Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


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Originally Posted by bjoe23

Thanks!!! I got a birthday surprise and realized my male cardinal is holding babies!!!!
But that means more work for me and I leave for four days on Wednesday!!


Active Member
OK, my last fish, a flame angel, has been added to my DT. He's doing good and looks great in my DT. So far he's been pretty good. Nipped a few times at the Xenia but hasn't touched anything else. My Hippo Tang picks on him though, but nothing bad, just chases him back in the rock at times. My Yellow Tang could care less about the new addition. Here are a few pics.

This picture is cool because of how Dory is facing the camera. HI!!!
Bubbles (my yellow tang) is also looking rather nice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
Doesn't even look like the same Yellow Tang! He looks 100% back to health, awesome.
Thanks! I can't believe what a HUGE recovery he made. I kept kicking myself that I even bought him but thought, even if he dies I can give him a good home until that time comes. Well, he looks great now and I couldn't be happier with him. He's a fun fish with a great personality.


Active Member
I love your new avatar......excellent.
You would never be able to duplicate that picture again......ahhhh, the beauty of this hobby!!!


Azfishgal...the tank is looking great! your flame is beautiful...that was my second choice to my Coral Beauty....the colors in your tank are awesome....makes me want a larger tank in a big way. Keep up the good work....and keep the pictures coming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
I love your new avatar......excellent.
You would never be able to duplicate that picture again......ahhhh, the beauty of this hobby!!!
You are right about that, she turned just at the right time.

Originally Posted by Kevin34
Hey Az, if its not too much trouble could you email me the plans to your canopy?
Sent you an email.

Originally Posted by tferrante

Azfishgal...the tank is looking great! your flame is beautiful...that was my second choice to my Coral Beauty....the colors in your tank are awesome....makes me want a larger tank in a big way. Keep up the good work....and keep the pictures coming.
Thanks! If it makes you feel any better I lose close to 2 gallons a day, so my water bill has gone up. I'm not really sure how much the electrical bill has gone up because my bill is pro-rated so it stays the same every month, even during the summer. But I believe in January is when everything is adjusted and my "new" payment will show up. Not sure I want to see it.
But it is nice to sit back and watch the tank. I'm able to do that more now that it's pretty much done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
Well I guess that its about time to start a new tank project then .... lol

Well, I might be starting a nursery tank soon. My male Bangaii Cardinal has babies in his mouth.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well, I might be starting a nursery tank soon. My male Bangaii Cardinal has babies in his mouth.



Active Member
I posted this on another thread, but here you go....

They usually hold them for about 21 days, so I figure I probably have about a week before he releases them. They take a lot of work, so I'm not sure I'm up for it with the holidays going on and everything. The hardest part will be catching the male to put him in a breeders net or QT. Someting I'm not really looking forward to, which is why it hasn't been done yet.
At least I know I have a "pair" of Cardinals and they will breed again if this batch doesn't make it.


Active Member
Wow! I have not seen your tank in forever since I havent been on the boards in a very long time. I just would like to say that your tank has changed alot and you are very good at taking some pictures. I really love the look of your tank and its good to see that all the fish are happy and healthy. Very nice job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I've been told that the new babie like long spine urchings to hide in. Have you heard this to be true?
True, but it will knock over my corals and eat my coraline. Some will even eat the corals. I was thinking of adding a "fake" one but I think I'll just try and catch the male. I just bought a breeder net today, so we'll see if I change my mind after a few hours of trying to catch the father-to-be.