Battle in Gaza...


Active Member
i totally agree with 1journeyman on this one, turn the israelis loose, let em knock out all the arab countries who want to see em dead, an then hey, maybe we can get oil for 10 bucks a barrel again

veni vidi vici

Active Member
“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.”
- Winston Churchill
This is the way Hamas want it,so this is the way they are getting it.Israel should just put an end to Hamas now.Door to door if nececcery. Otherwise this will go on and on and on......
Its time to end it.It seems no matter how many die Hamas just dosent see themselves getting their rears handed to them time and time again as a defeat. If the ever get their hands on biological or nuclear weapons they will use them so..........


Active Member
and if that happens, u know exactly what israel will do, they'll say

the world, an launch their own nukes, an turn the entire middle east into a parking lot