Battle in Gaza...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
..... Israel claims it was a counterattack but yeah, Israel can do no wrong, we have to believe them....
Aren't they allies of the US (referring to Saudi Arabia and Egypt
)? If so, that's not a surprise.....
I'm really not sure why I am even participating in this thread. Your remark that "Israel claims it was a counterattack" shows you really don't know what is going on over there. Further, your belief that Egypt and Saudi Arabia would side with us because we are allies, when dealing with Israel, shows a genuine lack of knowledge of history or current events.



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What I believe is either:
A. There were not any refugees in the school to begin with. Remember, Hamas has, on camera before, fabricated casualties.
Like I asked earlier Squid; Where is your post from three weeks ago condemning the terror attacks on Israel?
Let's not overlook something... Israel targets Hamas. Hamas targets Israel. See the difference?
So you didn't watch the news today? It was all over the news with video footage of children bleeding and dying being rushed into hospitals. Since when did I post about terror attacks??? I think you're thinking of someone else?
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Epic Fail.....
What is your goal here? To state Isreal (for you mimzy) is evil and wrong in this conflict? Right now, after reading your posts on this subject I have concluded I can never fathom, nor understand your views on the world..
Oh, and on several occasions Israel has gone against the request of the U.S. for self preservation......I noticed your messiah you supported and voted for has yet to talk about this situation.
So I can't voice my opinion? I did anyway knowing what kind of crowd you guys are. It's some pretty evil things they're doing so I should be allowed to say they are wrong. Of course Obama is cautious and hesistant to say anything cause he can't upset Israel.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

I'm really not sure why I am even participating in this thread. Your remark that "Israel claims it was a counterattack
" shows you really don't know what is going on over there. Further, your belief that Egypt and Saudi Arabia would side with us because we are allies, when dealing with Israel, shows a genuine lack of knowledge of history or current events.
If you'd watch the news today, that was the excuse given for bombing the UN school.


Active Member
That's EXACTLY my point Squid.
It IS a counterattack
. The fact that you keep trying to say otherwise belittles your credibility on this topic.
I saw the news today. I keep up with what goes on in that part of the world. I'm well aware of Hamas and their tactics.
So tell me, why do Hamas mortar teams use schools? Why do Hamas snipers use mosque minarets? Who is to blame for the deaths in Gaza today?


Active Member
Squidward Lets role play. Say the USA was a Middle Eastern Country that had ENEMIES suronding it and those Enemies had at one point attacked on say the 4th of July and other days when they knew our Military would at a lower alert level. Now we fought back and won those wars and had destroyed the major enemies to the point were they did not want to come after us anymore.
Now the only enemies left are little groups of TERRORISTS that the way they attack is to launch homemade missles at our nation indiscrimanitly and not caring What the HELL they hit Schools Hospitals Houses Stores you get the idea. The other way they have of attacking us is to wrap themselves with Symtex or C4 walk into a crowd and push the plunger because they believe that they will go to a paradise. Eventually we as a nation get tired of it and fight back and WE are called Murders and THUGS yet we are Still allowing food and other needed supplies to reach those that are attacking us because instead of having infastrurce they would rather use their money to build missles to attack us. Now lastly those Terrorists begin using Mosques Schools and other sites that normally would be off limits for attacks however we catch them redhanded so they stuff them full of already dead people to make the body count higher. Also latest News is Hama is taking the Humanitaion aide and SELLING IT to get money for more arms this is the food its PEOPLE NEED TO LIVE ON AND THEY ARE STEALING IT FROM THEIR OWN PEOPLE AND FORCING THEM TO STARVE just so they can get supplies to build more rockets.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
... The other way they have of attacking us is to wrap themselves with Symtex or C4 walk into a crowd and push the plunger ....
And lest we forget, they deliberately
target school buses full of kids, coffee shops full of teens, etc. NOT military targets...


Active Member
Israel has halted their attack to let aid get into Gaza. I think that should tell us something right there. Gee, I wonder if Hamas would do the same for Israel?
I'd personally love to see israel stick to journey's 6 hour timeline and be done with it.


Active Member
Just a quick antecdote...
There was a muslim "peace" rally in my city. So a lot of the Jewish people in my area went out to be a part of it. This rally to "save" the Palestinians turned into chants of "Kill the Jews!!!"
Palestinians launch missiles from family homes and then whine about Israel taking out the location where missiles were launched from. Palestinians are using their own children as cover for their attacks. Pretty ignorant to blame Israel for retaliating. Israel is urging the Palestinian families to leave. What would you suggest that Israel do in this situation? They already gave up the Gaza Strip (which is a nice piece of land BTW), and what has that gotten them?
They will invade and take the land, destroy the tunnels and the remnants of Hamas there. Then they will give the land back and Hamas or some other terrorist group will start the whole thing over.


Originally Posted by robertmathern
And at the end of the day the bible dose say the gaza belongs to isreal let them take back what is theres by god.
using 'God' as a means for war is why the middle east is a mess right now.


Active Member
Ignoring the original poster, I think most American's don't understand what is really going on over there. I have several friends who teach at an English for a second language school. One of the students there is a Libyan national, and an aerospace engineer. And has patented in his name a missile guidance system. He just finished a Mandarin language school, and now working on his English. My friend asked him, with Libya disarming their nuclear ambitions what does it need a missile guidance systems for. And without blinking or anything he said to destroy Israel.


Well I really didn't want to "get into this one" but I can't keep quiet any longer. Imagine if the state you live in Say here in Indiana. We were constantly being attacked by Ohio, Michigan, Illinois! Now imagine sending your children out into that sort of situation. Now count your blessings that you Live in the USA and all we have to complain about is the price of gas, or a fuel surcharge to recieve some fish!


all Israel wants is peace. if they didn't want peace than why ins't the war over? (if Israel wanted to they could level the whole city in a matter of hours). Personally i dont care about the Palestinians dying. they voted over 95% for a terrorist group called hamas to lead their country? Say the USA voted for ALquaida( spelling ?) to rule our country. and then they start firing rockets into canada. and canada gives them warning after warning. and they just keep firing, do you think the world would care if some us citizins died? why would they, because they brought this on themselves.
and i have to say, Hamas is probably not the brightest people. first they said they put land mines all over the city , and would make it Israels "graveyard", umm do they not understand that israel has vehicles that take out land mines?
anyways i am jewish so i may be biased, but I think What is happening is when the Jews were in the holocaust, they didnt fight back they just thought " well if we give them our land and our posetions we can still escape with our lives". and i think the jews won't make the same mistake twice. you mess with israel, you better start getting ready for your 72 virgins.