Back in the hobby 55 gallon pics

Hey All,
I got out of the hobby a couple of years ago due to a relocation for a job. I recently decided to put up another tank and thought I would list some pics. I just got a new camera, so some of the pics might be just a little grainy, hope they are sufficient.
I have been planning this in my head for a long time, so as it stands I went and spend about 3,000 in the last week and this is what I have.
So far I have the following equipment

  • Proclear Pro 150 Wet / Dry filtration with Skimmer and overflow box of course

  • Barracuda RO/DI 100gph system

  • Red Sea Coral Reef Salt

  • Coralife 18w UV Twist with Rio 600 pump

  • WavePoint T5 HO - 4 bulb system. 2, 12k Daylight and 2 460 Actinic (54 watts each)

  • Hydor Koralia 3

  • around 40-50 pounds of live rock.

  • 60 pound of live sand

  • Mated pair - ORA Grade A Snowflake Clowns

  • Coral Beauty

  • Scopas Tang
    Dragon Goby
    Reef Clean up Crew
    Bubble Tip Anemone
    Xenia Branch
    Red Flowerpot (Small)
    Green Flowerpot (Large)
    Plate Coral
    Torch Coral
    Xenia, Zoos, etc. rock you see in the picture
    2 LED Marineland Moonlight Strips
    More than I am forgetting to list



It's off to a nice start. How long has it been up and running?
I agree that you need more live rock, but we all have to start somewhere, right?
I don't know if a Scopus is a good idea long term in a 55G.
Originally Posted by carlos413 http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355327
looking good, I'd get more live rock. How much you got in there now?

If I remember there is about 35 pounds in there. Yea I am definitely going to add more, but I have stacked it up before and it is a PITA to clean. Now I am dealing with algae on the sides every night I come home
. I added a Coralife Turbo Twist just last night, 18w with a 240gph pump, but it is still coming after today. I know that is usually just water column, but I thought it would cut down on the glass algae too, guess not.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
It's off to a nice start. How long has it been up and running?
I agree that you need more live rock, but we all have to start somewhere, right?
I don't know if a Scopus is a good idea long term in a 55G.
It has been up about 2-3 weeks now. As above, currently getting over run with glass algae. The only reason I didn't buy more live rock is because I bought from the LFS and sometimes you never know what "critters" could be in it. So I thought it best to start with a small amount and see how it went.
Most people will call "BS" to this statement, but I have a way to completely cycle a tank in 24-48 hours. I plan on offering a sample to some members to test for me and see how it works for them. It is completely safe and must have fish, coral, or whatever in the tank. I have done it many times and never lost anything. My water is perfect as are all of the parameters.
I think why I am getting the algae so bad is I initially used the dreaded "tap" treated water for the initial set up. I have a 4 stage new RO/DI 100gpd unit that I am using now, but it had a leak when I first went to start filling the system. Slowly, I will do water changes with the RO water to change it out. I don't want to change too must to avoid osmotic shock.
The Scopas Tang, he will be fine in the 55 unless he starts putting on a lot of size. I plan on upgrading down the road anyway to a larger tank, so for now this one will be fine for him.
Thanks for the comments guys , any others I would be glad to answer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355454
24-48h? hmmmm. Fishy.
Seems odd to me, as well. I know things can be sped up when you upgrade or change tanks, but to have a complete cycle in 24-48 hrs in a tank that is starting from scratch. IMO, rapid cycles can be detrimental to the overall health of the tank, since it is not giving the beneficial "micro critters" that live in the sand bed and rock a good chance to grow their populations. (I'm also very cautious when starting a new tank, and let it cycle for 6-8 weeks before adding anything).


Only going to talk about my experience.
I rushed my system. I waited for the cycle to end but that was about it. And to this day I am paying for that. All I am saying is take your time you reef will thank you for it in the long run.


I've had almost all my tanks up and running with fish in under 72hours, so I believe it. I would just never recommend it openly, but it can be done.
What do you do?


