all Israel wants is peace. if they didn't want peace than why ins't the war over? (if Israel wanted to they could level the whole city in a matter of hours). Personally i dont care about the Palestinians dying. they voted over 95% for a terrorist group called hamas to lead their country? Say the USA voted for ALquaida( spelling ?) to rule our country. and then they start firing rockets into canada. and canada gives them warning after warning. and they just keep firing, do you think the world would care if some us citizins died? why would they, because they brought this on themselves.
and i have to say, Hamas is probably not the brightest people. first they said they put land mines all over the city , and would make it Israels "graveyard", umm do they not understand that israel has vehicles that take out land mines?
anyways i am jewish so i may be biased, but I think What is happening is when the Jews were in the holocaust, they didnt fight back they just thought " well if we give them our land and our posetions we can still escape with our lives". and i think the jews won't make the same mistake twice. you mess with israel, you better start getting ready for your 72 virgins.