Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
With your skimmer pulling tons of gunk then slowing down I would say it did its job well, and you could be nearing the balance point on your cycle, I would suggest once your ammonia and nitrites drop to zero feeding your tank like there were fish in it wait 24 hours then test again if you expirience no rises in Amm. or trites. then I would say you were good to go (slowly of course).
That sounds like a good plan. And I will be taking it slow, at least three weeks between adding fish, as that's the minimum time I'll have them in the QT. Now from what I understand I should add a clean up crew first. In my refuge I was going to add some hermit crabs and a brittle starfish, then in my DT add 3 Cleaner Shrimp, 3 Emerald Crabs, and Nassarius and Cerith Snails (but not sure how many for my tank size). How long should I have the clean up crew in my tank before I can add Nemo and Marlin? Do I need to QT the clean up crew? After I add my clowns this was my plan for the rest of my tenants (in this order, I think :thinking: ):
3 Bangaii Cardinal (should I buy all three at the same time and QT together, or one at a time?)
2 Orange Spotted Blenny (mated pair if I can find them)
Royal Gramma
Pink Square Anthias
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Flame Angel
Mandarin (8 months down the road)
My plan is to order/buy one fish at a time, right after I transfer the last fish from the QT to the DT, waiting three weeks before adding the new fish to the DT.
With your skimmer pulling tons of gunk then slowing down I would say it did its job well, and you could be nearing the balance point on your cycle, I would suggest once your ammonia and nitrites drop to zero feeding your tank like there were fish in it wait 24 hours then test again if you expirience no rises in Amm. or trites. then I would say you were good to go (slowly of course).
That sounds like a good plan. And I will be taking it slow, at least three weeks between adding fish, as that's the minimum time I'll have them in the QT. Now from what I understand I should add a clean up crew first. In my refuge I was going to add some hermit crabs and a brittle starfish, then in my DT add 3 Cleaner Shrimp, 3 Emerald Crabs, and Nassarius and Cerith Snails (but not sure how many for my tank size). How long should I have the clean up crew in my tank before I can add Nemo and Marlin? Do I need to QT the clean up crew? After I add my clowns this was my plan for the rest of my tenants (in this order, I think :thinking: ):
3 Bangaii Cardinal (should I buy all three at the same time and QT together, or one at a time?)
2 Orange Spotted Blenny (mated pair if I can find them)
Royal Gramma
Pink Square Anthias
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Flame Angel
Mandarin (8 months down the road)
My plan is to order/buy one fish at a time, right after I transfer the last fish from the QT to the DT, waiting three weeks before adding the new fish to the DT.