Battle in Gaza...


This is probably a touchy situation to all. I just wanted to say how horrible it is that Israel can keep on killing so many civilians and still act so innocent? Especially after the latest attack on a UN school where refuges were staying at. That was so low and cold. Seeing the footages of kids bleeding and dying being rushed into hospitals lacking equipment, etc. Doctor, nurses, etc stressing out working day and night doing their best to heal the wounded. Anyone else think Israel needs to stop the senseless murdering? It seems they can do no wrong because USA's got their back. What a shame.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I guess Hamas should stop blindly shooting missiles into Israel.War is ugly and I'm sure Israel isn't targeting children.It pisses me of to no end to see news media report on poor Palestine when the Palestinians do nothing to stop the attacks on Israel ,or when some Homicide bomber walks onto a bus killing dozens of innocent men women and children.Who's attacking and who's defending?


Active Member
so does saudi arabia and egypt they both have publically stated that hamas has given israel the right to retaliate.


Active Member
veni i could hug you so hard right now.
my folks and my little brother are there right now. i'm so stressed.


Active Member
...and just so you know, Squiddy dear, that school was booby-trapped and used, by Hamas, as a launch point for dozens of missiles. They violated the Geneva Convention in using it. Israel retaliated by neutralizing the threat of repeated rocket attacks; the fact that it happened to be a school building was made irrelevant the moment Hamas began using it as a weapons base.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
This is probably a touchy situation to all. I just wanted to say how horrible it is that Israel can keep on killing so many civilians and still act so innocent? Especially after the latest attack on a UN school where refuges were staying at. That was so low and cold. Seeing the footages of kids bleeding and dying being rushed into hospitals lacking equipment, etc. Doctor, nurses, etc stressing out working day and night doing their best to heal the wounded. Anyone else think Israel needs to stop the senseless murdering? It seems they can do no wrong because USA's got their back. What a shame.

I'm curious Squid...
Did i miss the post you made condemning the Palestinians for firing rockets into Israel for the two weeks before Israel retaliated?
The world sits back and allows Hamas and Hezbollah to indiscriminately kill Israeli citizens at whim, but Heaven forbid Israel protect her citizens...
Here's some friendly advice for all of those caught in the conflict in Gaza; Don't vote for, support, or allow your kids to go to a school where Hamas mortar teams are firing into Israel...
All of that said, if Israel wasn't concerned about civilian casualties they could load up the jets, fuel the tanks, and push every last freakin terrorist into the sea in about 6 hours...


Active Member
omg am I glad to seeeeeee you, man. hope all is well/safe/happy/secure!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
omg am I glad to seeeeeee you, man. hope all is well/safe/happy/secure!!!!!
Wow, thanks.

All is well. Back in the States for a couple of weeks. Hopefully the internet in my trailer will be back to functioning when I return at the end of the month.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
...and just so you know, Squiddy dear, that school was booby-trapped and used, by Hamas, as a launch point for dozens of missiles. They violated the Geneva Convention in using it. Israel retaliated by neutralizing the threat of repeated rocket attacks; the fact that it happened to be a school building was made irrelevant the moment Hamas began using it as a weapons base.
So you think the refugees would still seek cover in those schools knowing that hamas was still using the schools for war? Sounds like a cheap argument after the fact. Israel claims it was a counterattack but yeah, Israel can do no wrong, we have to believe them.
Originally Posted by chilwil84
so does saudi arabia and egypt they both have publically stated that hamas has given israel the right to retaliate.
Aren't they allies of the US? If so, that's not a surprise.
Originally Posted by kjr_trig

Squid, I like you so much better when you stick to Sports related threads.

This was too serious a situation to let it be ignored.
journeyman, I just felt Israel was going overboard with the onslaught but again, it doesn't matter we're supposed to support Israel no matter what right? They can do no wrong.


Active Member
yeah especially after the 9/11 attack israel was behind. They aren't against attacking even their only supporter if it means reaching their evil devious plans.
Come one squidward, there is no way you are serious.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
yeah especially after the 9/11 attack israel was behind. They aren't against attacking even their only supporter if it means reaching their evil devious plans.
Come one squidward, there is no way you are serious.
Believe what you want, I'm stating what has happened. You make it seem like a joke. That's good to know.


