Back up and running again


shark bait

Thanks dude.

No whip here, have you seen the tank!!!!
I get what I want, but she has a good point and I tend to agree.
I just get to spend more $$$$$$ Fine by me.

shark bait

current list of fish
So what do I do now? Here is what I have, and my final want list.
20 blue chomis ( Going to be 0 in another month)
6 yellow tangs
1 panther grouper
1 saddle grouper
1 big eye
1 fox face
1 lion
1 gold bar clown 5" or so
4 xxxl hermit crabs
20 turbos
1 super size red urchin
the want list
1 mappa or golden puffer
1 triger, maybe humma or clown
1, harlquin tusk from australia
1 koran or queen angel, goldflake
1 eel white mouth, gold tail, or hawiian dragon
that is it.
I am aware that puffers and trigers nip at lions so we do not need to have that little talk here thanks...........


i would say a white mouth eel, dragon is just to much money!! i would like to see some pics of the hermits! but how about another tang like an achilles of white cheeks instead of the puffer/trigger! the tusk will be ok and an angelfish should be cool to just buy them as big as possible! oh and maybe move the chromis out of the tank if you can!
puffers are cool but if they get stress ( or die ) they might release some of the tetradoxins that they have, plus they eat your inverts!
triggers are just big bully's they might be cool when there small but when they get bigger wow just a big bully my cousin had to remove his cause they wouldnt leave his 12" lion and one of the green morays alone! the trigger was about 9" itself!


Hey sharkbait out of the fish want list this is what I would do,
Golden puffer
Niger trigger(I'm not just saying that cuz the lion, cuz nigers get pretty big and aggressive)
Harlequin tusk
Queen angel
And a Hawaiian dragon eel. Also if I were you I would add a Naso tang they look really cool with lion fish.

shark bait

I like your ideas. I have been looking for a male blonde naso about 6-8 inches. I like the streamers the male has. My tank is doing OK my big eye got pop eye, He looks a bit stressed out and it may be the food fight that went on the other night. He had a silver side and everyone had already got their food but the saddle grouper is a fat

and can't stop eating. He chased him around and took his food

I have kept the tank in good check and plan on a 20 gal water change today. I just have to get off my a$$ and drive to the fish store.
I have been doing small water changes as I had the Salinity a .025, and have taken it down to where I like it over the past month to .021.
My yellow tangs are fine I had 7 but one came that was suffering from poor eating and I could not get him to eat so he died.
But no ich on the tangs or other issues. They would be the first to show signs if something were to happen.
Just mad about the pop eye but it happens and is just an infection that will go way with less stress and a good water change.

shark bait

I'll get them up monday when I get back to my office. My docking station is there and cant get the picks on my laptop. I got my new office pc up and running, crazy quad core was a pain and I HATE VISTA......
PS looking into a line on a good price on the hawiian eel, yea its high but just about the most crazy eel and a true rare find.


will be waiting! goodluck with the dragon i like them their cool looking and all just not wanting to pay the much for a fish that has the possiblitly of dieing on me! my 2 clowns only cost me $40 bucks! the most i'd ever pay for a gish would be maybe $200 but it would have to be a good rare fish! but anywho goodluck with the Dragon Hunt!

shark bait

Here they are the photos you have all been waiting for. Not really all that great but fun none the less. My wife and I took the kids to the Birch Aquarium in San Diego, lust a short drive from our home and she got to see all the cali jorn sharks and the cats and so forth and she really thinks they are cool but borring still. So the plan is the same. However she LOVED THE REEF tank. Her picks were a atheron puffer, queen angel, clown trigger. I was not shocked as these are some of the coolest fish in the trade. But she wants them to all play nice, ya right.....


shark bait

I love the lion pic as he is a food whore. He sees me and will trace me he wants to be in every photo. The panther is just chilling with his buddy the jumbo crab, aka wilson as he is the size a baseball. I looks kinda like he has his fin around him it's kinda funny.


yea dont forget to til your wife how hard it is to keep a queen angel and a clown trigger in good health and not be stressed! weres the saddle grouper at?any chromis left? what kind of crab is that and how much do they cost? i like the maroon you have is there an anemone for it, do you have just one or two? at least you have the type of clown that will carry its own in that tank!
sorry for all the questions. but love the pics man they all have a great personalitily

shark bait

the saddle grouper likes to hide all the time.... as for the chromis I have about 5 or so. Just one jumbo GBM clown and no home for nemo, I haVE 8x65 watts of light to the tank that is not even 2 watts per gallon so not the right amount of light for them. What was the other question????? oh crabs they are just jumbo hermit crabs and are about 10 bucks each and I have 4 of them.


sounds like a lighting upgrade is in order since how the wife liked the reef tank from the aqaurium! yea i've never seen hermits that big before so i had to ask, do they eat the same stuff as the dwarfs or are they a lil more needy. well not many chromis left i see but i quess lesson learned? well just keep us updated later

shark bait

the crabs go after the silversides that hit the floor, but dont get to much time to grub as the others in the tank will pull the food from them, so i just use flake food and they get some of the left over. Yea the guy that owns the shop said it was the biggest hermit he has ever seen, So I need to find some larger shells for him when he grows, he is in a huge snail shell right now. One of the best things about living by the beach is all the tourist shops that sell all kinds of cool shells I can put in. One crab moved into my spike shell, I dont even want to try and pick him up. I'll get a photo for ya but he is shy....

shark bait

Yea I am going to do an agressive tank with active fish that are hardy and can take it and give it back. So next on the list is a blond nasso male show size and a blue hippo tang large, and maybe a koran, or queen not sure on the type. Maybe a puffer but i'll think about it with the lion.... every one is ok as of now and my wife likes the longfins but i'm not a fan, i'd rather do a moris idol but not a good tank fish IMO. so thats it i' have some crab photos for ya so i'll get them going.
Oh I keep my tank at .020 salinity, has any one done a tad lower eg .018 and kept a CHC CHIP Star fish, or other inverts. The crabs will do fine but the snails and CCSF may not, I see a white speck on one of the tangs but I did a QT on everything for 30 days. cant pull him tanks to big and it will piss everyone off and may cause ich to hit the tank.


well sounds like a plan! if you need to remove the tang wait till its night and all the lights are out and go in and get him! its the best way i've learned to get the fish i want out! thw blonde naso would be awesome not sure about the large blue hippo not a big fan they get sick to easily for my taste! only other thing i can think of is a UV sterilizer for the tank to control the ich but that also can harm the good bacteria to, so might want to due a lil research, as far as the salt level i know that onces is gets below .20 inverts start dieing they cant handle that low of a level mine stays at .23-.25 and my inverts love it they all are molting and growing and all the good stuff! also recommend an anemone for the maroon it usually adds a great soure of entertainment for the family i know my clown loves hers sleeps in it at night all snug in a rug!