Base Rock?? And Cycling??



i dunno... come to think of it, i've only ever seen green lights on people's names, or else i just don't notice when it's a different color...


:help: Hery guy's I have a question, might sound crazy or stupid but I don't know so I ask. Coraline Algae on rock, when you take the rock out of the water does the coraline disappear and turn white or does it stayand keep its color, but just dry out? I bought a piece of coral rock from the LFS to use as base rock in my tank. It was one of there tanks from another store. It has green and purple colors which they said was coraline but now that I have it home I am not sure, thinking it might be painted.


It depends on how long it is out of the water. I bought rock and had it shipped to me and the post office messed up my package and all the coraline just looked like it dissapered on mine. If the coraline dies then you won't see its color anymore. I hope that helps??


when coraline dies, it turns white. If it's out of the water for a long period of time... more than 3 hours... it's most likely dead coraline.