Active Member
Originally Posted by NBZAK
Hi AzGal, I've been reading your thread for a while now, I live in Sierra Vista, AZ......grew up in Phx though. Went this week to Phx and visited the swf stores that were mentioned in the thread earlier and they were great...The Petsmart was better than I would have imagined.

We have a new home construction going on, I just recv'd my 240gal tank a week ago and tomorrow we (they) are building the stand which will be built in the wall as a room divider.
The weather here in S.V. did not get over 90 degrees all weekend. It is much easier to take than the >100 degrees.
Thanks for all your advice along your way. It's kind of fun to know your typing to someone in your own state. Even though everyone does sound very helpful throughout. Anyway Thanks again. NBZAK

And yes, I would LOVE to live in your kind of weather. Every summer I ask myself WHY?????!!!!!

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey azfishgal, when are you going to put your sailfin tang in your main tank?
Funny you should ask, it's TODAY!!!!