Base Rock?? And Cycling??


Active Member
i think you should post a picture of the test tube next to the reading card. it can't be more visual than that :notsure:


ok. first I have to take some pics and then I will give it a try. can't promise anything real fast though?


if you added "cured" LR, that's not going to cycle your tank... you need to spike the ammonia up really high!!! Put in a cocktail shrimp or two.


Horray!!!! Ok. I took readings this morning. My ammonia is about the same. A little lighter than 1.0 but darker than .50. My nitrites are up to .25. The test tube changed from light blue to light purple!!! My nitrates are 5.0. Still don't know how they went up before the trites but it is cycling!!!! I put 3.5 lbs lr in Friday night and I just put 10 lbs in this morning. I do have one question. The 3.5lbs was bought from ***** and is now getting dark brown spots on it. Is this die off? And the 10lbs I got from someone off the internet. It was covered in coriline algie ( I know I spelled that wrong!!) When I got it the post office had apparently played kick ball with the box. The water bag it was all in was busted and the post office wrapped it in plastic wrap with a sorry I F***** it up note. I can still see some purple spots on it and alot of the creatchers within were dead. Is this rock still going to be ok??
I just tossed it all in the tank so I could get an ammonia spike.


that's perfect for cycling. You may not have any hitchikers left, but if the coraline algae is still there, that means it's still alive.
The brown spots on your LR in the tank sounds like die off. Good job!!! Happy your cycle is finally kicking in there. Keep us posted on your readings!


So you don't think any of the hitch hikers made it? I seen brisle worms, copods and other stuff on it. Don't I need those things to help maintain the tank?


I was going to call and ask them if they had any insurance on stuff they messed up. I got the rock cheap but still
If I could get my 40 bucks back I would be happy :notsure:


you could add them to your filter as filter media. They work wonderfully. You could also put them in your overflow box as add'l filter media.
If you still see living things on the rock, then it sounds like the hichikers are ok! that's good!


Active Member
you're good. the rocks are good. broken or not. replace bioballs with rubbles, save them if you don't.
when you venture into corals later on, you'll need those rubbles for coral propagation.


Originally Posted by snailheave
you're good...
was that directed at me???


The organisms I seen were dead. I seen a worm stuck to the back of one of the rocks. Do you think any of them lived inside the rock.


Active Member
i think a lot of them survived.
and i still don't think you are ready for sea stars. not to mention i just don't think they do well in captivity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
was that directed at me???
do you have a lot of clients take out ARM or interest-only loans?