Active Member
it is a joke, a big friggin joke, the entire world should bow out of the situation and let ISRAEL solve it on their on, in they're own manner, and if that means they kill ever single resident in palestine, then SO BE IT, israel actually tried to make nice with them, an got crapped on in the worst way, so you know what, i have no feelings of sympathy for them in any way shape or form. they made they're bed, an now that they're being forced to lay in it, guess what, they're getting upset an crying to the world media, which is THE BIGGEST JOKE IN THE WORLD.
go israel, kick some terrorist butt


Active Member
Look I see it like this hamas keep dping issolated attackes to isreal (yeah cant spell) and every time isreal attacks the us steps in and they stand down. But hamas keeps fireing rockets why they are terrorists. The us has a policy we can not talk to terrorists. So we wont tell hamas to stop launching missile into isreal. So there for look at us it took 2 planes on 911 for us to whipe out 2 countrys. They get bombed by hamas every day and let it go because we say so. So look at it from there stand point they have lost many many more people than we did on 911 to terrorists now they try to stop them and we say its wrong. I was with the war on terror on our country so I can not be hypocrite and it its wrong for them to stand up for themseives. Remember we went in with or without nato permission. And at the end of the day the bible dose say the gaza belongs to isreal let them take back what is theres by god.


mboswell1982;2902732 said:
it is a joke, a big friggin joke, the entire world should bow out of the situation and let ISRAEL solve it on their on, in they're own manner, and if that means they kill ever single resident in palestine, then SO BE IT, israel actually tried to make nice with them, an got crapped on in the worst way, so you know what, i have no feelings of sympathy for them in any way shape or form. they made they're bed, an now that they're being forced to lay in it, guess what, they're getting upset an crying to the world media, which is THE BIGGEST JOKE IN THE WORLD.
go israel, kick some terrorist butt[/QUOTES]
Wow very smart


Active Member
actually squidward, i consider myself quite intelligent, and i defend israel to the hilt in this fight, they have been crapped on for 2000 years, they finally get their own nation again, and immediately start getting crapped on again, well, theyve now got the balls to stand up on their feet, an tell the entire world to kiss it an fight back, which is what they are doing, an guess what, they're doin a helluva job at fightin back, hamas an hezbollah both know they dont stand a chance against the israelis in a stand up face to face fight, so they resort to this kinda crap, well, the good folks over in israel have had their fill, an are now doin what they want, which is exactly what they should do, we, as americans, have absolutely NO right to tell them they cant do it, seeing as how we went against world opinion an invaded afghanistan an iraq, an are still in iraq while the entire world bashes on us for being there, yet we are going to tell the israelis that they cant defend themselves? that is pure, unadulterated hog wash, an yes, thats edited for the younger folks on here.
and i know, my use of the english language an proper punctuation is horendous, but i really dont give a crap, its easier for me to type this way, an so this is how i type LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
Believe what you want, I'm stating what has happened. You make it seem like a joke. That's good to know.
yeah, israeli 1,500, or was it 15,000, operatives working at remote control helicopter kiosks attacked the WTC. Thanks to a now denied Fox News story, we know the real truth! Why don't you post that link again to enlighten us. Or did the government get youtube to pull it, to shield us from the truth?
But you really can't be serious? There is stuff that has good arguments for both sides, Israel's retaliation to having homemade rockets fired at them really isn't one of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
So you think the refugees would still seek cover in those schools knowing that hamas was still using the schools for war? ....
What I believe is either:
A. There were not any refugees in the school to begin with. Remember, Hamas has, on camera before, fabricated casualties.
B. Hamas began firing rockets from the school, after the refugees massed there, in the hopes Israel would hesitate to fire on them.
The Palestinians voted Hamas into power. The Palestinians support Hamas. The Palestinians sit back and watch homemade rockets get launched daily into Israel. Now the Palestinians are reaping the fruits of their labor.
I never said Israel can do no wrong. The fact that they continue to negotiate with the terrorists and continue to try to make peace with groups like Hamas and Hezbollah is proof they can make some huge errors...
Like I asked earlier Squid; Where is your post from three weeks ago condemning the terror attacks on Israel?
Let's not overlook something... Israel targets Hamas. Hamas targets Israel. See the difference?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
This is probably a touchy situation to all. I just wanted to say how horrible it is that Israel can keep on killing so many civilians and still act so innocent? Especially after the latest attack on a UN school where refuges were staying at. That was so low and cold. Seeing the footages of kids bleeding and dying being rushed into hospitals lacking equipment, etc. Doctor, nurses, etc stressing out working day and night doing their best to heal the wounded. Anyone else think Israel needs to stop the senseless murdering? It seems they can do no wrong because USA's got their back. What a shame.

Epic Fail.....
What is your goal here? To state Isreal (for you mimzy) is evil and wrong in this conflict? Right now, after reading your posts on this subject I have concluded I can never fathom, nor understand your views on the world..
Oh, and on several occasions Israel has gone against the request of the U.S. for self preservation......I noticed your messiah you supported and voted for has yet to talk about this situation.