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shark bait

Originally Posted by LV-Reefer
Sweet tank dude... when i'm in the area i'll have to come check it out

Dude can you tell me how to set up a web cam so I can view the tank online. I can put it on my company website if I need to use it to host the feed.

shark bait

So I got some new fish today, panther grouper, magnificant fox and a big eye, and wow his eye is huge, he is the size of a baseball. The panther was traded in and is huge I would say 12" or so but he is mellow.

shark bait

Originally Posted by bpaul1201
i'd say keep that panther feed and happy or no more chromis!

my stock of 50 chomis is down to about 20!!! I blame the lion, he is fast and the saddle grouper is the fastest fish I have seen in a tank, he is so fast i'd like to get Discovery Channel over with the Great white camera they have and tape him in the hunt. He is so fast I could not even see him get the chromis just him chomping and a fat belly. UNREAL... the lion will wait untill i feed the flake food for the chromis, and after he has put back 3-4 jumbo krill and sit in the falling food untill the chromis come out. And bammmm who ever comes out first is gone. I hate this as I have lost more $$$$ in chromis than I spent on the lion and saddle together. I'll group yellow tangs next time. Byt the chromis were cool for a few weeks....

shark bait

Here are some new pics. The one of the lion is him on the attack, and after the kill. My Bigeye is the size of a baseball, and Foxface is about 5-6 in and the panther is a foot or more. Enjoy.



well i guess that solves to chromis issue!
poor little guys never had a chance! oh well maybe next time in a more peaceful tank, not a killer fish tank! but all else looks good! have you thought about a ray or an eel to compliment the shark?

shark bait

Yea I have given a few days of thought in to an eel but the hawiian may not be a good mix here, and the SFE would need to be huge as most sharks have had eel found in their gut. A zebra may be to docile and no way I am going with a Tessy. Ray would be cool but I have to much rock work, i have anywhere from 6 inches to a foot around the rock to the acrylic, but at and disc size of a ray it would not be a GREAT home and this tank has over a year of thought and careful planning into the fish. The chromis
well I got half of them still, but they hide in the rock still cool, but sad when one gets lost and well everyone in the tank is on the hunt. The saddle grouper is by far the first on the kill, he is out right fast. I mean out swim a trigger to food in a second.
i'll update once the other fish are in.


what bout a regular green moray? there cooler then the others in my book. the dragon looks cool but not a fan of the price, but the green moray would be a good thought, the shark you are planing on keeping is not one of the know eel eater plus the green moray well get big enough to defend himself against the other tank mates to! the 3 my cousin had were all more then 4ft in lenght and his brown banded never bothered them even when i was feeding them!
but on another note yea sorry bout the chromis! and groupers are the worse fish every to keep in a home tank cuz they will try to eat everything! and yes like you found out are very very fast!

shark bait

What about a golden tail???? it is on this site and is a good looking eel. I'll do some research on it but again never put much thought in to an eel with this set up, just another fish taking up floor space in the tank, and I don't have that much rock.


that is a nice looking eel! i dont know how big they get though? how many lbs of rock do you have? also a another neat trick would be to bury pvc pipes under the sand bed, it works real well, remember eel like to hide most of their bodies in things it doesn just have to be rock! and if your rock is up against the back of the tank then all that you need is to have a few caves big enough for the eel to stick its head out and to hide its body! but i just thought that the kind of setup that an eel would be a nice addition especially since it'll eat the same food as the shark and other fish!

also one last thing make sure that you have a top on your tank cuz eels are known escape artists.

shark bait

Yop I know what you mean. I had 2" pvc in my 150 and had it under the sand and it worked well. I read the max size of that guy is 24" so maybe I'll have to get a full size one


i would check out the other site on their special pages where you can get a lot of rare or hard to find livestock! i know where there are 2 2ft green morays for $150! if you look around you should have no problem finding one that is full grown or close enough! one other thing you know that you might have to get rid of that gruoper in a few years right? but goodluck on your search and keep posting info and pics! later

shark bait

the panther or the saddle? They are both fish that hide and come out to eat so as long as the tank is good size it is not like wrasse, or trigger that needs lots of swim room, but I am aware of the size they do get. My LFS got in a cali horn shark and is tempting me with it but I had to say no. He also has a brown cat shark, but it is 6" I need it to be a foot min to go in the tank. The cali was 2 feet I have a pic I took I put it up in the AM.


the panther grouper stays relatively small usually less then 2ft but the saddle grouper gets bigger!! but dont worry when it gets to big you can always have a fish fry
! yea its going to be hard to find a shark that size ( about 1-2ft but u'll find it though! yeah a cali horned looks nice but i like the brown banded( i have more experience with them) i'm not sure but are nurf sharks legal for the home aqaurium?

shark bait

SOOOOOOOOOO aFTER A TALK WITH THE WIFE she is not for the idea of a shark as I am already spending to much time with the fish as it is. I come home from work and spend time feeding and doing " random fish stuff"
she is right the shark will take more time as in the past I have had to hand feed, with a probe my sharks. this takes alot of time and I only see my wife and kids 3-4 hours each day as it is and it is only going to get worse.
so with that in mind WE have made the choice not to do a shark, but a more active tank one in which the whole family can watch and enjoy. She hates borring fish. eg ones that just sit and dont move, she wants a puffer, or trigger.
So that is what we are going to do. I may get her to bend but I'd say the SHARK is out........


well its good to be a single guy like myself! no need to ask anybody about if we can get or not! but she does have a valid point! i would suggest to get the family involved with the tank! like feeding,cleaning, watching the fishies! puffers are nice the other fish wont bother with him, and know you might be able to have a small cleaning crew? but we all do things for the ones we love! how about making it a mild reef tank? maybe an aneome/clown combo? i know that the younger ones of the family love them! and if it was a maroon clown it could hold its own! just one more thing to think about!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shark bait
SOOOOOOOOOO aFTER A TALK WITH THE WIFE she is not for the idea of a shark as I am already spending to much time with the fish as it is. I come home from work and spend time feeding and doing " random fish stuff"
she is right the shark will take more time as in the past I have had to hand feed, with a probe my sharks. this takes alot of time and I only see my wife and kids 3-4 hours each day as it is and it is only going to get worse.
so with that in mind WE have made the choice not to do a shark, but a more active tank one in which the whole family can watch and enjoy. She hates borring fish. eg ones that just sit and dont move, she wants a puffer, or trigger.
So that is what we are going to do. I may get her to bend but I'd say the SHARK is out........