Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


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Originally Posted by azaintcold
Ah. Total bummer about the HLLE. You'll get through it though. I'm sure you know about it, but Garlic really got my powder blue's attention to start eating. I soaked a seaweed strip in it and then put it on the veggie clip. He loves the stuff. My tang is pretty picky, won't even eat mysis. The only thing he eats is the seaweed on a clip, or extremely small pieces of squid.

Ya, I'm not to worried about it. With a little care I think he'll be fine. My Hippo was showing signs of HLLE, small pits around the eye and head, but since I've been soaking the pellets in Vita-Chem for the past week I'm already seeing an improvment. My Hippo Tang will eat anything I put in the tank, she's not picky. But my Sailfin won't eat mysis shrimp at all, spits it out. I've soaked some pellets and gave it to the Yellow Tang and though I didn't see him I'm pretty sure he ate them, as I can't find them in the tank anymore. He get's close to the algea sheet but hans't touched it yet. I'm sure he will in time though, as he keeps checking it out.
I do have to say that even with these set backs saltwater fish are so much fun, because they really do have their own personalities. My next challenge will be to see how he does wants he's in the DT and how my other fish handle the newcomer. I new he was a little larger than my Hippo and Sailfin tang but I didn't think it was by much. Well when I got him home and put him in the QT I realized he's noticeably larger.


Active Member
OK, here is a picture of my HLLE fish.
I know, doesn't make sense as to why I brought him home. Except maybe the Lord thought I was this little guys only hope.
Anyway, I am happy to report he is starting to eat and it doesn't take him long to snatch those pellets up. He still won't touch the algea sheet, but I am soaking the pellets once a day in Vita-Chem, so hopefully I will be able to post a much healther looking fish in a few weeks.


Your right he doesn't look good, his stomach is really pinched in. Plus as you say he has HLLE, but it looks he's in the early stages. This guy could use a prayer but hopefully with the special care I know you'll give him i'm sure he'll make a full recovery.
I have a beautiful Yellow Tang that is a bright yellow, fat and healthy. I've wanted to flush this sucker about twenty times. He was the second fish I bought and he harassed every fish that went into the tank after him.

I love watching the Yellow Tang swim. They are a beautiful graceful fish that look great in any tank, but mine is so territorial I almost been driven mad by this fish. As usual you did the right thing by adding this fish last.

BTW If your anenome is splitting it's not a good thing. Anenomes are different then corals in this instance. Anenomes split because they aren't doing well and are trying to multiply themselves to help their survivability odds. Two is better then one in the wild. Only reason I know this is because I had one split on me and researched it online. The split anenomes died soon after.
Anyway haven't visited this thread in a while tank looks great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
BTW If your anenome is splitting it's not a good thing. Anenomes are different then corals in this instance. Anenomes split because they aren't doing well and are trying to multiply themselves to help their survivability odds. Two is better then one in the wild. Only reason I know this is because I had one split on me and researched it online. The split anenomes died soon after.

Really, that's the first I've heard of splitting being a bad thing. But we'll see how it goes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
Good luck with the tang, i hope he lives!

I'm happy to report after 48 hours he's looking a lot better.
He's starting to get more color and his pinched belly is not so pinched anymore. I probably am dropping to many pellets in his tank, but I watch him eat them so it's only like two-three pellets at a time, maybe every other hour. He eats them all and I do have some algea sheet that I put in at noon and then take it out at night. So far he hasn't touched the algea sheet. The morning pellets are soaked in Vita-Chem for five minutes. I'll try and get some garlic to soak the algea sheets in so he'll start eating his greens. But I'm hopeful this little guy will pull through.


I just got caught up on your post. Good information and a great sure have been busy. Sounds like your yellow tang is getting better. I hope my tank looks as half as good as yours.


hey az, could you post a pic or two of your ro/di system and how its hooked up. thanks. btw, tank looks awesome!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
hey az, could you post a pic or two of your ro/di system and how its hooked up. thanks. btw, tank looks awesome!
I am going to hook it up again tomorrow, as I need to do a water change on Saturday. So I'll try and remember to take a picture for you. I have it sitting to the left of my sink, under the counter, so all I do is open the door, hook up the water line to my faucet and put the good water line in my 5 gallon jug, and the waste water line another jug (to water my plants), or I just stick it down the drain, depending on if my plants need water.
I will say this, I bought a SpectraPure upgrade for my RO/DI system, it has a new membrane (90 gph) and a flow restrictor for the waste line, so now my DI cartridges will last longer.
I won't have that hooked up though until later, but it won't really change the pics any because it's the same size membrane I have now.


Active Member
Well I hope the anemone doesnt kick the bucket, but since im not a big fan of them I wouldnt be upset if mine died. With your experience so far with the anemone would you replace it if it died?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
hey az, could you post a pic or two of your ro/di system and how its hooked up. thanks. btw, tank looks awesome!
Sorry it took me so long, but here you go....



Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Well I hope the anemone doesnt kick the bucket, but since im not a big fan of them I wouldnt be upset if mine died. With your experience so far with the anemone would you replace it if it died?

Both my amemones are doing well, and no, I wouldn't get another one if they did die, but for now I'm stuck with two. They are staying in one spot so far, so maybe they won't cause any more problems.
Originally Posted by David24

How's the Yellow Tang doing? Did he make it?
Thanks for asking, he's doing great. Can't hardly see any more white on him and he's eating very well.

I do have some bad news to report though. I started another thread ealier about one of my female Anthias not doing well, was being picked on by the other female. Well, she didn't make it. I tried to get her out of the tank, but I think my clean up crew took care of it. Even though I was sad at least the prettiest of the two females was doing good. BUT, she has now come up missing!!!
I can see why my first one died, but the second one survived shipping in 114 degrees, 4 weeks in QT, and was the "bully" in the tank, not showing any signs of stress, bite marks, nothing. She has been missing for three days now and I can't find her anywhere. Losing one was upsetting but losing two (within just a few days) is horrible!!!
Now I just have my lonely male Lyretail Anthias. I'm thinking having three female anthias would have been better, but now I'm not sure about trying again or not. My Yellow Tang was supposed to be my last fish added to the tank. If I stick three new fish after the Yellow Tang I'm not sure if the Yellow Tang will pick on them or not. I'm going to test my water today to make sure nothing is wrong on that end, but I really don't think it is. Everything else, corals and other fish are doing great. I guess it was just bound to happen at some point. So far my two Anthias are the first casualties in my DT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
Do you not have an auto top off on the DT?
Nope, I do it manually. However, if we need to leave for a few days I can set up a drip line, one per second, that will keep my sump filled for a few days.
One of these days I hope to have an ATO.


Active Member
At least I know my clean up crew does good work.

I tried to get a better picture, but the battery died. I'm going to throw-up now.......


Active Member
This is in hopes to off-set the bad news. Like I said, my Yellow Tang is doing a lot better. This picture doesn't really show it's true color, he's actually more yellow than this. He is doing great now.



I can't explain how much easier my ATO makes my life. shoot me an e mail when your going to set one up. I got one for a reasonable price and it works like magic. I also set up a resevoir with a float valve so when I leave for a while I can attach my RODI directly to that valve and everything works great!


AZGAL, your thread is great I've gone back several times to read and reread it has alot of info in it. Maybe some day my journal/tank will look as good as yours. Hopefully you'll come see it and give me first hand advise.
I'm glad your tank is better, they are such pretty fish. Can you tell me how do you answer using multiple quotes with the answer right below it? It seems like you did it all in one reply did you?
Congrats again