Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


azfishgal, does yours husband make stands? Or could he make one to sell?
I live in Mesa too, and I really need one that fits my tank for a fair price.
The ones I see at the stores are super expensive, and wont fit my tank right.
Its about 24" x 12".


Active Member
Originally Posted by phelpz
azfishgal, does yours husband make stands? Or could he make one to sell?
I live in Mesa too, and I really need one that fits my tank for a fair price.
The ones I see at the stores are super expensive, and wont fit my tank right.
Its about 24" x 12".
Well, he's running up to Prescott 3 days a week helping his dad build their house, so he really doesn't have much free time. But I'll ask.....


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well, he's running up to Prescott 3 days a week helping his dad build their house, so he really doesn't have much free time. But I'll ask.....
Thats cool. Thanks.


Active Member
No Flame Angel yet, as my lfs doesn't have any yet. Maybe by the end of the week, but I'm leaving for the weekend, so I'll check with them on Monday.


Active Member
Hey Az, I have been trying to come up with ways to save money on lighting to get my tank moving faster and am considering MH now if I can keep the temp down. Can you tell me what your lighting system is?


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well, I tried to get a Flame Angel today but my lfs didn't have any. They are getting large shipment later today, so they should have some available on Monday. I went to two other stores but they wanted $20 more for them, so I'll wait for my favorite lfs to get them in for $39.

I hope you have better luck with your flame than I have with mine...He is a bully and picks on everyone in the tank, except for the tangs....He is even responsible for killing my brownbarred goby....Even though I keep my fish well fed, he will occasionally nip at my zoas and donut brain.....Try to get a juvi, I think mine was an adult and they may tend to be more aggressive....Good luck...


The stand looks awesome! I am in the same spot as you! My husband finished my tank on Sunday! YEAH! I am so proud of him and for myself being able to trick him into making it!
It is great to have them help, it makes them part of the hobby and in return they let you spend more $$

One little side note that we just looked into... make sure your floor joints can support the huge weight increase! We installed a few concrete blocks in the crawl space under the tank today! GOOD LUCK and we will keep checking your diary!


Active Member
I'm back!!! Things have been so busy around here I havn't had time to get on this forum. Here is an update on my tank:
I did a very big clean job about a week ago, took the heaters out of the DT and put one on the sump, hoping that will be enough because the tank looks much better without the heaters in the DT. The Yellow Tang has fit right in with the rest of the tang gang and everyone is healthy and lookng good. My two anemones are also doing very well as my other corals. I did have some zoos disappear over time (my brightest green ones
), but I think whatever was getting to them has moved on as I havn't had anymore disappear. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I have a new fish in the QT, my Flame Angel. He's a juvi so I hope I have better luck with mine than dkw.
I'll try and post some new pics soon.