Banggai Cardinals Spawned


Active Member
I am pretty sure that my banggai cardinals spawned again, the male looks like he has a mouth full, I have started to notice that he is not eating. Is there anything I should watch for to know when he is going to drop them or let them go, they have done this before but never the full 28 days ( as I understand it).
Any help would be great I would like to try to raise these from fry.
Thanks Al


I don't know how to raise the fry, but I would definitely PM Bang Guy about it.
Very cool! Good luck!


Active Member
Thanks TL - I was thinking of doing that
Here are some pictures I snapped
First is the female - small jaw
Second is male - large swollen jaw


Oh, he's definitely carrying fry in there! So cool. I've caught my PJ's a few times with fry in their mouth but nothing ever comes of it.


Active Member
I just saw him open his mouth and I think I just saw eggs. Everything in this tank is doing something - WHEN I'm NOT WATCHING, I have at least 30 or 40 babies snails in the fuge and on the rock work.


Active Member
That is very cool AL!!
Are you going to try to raise them? When they get large enough,
I will PM my ship to address


Active Member
Very cool. Trade ya. lol
Do you have any urchins?? you can make a fake one, the babies will hide in it until you can catch them, or once your male gets close, catch him and put him into a small tank. I know Bang raised them and I think meowzer raised a batch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///t/387644/banggai-cardinals-spawned#post_3412691
Very cool. Trade ya. lol
Do you have any urchins?? you can make a fake one, the babies will hide in it until you can catch them, or once your male gets close, catch him and put him into a small tank. I know Bang raised them and I think meowzer raised a batch.
Horse for a banggai - LOL - how have you been T!!! Haven't seen any pictures of my white horse lately LOL


Active Member
been good, and she turned grey lol I still have 17 babies plus the 5 in my tank.
I am getting ready to tear my tank apart. I am sick of algea and flat worms. Time for an overhaul. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///t/387644/banggai-cardinals-spawned#post_3412584
Any time my friend, I would be happy to send you a couple. How is that FW tank going?

We are still in the talking/research phase.
-for those who don't know, I am giving my 10g QT to the wife to do with as she pleases. One of my trusted LFS is installing a QT system in the back of the shop. They will have 3 sections: 1 observation, 1 hypo and 1 copper, all in various tank sizes. These folks know what they are doing.
The wife can do whatever she pleases with the tank, as long as it isn't the "Little Mermaid" theme she keeps threatening. She can do anything she wants as long is it doesn't include the plastic treasure chest with the bubbler she keeps (I hope) joking about having. She is free to do whatever as long as it is a planted tank. She is in complete control as long as she doesn't use that crappy blue pseudo sand stuff. She can do whatever she chooses as long as it is completely natural.
Yep, she is in complete control...


Active Member
HA HA HA!!!!
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/387644/banggai-cardinals-spawned#post_3412807
We are still in the talking/research phase.
-for those who don't know, I am giving my 10g QT to the wife to do with as she pleases. One of my trusted LFS is installing a QT system in the back of the shop. They will have 3 sections: 1 observation, 1 hypo and 1 copper, all in various tank sizes. These folks know what they are doing.
The wife can do whatever she pleases with the tank, as long as it isn't the "Little Mermaid" theme she keeps threatening. She can do anything she wants as long is it doesn't include the plastic treasure chest with the bubbler she keeps (I hope) joking about having. She is free to do whatever as long as it is a planted tank. She is in complete control as long as she doesn't use that crappy blue pseudo sand stuff. She can do whatever she chooses as long as it is completely natural.
Yep, she is in complete control...


Active Member
Thanks Mike - haven't seen you around for a while, I was going to PMyou but I think he spit them out, can't see any fry - IDK he has done this a few times now, all I have in this 65 gallon reef is 2 clowns, 2 bangaii, 1 blue green chromis and 1 bi-colored blenny. I would like to move these guys to their own tank, but do they eat the fry themselves after they are released, what is your experience with that. I have a 40 breeder on the same system as you might know from my build, but I have a black & gold damsel in it right now, I have to bring him back to the LFS.
Hi Al, yeah I have been very busy with work and family. Does the male cardinal eat now? If so, then he probably eat the fry. Usually you can see the wrinkle under the males chin. If he is not eating and still has that wrinkle under his chin, then he is still probably holding the eggs. Once your pair mate, they will keep mating for now on. The key is to keep them very well fed. If you dont feed the male every day he wont be able to last the holding cycle and he will get very hungry and eat the eggs/fry. I would put them in there own tank if you can and let them do there thing. The adult cardinals will eat the baby fry after some time but not at first. When you can see the fry hatched in the males mouth (fins and heads sticking out) you can then scoop the male out of the water. as soon as he leaves the water, he will spit out all the baby fry. Thats how you can get the best success on raising most of the fry. I could never catch my in my reef, so I would have to check the urchin, corners and filter socks for the babies. It would be smart to put in a sea urchin. The baby fry are programed to go to it. You can always try and make one, but I found they always went to the real and not my fake urchin :-( You can PM me if you like, I can give you my phone # and help you in anyway I can. I still have some of the babies in my main tank now. they are almost as big as the parents :)


Active Member
Thanks Mike, I do feed daily and tonight the male did not eat - his head does not look as swollen as it did before. I think I would have a hell of a time trying to net this pair, I know when I took my tank down for the upgrade they were the last to be caught after all the rock was removed that is. Maybe I will make one of those fish traps like SLice has. Thanks for the input I really appreciate it - I will keep an eye on him for sure in the next couple of days. How long does the male hold the eggs and fry for? Love to see some pictures of the babies if you have any!
Thats great!!!! then he probably still have the eggs in his mouth. He will hold the fry for about 30 days. He will hang around the urchin so when the fry venture out, they wont have far to go. I will get a picture of the babies now in my tank and post them tomorrow. You can see pictures of the babies in the sea urchin under my baby cardinal thread. Like I said, if you want to call me some time, I can explain on how to get the fry eating after they leave the male.