Back up and running again


shark bait

The big eye met his maker to day as the wife calls up the office and his eye got better, but got in to a tiff with the saddle grouper. She was damn near in tears. I said well there goes the most expensive fish in the tank... But these guys should have gotten a long so I am gona get the saddle and take him back... No other choice. This guy is just a beast, and well I know of all the fish I had this was the only guy that was a real 50/50 fish and took some major talking up to for me to buy the guy. Oh well, just shows even when you think you know every thing about keeping fish, one bad ass fish has to show you your wrong. Oh well I think i'll pull him and keep the tank chill for a while
Chromis report of the day is ONE LEFT.........


only one!! damn i would pll him out and put him in his own tank....hes a survivor!! well at least you know not to buy groupers any more!! sorry bout the big eye though, but not a good idea for buying a saddle, well at least you might be able to restock with some more chromis!!

shark bait

Tell me about it. I also did some research in to my needs as far as lights go keeping a host wit hthe clown, and I would need damn near 1100 watts. And it would run about 1400 for the fixture and lights. So really if I did this I'd reef the tank. So sorry clown no home for you. Now go find a rock....

shark bait

So I am out of town for a week and I just found out that we had a power outage here in CA and I do have a power back up UBS but it went out. So my house keeper just called and the entire tank is dead............. So I will start a new thread when I get it back up.............


That sucks it was such an amazing tank,But like mike said it could be a sign.

shark bait

Well I just got the new current 1/3 hp chiller, and the orbit 72" 1134 watt light with 3 250 watt HQI. I put the light on the tank to see what the temp would do and it makes it go up 4-5* so bigger chiller was a must. But I am hitting the LFS Monday and well, I'm gona hurt my Visa. I will have pics as the tank grows. I need an easy tank to take care of and big mean hungry fish like I had take to much time. I just want to feed and clean, and let my top off system do the work. Oh also got the Read Sea pro wave maker, what are some high GHP pumps I can use.
Thanks JW

shark bait

Ok so the chiller is LOUD, it over powers my overflow..... and it is slow at chilling it took over 12 hours, with a fan on it to drop from 82 to 78 and I like to run my tanks at 75-76. Why u may ask, lower temp slows down the metabolism of fish, thus less food and less waste and better water conditions. Further it is a china pice of $HIP, the grill falls off it has push clamps and ONLY.... GET THIS.... has the option of 5/8 tubes, as it comes with NO OTHER options. For a chiller that is 1/3 in hp it should have 1 inch in and out.. I just dont get it. So to all the current guys who I talked to at the frag swap in Orance County.... sorry, should have got the JBJ AND THEY SUCK.... i TOLD MY LOCAL SHOP WHO HAS NOT GOT THEM TO NOT GET THEM he said ok and put his order with oceanic. Current=JBJ=China POS.....
.........................OH 15 LARGE 3-4 INCH CROMIES, 3 bangi cards and 1 gold head goby( makin a mess he is) LOL...

shark bait

Any one had an issue of poping the house breaker. I have poped mine twice. I have 1134 watts of light, 2 little giant return pumps, one ehiem 1262, and the chiller all big power stuff but it keeps poping. Has anyone ever had some one come out and up the breaker fuse???? I think I may need to do that.


Active Member
the typical residential circuit is 15 amps, which can handle around 1300-1400 watts, assuming there is nothing else running on that circuit (which is usually not the case)) you are pushing the limit. most people running a system suchb as yours opt for a dedicated circuit for their tank with a 20 amp breaker instead of 15.

shark bait

Ok thanks. I am going to run a 25 foot power cord from the wash room to run just the lights, and the rest of the system will be on the original breaker. I think this will work untill i have a new line put in. I have a huge home theater in that room and my wife blew the breake last night when it was all on. I had thought that was the issue.

shark bait

I have looked at the issue and it is the fixture I am going to pull the 4 96 watt attinic 03's and put in VHO. Just going to mod the entire fixture as I think the Ballist on the Atinics is bad.


well i know its been a long time since i've been on but hows the tank sorry about the lose of all the fishes but good luck on this try! later

shark bait

I am fully back and running and have been for a while go to the reef section and look for my 330g reef diary. TTYL