Base Rock?? And Cycling??



when you setup your tank 4 weeks ago, what all did you add to it? LR? LS? shrimp? food?


I added nothing. Water and salt mix. Thats it. So you still think it might be my tests? Then why did my trates go up if I have no ammonia? Do you think getting another brand of tests would help?


I did the dead shrimp thing and it worked like a charm for me.
What about the Biozyme and Cycle (the Cycle says it's good for salt?)? I've used both and haven't had anything horrendous happen. What've you guys heard?


I just heard someone talking that it prolonges cycle and also someone said it doesn't work at all. I can't see how it makes the cycle longer and if it doesn't work at all then 3 bucks down the drain and I have found in this hobby 3 isn't a whole lot. Heck that won't even get you a gallon of gas anymore!


I just seen the coolest little fish. The Mandarin Dragonet. I might think of one of those later down the road.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
I just seen the coolest little fish. The Mandarin Dragonet. I might think of one of those later down the road.
no, no!!
No impulse buys! Research your fish.. Dragonets eat tiny critters known as pods. If you don't have a steady supply of them, they slowly starve.
I still think it is your test kit. Drinking water should not be testing positive for ammonia. Do a search on this website for "cycling". You will get a lot of explanations.
Good luck with the cycle. It will work out just fine.


yeah, no dragonets, unless you have 100 lbs of LR AND a very large refugium!
Thanks for the congrats!!! Was our 1 year anniversary on sunday!
And, if you didn't add anything to the tank, you did not cycle. You have to add something to it to spike the ammonia (should go off the charts). I'd say it's definately your test kit, now. Add a shrimp or some food and get it going (count that day as the beginning of your cycle...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
I seen that but this sight also said they accept live brine and worms. So this isn't a good idea?
A very rare few eat live or frozen food, most starve.


ok. no no on the dragonets.
thats alright. maybey once I get enough lr in the far future I might think of it


Active Member
if you like dragonet type fish, look into the blennies. they are somewhat similar. I had a mandarin at one time, now I have a bicolor blenny. I prefer the blenny, much more interesting in behavior and has a cooler personality and much more hardy.


Active Member
Do a search on this site for "base rock". There have been many discussions on it. Both the good and the bad.


Ok here is the deal with my tank. Over the weekend I have been testing and this is what I have noticed. My ammonia still looks to be 1.0 but is a little lighter in color than what it has been. My trites are still 0 but the blue color is much more clearer (I guess you would call it) than what it has been. And my trates have definitly gone up to 5.0. Is it possible that my tank cycled and I just had falty test kits? I got about 3.5lbs of cured lr at ***** and put in there but my readings were as so before I put the lr in there. I still have 10lbs of lr coming. Let me know what you guyes think?