Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NBZAK
AZGAL, your thread is great I've gone back several times to read and reread it has alot of info in it. Maybe some day my journal/tank will look as good as yours. Hopefully you'll come see it and give me first hand advise.
I'm glad your tank is better, they are such pretty fish. Can you tell me how do you answer using multiple quotes with the answer right below it? It seems like you did it all in one reply did you?
Congrats again
Thanks for the comps on my tank. I am really excited to see yours finished. Like I said, I might have to drive to Bisbee to see that think in person.

Well, I'm a bit embarrassed. I've been on this site how long, and I just figured it out.
When you hit reply, scroll down to the "quote" you want to answer. Highlight the person's name and what they said, then copy. Go back up to your reply window and click on paste. Make sure your quote is still highlighted and then click the buttom to the far right, above your reply window (looks like a square bubble with words). That will wrap the quotes around what you pasted. OK, almost will see
NBZAK AZGAL, your thread is great.....
But you will need to move the bracket past the name of the person you are quoting like this
NBZAK said:
AZGAL, your thread is great.....
Then just type your reply below your quote and move on to the next one.
Now that you are completely confused just play with it and you'll figure it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
I can't explain how much easier my ATO makes my life. shoot me an e mail when your going to set one up. I got one for a reasonable price and it works like magic. I also set up a resevoir with a float valve so when I leave for a while I can attach my RODI directly to that valve and everything works great!
I just sent you an email, thanks.


Az, I had a fish disappear when I first set my tank up in Oct. It was a watchman goby. I looked everywhere and finally i just gave up looking. I figured that the rocks had shifted while he was under them. Well then a few months ago I got a new wrasse. After qt I put it in the tank and the next day it disappeared too. I thought it jumped out the back of my tank, because that was the only place it could get out. I was so upset that I lost this new fish that I tore everything out from under my tank to try to find it. Then I found what I thought was my wrasse under the stand in the corner. I was pretty upset. Then 6 days later I was looking at my tank and my wrasse was there swimming with everyone else. I thought wow this fish came back to life and got back in my tank. but, really I didn't. But then I realized that my goby had never been found. Any way have hope that your fish reappears. It could happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
Az, I had a fish disappear when I first set my tank up in Oct. It was a watchman goby. I looked everywhere and finally i just gave up looking. I figured that the rocks had shifted while he was under them. Well then a few months ago I got a new wrasse. After qt I put it in the tank and the next day it disappeared too. I thought it jumped out the back of my tank, because that was the only place it could get out. I was so upset that I lost this new fish that I tore everything out from under my tank to try to find it. Then I found what I thought was my wrasse under the stand in the corner. I was pretty upset. Then 6 days later I was looking at my tank and my wrasse was there swimming with everyone else. I thought wow this fish came back to life and got back in my tank. but, really I didn't. But then I realized that my goby had never been found. Any way have hope that your fish reappears. It could happen.
If you notice post 1134, she did find it. Well, her cleaner shrimp did...


Active Member
bgrae001, although that is a nice thought my fish are dead. As Delta pointed out the cleaner shrimp found one of the females. All that was left of the one anthias was the shell of it's head and the back bone. Nothing was wasted that's for sure. I can see a watchman Goby hide for some time, but Lyretail Anthias love to eat and are open water swimmers, so after a few days I pretty much knew she was a gonner. It's just sad that I lost both of my females.

I have another mystery in my tank, something is eating my zoos. One of my zoos is completely gone. And this is after it really started growing and more than doubled it's polyps. I actually took them out after half was gone and put them in seltzer water for a few minutes and then placed them in a different place in the DT. However, I did not glue the little frag down and it got knocked over or something because the few I had left are now gone. They were my brightest green zoos too.
I guess you can call this a tough month for my reef tank. So far my other zoos are doing fine, but I'm wondering if it's just a matter of time before the mystery eater finds them.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about what has been happening. Sometimes things happen beyond our control. Keep your head up. I've never had much luck with Anthias, were always picky eaters. As far as the zoo's, have you done any nightime investigating for critters eating them. I bought some daisy polyps awhile back and it had some little starfishes, maybe they were spiders, but anyway they would eat the polyps everynight, caught it pretty early, ended up putting in my fuge to keep a closer eye on them and when I would see a spider(flashlight), I would pick them off with tweezers. Good luck, and I hope you figure out what is going on



Active Member
OK, after all the sad news with my DT, I'm happy to report some good news! The Yellow Tang is in the DT and loving every minute of it. He seems to fit right in and gets along well with the other tangs. It didn't take him long to start picking at the rock and I'm sure he's loving the 6' space to swim in. He makes my Sailfin look tiny and I was afraid with him being larger he might pick on the little guy, but all is peaceful at the moment. Here are some about adding some splash of color to my tank!!!



