a great idea. A Flat Tax is fair and taxes both income and wealth evenly.
What people don't understand about our tax system is that "income" is taxed at a much higher rate than "wealth". Simply put, if you work hard and try to become rich you get pummeled by a huge tax burden. Those that are already wealthy, however, pay a much smaller tax rate (capital gains tax rate is far less than income tax rate). The "rich" who pay the bulk of taxes are paying it out of their income.
So if you are rich you can stay that way, if you are poor you are subsidized, and if you are upper middle class you get pounded... Not a good system.
As for keeping track of it; That's simple. We already have a system in place for sales tax....


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman

A flat tax is a great idea. A Flat Tax is fair and taxes both income and wealth evenly.

ask somebody that makes 100k+ and somebody that makes 30k how much of a difference 15% makes.
if you make 100k+, you are praying to god that this goes through.
as for my socialism comment, i am referring to the fact that the guy that might be standing behind you in line, that might make 2 or 3 times what you make, will pay out the same amount of taxes as you.


I work in a CPA office and just asked my boss about this. He said that this has been pushed around since the 90's and there are absolutely no legs to this. Just old news making its way back around.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
ask somebody that makes 100k+ and somebody that makes 30k how much of a difference 15% makes.
if you make 100k+, you are praying to god that this goes through.
as for my socialism comment, i am referring to the fact that the guy that might be standing behind you in line, that might make 2 or 3 times what you make, will pay out the same amount of taxes as you.

wouldn't be the same amount as the people with more money spend more thus physically paying can you not see this? If a person makes 100,00 the drive a nicer car, pay a higher payment and thus pay 15% of that higher paymnent to taxes.
example....I spend 50,000 on a car...and I pay 15% tax on that. I pay 7000 (ballpark in taxes.
While the guy that makes 30,000, buys a 10-15,000 dollar car that person would pay 1500 in how is the poor person getting the shaft?


They wouldn't. Step back and see the big


Active Member
the bad thing about this is well the economy would crumble and the government would lose billions .
the majority of people are middle class lets say 50 million people are makeing 50 thousand a year , 15 percent tax would be 7500 a year as apposed to 15000 thats a difference of 375 billion dollars , the rest of the people poor and rich will not make that money up only 1 percent of the population is rich. were will this money come from and who or what programs will be effected. mabie the military? plus the filthy rich that inharit there money and never earned money are exemp from this tax.
The notion of a flat tax does have a certain simplistic appeal. But it has three main flaws: 1) It seeks to improve something that is already completely equal; 2) It forces middle-class taxpayers to subsidize the wealthy (especially those incarnations such as Forbes' that exempt "unearned" income such as the interest on his invested inheritance, so that working people would support the idle rich); and, 3) It confuses much-needed tax reform and tax simplification in defining taxable income with the unrelated issue of whether the rate applied to that income is flat or graduated. Anyone who wants to support a flat tax better run the numbers first and see how much more they're going to pay!