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the site. Please don’t think I’m flaming you for the following things I say, butI I really think you jumped too soon to add critters.
Not trying to be mean...I know it can be done with live sand, the real good kind with critters and such, live rock and plenty of it, not the little bit I see in that tank. If you put un-cycled rock in that tank it’s doomed.
If all the rock and sand are established, you MIGHT get it to live. I know when you posted your pictures and it looks all clean and pretty that you expected a pat on the back....
Even so
It amazes me you were willing to go slow on adding rocks and then put all those fish and coral in at once. In an established tank I wouldn’t put all that in at once.
You said you had a tank before...$3000.00 in a week and you have no patients. A fool and his money I guess. I personally think you will be scrambling to keep alive what you have, trying to hold off a crash.
If you are smart and able to take advice...make up a batch of new saltwater just in case
you have to do an emergency water change.


New Member
I, like you, have been out of the hobby for a short time. And based on my experience with my past set ups, I am taking my time. Patience is the key to success with SW. I wish you luck and your tank does look nice and clean. Aquascaping with all the rock you would need, cycling and stabilizing parameters, would have been uppermost in my mind before I would have put the first living thing in the system. IMO your algae bloom is part of the cycle and something is feeding it other than tap water. I'm interested in the technique you used to do the accelerated cycle. I lost a small amount of livestock due to impatience and in experience on my first setup. Ammonia spike nailed them after I added a few more pieces of live rock. I would never risk the amount that you have so soon. Also, I thought UV filters were overated. Great for the koi pond, but if you use it frequently, you will kill off phytoplankton that some of your corals need and you will have to supplement more.
My latest setup is going to be a slow build. Not due to cash flow, but just making more sound decisions in what I want. I plan to aquascape with dry rock and seed with live rock and a couple of pieces of shrimp. When I do this, I plan on the cycle taking 4-6 weeks. This will also be based on testing parameters.
Below is where I am at right now in my build. I have started a thread in New Hobbyist and plan to update it as I come along.
Your stand and canopy are beautiful, keep up the good work!
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355592
I've had almost all my tanks up and running with fish in under 72hours, so I believe it. I would just never recommend it openly, but it can be done.
What do you do?
BTLDreef, I use a product that I found a few years ago. I have been in the saltwater hobby for probably 15 years now. I have tried EVERYTHING there is to cycle a tank quicker than the traditional 4 - 6 weeks. Nothing worked until I found the product. I have used it successfully every time for the last 3 tanks I have had and some on friends. After adding the product, the tank is cycled in 24 - 48 hours. Hogwash you say? It's ok, some cannot understand that to achieve total cycle does not take 6 weeks.
Most listen to LFS, friends, and books that say you MUST wait X amount of weeks to add fish. Well, it simply is not true. I plan to have a few people on the board give this product a shot, which I will ship to them free of charge, and let us know the results. I am posting more pics at the end of the thread to show you how the tank looks as of this morning. I did a 7 gallon RO/DI water change very late last night (did not need it, just swapping tap water). My algae problem is about resolved after 24 hours of the 18w UV. The water is crystal clear and the inhabitants are great.
BTL, if you would like to give it a shot, let me know. I can assure you it is risk free, as it works.
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355634