Active Member
Your tank just keeps getting better! I have never really liked yellow tangs before but for some reason yours has given me the idea of getting one for my tank once its ready. With school starting up I havnt been able to work for my equipment as much as I would like to.
But by the end of the year I hope to have mine up and running. Once again awsome tank.


Active Member
Hey Kevin, I know what you mean. I wasn't sure I wanted a Yellow Tang because they are so common, but my girls said I had to get "bubbles" from Nemo. Here are some better pictures that might make you think even harder about getting one. He's so bright and really makes my tank look great. He so majestic when he swims around.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
looks great
Did you get your last batch of zoos?
Yes, in the last picture one frag is right below the Yellow Tang, and another frag is in front of the Hippo's nose. They did not come as bright as the pictures had shown, so I was a bit disappointed. But, they were only $10 per frag and they are still better looking than what I find at my lfs. (There is one more new frag in the first picture, just above the Yellow Tang's tail, but it's hard to see.)
I'll try and get some good pics of the new zoos later.


Active Member
Hey Az... many people have impressive tanks, as you surely do. But not as many have truly beautiful tanks - and yours is quite beautiful.
And glad bubbles is back!


Active Member
Thanks Hefner, that's a really nice compliment. I'm pretty picky about my tanks, they have to be clean. I'm about ready to pull my heaters out because they are to dirty, lol.
It's also cooling down so I want them to work as efficiently as possible, so it's not all about the "looks". Of course I also clean out my sump when it gets to dirty.
I'm just glad the red slime is finally gone, it was starting to drive me nuts. I never had it until I turned the MHs on, it then bloomed like crazy, but has since calmed down and now it's all but gone. I think my Blue Hippo helped out as she likes to eat it.


Active Member
I've been thinking long and hard on this, I have weighed my options and decided to add a Flame Angel to my tank (since I lost two of my Anthias). I know it's a hit or miss on nipping at my corals, but they are so beautiful I think I may take the chance. Any thought?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Every Flame Angel that I've gotten has never touched corals. We put one in a full blown reef and didn't touch a thing. I say go for it! Will be another great fish in your beautiful tank.


Active Member
Well, I tried to get a Flame Angel today but my lfs didn't have any. They are getting large shipment later today, so they should have some available on Monday. I went to two other stores but they wanted $20 more for them, so I'll wait for my favorite lfs to get them in for $39.


Active Member
hey AZ!
been a while since i visited the thread, and the tank looks fantastic!
gotta admit im a bit jealous of your tangs. your YT looks worlds better, im sure he will have a long life in your tank :)
unfortunate about the anthia. they can be a tough fish on a lot of levels, i had my problems with them as well.
one thought, have you considered putting your heaters in the sump? it would clean up the tank alot.
also, when you are ready to frag those pesky tubs blues, let me know i will help you make some new real estate!! :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
hey AZ!
been a while since i visited the thread, and the tank looks fantastic!
gotta admit im a bit jealous of your tangs. your YT looks worlds better, im sure he will have a long life in your tank :)
unfortunate about the anthia. they can be a tough fish on a lot of levels, i had my problems with them as well.
one thought, have you considered putting your heaters in the sump? it would clean up the tank alot.
also, when you are ready to frag those pesky tubs blues, let me know i will help you make some new real estate!! :p
Thanks and good to hear from you.
My heaters are to long to put in my sump, that's why they are in the DT. They are black, so when they are clean you don't notice them that much. I might try and go with a smaller heater and see if I can get away with just one, then I can have it in the sump.
And you are right, my Yellow Tang is looking 100% better. I'm pretty proud I was able to nurse this guy back to health. His stomach is still a little more pinched than I would like, but I'm hoping in time it will get better.
And about those Tubs Blue zoos, you are about #15 on the waiting list.