Welcome to the site. Please don’t think I’m flaming you for the following things I say, butI I really think you jumped too soon to add critters.
Not trying to be mean...I know it can be done with live sand, the real good kind with critters and such, live rock and plenty of it, not the little bit I see in that tank
. If you put un-cycled rock in that tank it’s doomed.
If all the rock and sand are established, you MIGHT get it to live. I know when you posted your pictures and it looks all clean and pretty that you expected a pat on the back....
t-family: arial,sans-serif;">Even so
It amazes me you were willing to go slow on adding rocks and then put all those fish and coral in at once. In an established tank I wouldn’t put all that in at once.
You said you had a tank before...$3000.00 in a week and you have no patients. A fool and his money I guess. I personally think you will be scrambling to keep alive what you have, trying to hold off a crash.
If you are smart and able to take advice...make up a batch of new saltwater just in case you have to do an emergency water change.
Hi Flower
No I don't expect a pat on the back, all I ask for is open minds. Don't be repressed to what you think you know. I used what I listed above, unless you failed to read it. I used the live sand that you could get at any saltwater store, the Caribsea. I used rock that was cured from my LFS. Although it was cured, it lacked the algae growth it has now. As you can see in some of the pics below, it is growing some nice coraline as I am using Purple Up occasionally.
There is no "might" get it to live, it will live and live long. There are a few tricks I have learned over the years that will keep my bacteria established and working great from day one. All water parameters are perfect, calcium levels, etc.
If you have cycled many tanks you will know that if you run a skimmer on a new tank all you will get is white foam and clear liquid. Just saltwater coming up in the form of foam and settling in the catcher. Now, a cycled tank, the skimmer should be full of dark waste. Observe the picture below of this 2 week old tank.

Now Flower, you hurt my feelings when you said "a fool and his money"
. I now have $5000 in the tank, only because I went out and bought an APC 1500 battery backup just so if the power goes out nothing will stop. I also went to Lowe's and bought a Generac 5000w generator and have it wired through the breaker box with a transfer switch. So IF my power goes out, the fish will never know it. I just go down in the garage, fire up the generator outside, throw the switch and we are back in business for however long it takes to get the power back on.
Flower, I have lost a lot of money in this hobby early on like we all do. I had a couple of years to think about how I was going to do all this. I didn't really save for it, I just thought it was time. I appreciate all your concerns and comments too! I take no offense and I hope you have taken none either. We are all friends here.
Without further delay, here are some pics from this morning and also a video I took just a minute ago. Forgive the noise in the background, it is an Oreck air cleaner. Noisy little thing. Also the reason the overflow box is so clean is that I took it off and cleaned the algae off it last night. I spend about 3 hours a night on maintenance on the tank. I enjoy it, gives me a break from a stressful day at work.

Now for the Video!
Click the little arrow at the bottom right to make full screen, it is full 1080p!


Looks nice,.....rush or not...good luck with it.....
did that skimmer come with your sump? I had one like that....worked fine for a few months and just quit.....I was told they are not that great....Since then I have gotten a Hurricone Cat 2e external....HOLY COW....this thing pulls out some nasty gunk....LOL


I'm interested, shoot me a PM or you can email me directly (in my signature).
I've actually cycled in less 72hours or less without using any products, you just have to be careful in how you do things.
Yes that skimmer was an add on to the wet/dry, so it fits right down inside and uses a RIO 2200 pump. It works well, but if I need to I will get an external. What troubles did you have with yours?
BTL I will send you an email a bit later. Thank You all for your input.


Well-Known Member

LOL...What I read in your first post was that you once had a tank and after a few years you are ready to do it again...You thought about it allot before starting. Then you went into the tank is two weeks old, you spent $3000.00 and here is my stock list...Naturally I assumed you had no idea what you were doing. So I hope I didn't hurt your feelings too much, but surely you can understand why I said what I did.
Now you say you have been in the hobby for 15 years. Well the tank is beautiful and a UV will stop the algae...
So you say you found a product? Do tell..what is it?


Originally Posted by Snowflakeclown http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355885
Yes that skimmer was an add on to the wet/dry, so it fits right down inside and uses a RIO 2200 pump. It works well, but if I need to I will get an external. What troubles did you have with yours?
BTL I will send you an email a bit later. Thank You all for your input.
At first it worked okay.....and it just stopped producing.....then when I started asking questions about it, I was told they are not that great....


Active Member
I am interested in what the product is. I'm also curious as to how long the tanks have been running that have been set up this way.(I will not let my secrets out on how long my 55 was set up before adding livestock
Thank You Mike!
Sorry for the late response, I have been pretty busy with things. I will have a PM sent to you BTL and the others that wanted to know about what I used for the cycle soon. I am working on something and I will send it as soon as I finish. I would love to hear feedback as well when you try it.
Thanks again to everyone on the comments, I am really enjoying the tank!