Best lighting for my buck


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Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
That is awsome! Your tank rocks! I am sold!!! What are some of the kinds of corals you have in there? What do the bulbs cost?

Thanks this reef tank thing becomes a bit of an obsession. The Nova Extreme Pro are on sale now at the "Dr's " web site. Can't say the name here. Just over 325 for a 48 inch 6 bulb setup complete!! Replacement bulbs are under 20 bucks and these T-5's have a longer life spand than T-8's etc.
Lets see corals I have are lots and lots and lots of Zoas, too many mushrooms, a few rics, torch, frogspawn, bubble corals, orange monti, (want a green one too), candy cane, trumpet corals a few leathers. I think that is most all of them.Oops I forgot about four different kinds of GSP too.


Active Member
It depends on what type of corals you want to keep. IMO you have t3 options.
1- for higher light corals- go with the Nova Extreme Pro. With this you can keep many SPS corals - 324w.
2.- You can keep softies w/ a Nova 216w maybe moderate light SPS

3. If I could go back I would probably get a Sundial Nova. These are 216w, but as far as space, extra accessories, and effiecency goes... It has only 1 cord
and has built in timers. It also looks like the reflectors are built better because they are integrated b/w all the bulbs...but it is 1 piece reflector- not individual, These are $269


Active Member
The one other issue with the higher output T-5's is the ability to keep clams. Do not cheat youself by trying to say a couple of bucks on lighting. The more light the better


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
The Tek is $329 with bulbs, legs $58, acrylic sheild $26 and this is for the four bulb fixture. The Nova Pro is still a better buy.
the nova extreme pro is to much light, u dont need more than 4x54w w/ individual reflectors on a 55g the pro would just be way to much and a waste of light for a tank so small. the tek wouold be the way i go, and u dont need the acrylic sheild or the legs, u can build ur own with $5 like mine
You can get a retro kit for about $200 if you don't mind building your own hood. That is four 48" bulbs and individual reflectors.
To Big .. AWSOME coral selection!
I am sold on the extreme pro. I Can't wait to get it.
To the others... I would like to be able to save a little and build my own but have no clue where to start! I would rather spend the little extra and know it was done right. MY luck Id do something and the lights would fall in or something crazy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
To Big .. AWSOME coral selection!
I am sold on the extreme pro. I Can't wait to get it.
To the others... I would like to be able to save a little and build my own but have no clue where to start! I would rather spend the little extra and know it was done right. MY luck Id do something and the lights would fall in or something crazy!

Glad to hear that! Now you can get just about any type of corals, clams etc. your heart desires for that new 55. Now spend all the time available to you to read up on the critters for that new tank and lights. Good Luck and happy Reefing to you!......

Here are a few more shots for you of what's ahead for your tank with time and patience! And with your new lights you can have even more high light ones too!............ Warren



Active Member
The Pro would be my choice. It really wont be any more intense that a 4 lamp Tek because the individual reflectors in the Nova are better than a flat one but not of the type and quality of the Tek. With the cooling the Nove will give you better lamp and ballast performance. You should order a spare blue lamp as the 50/50 mix of lamps that come with the pro was a little too flat looking to me. Maybe order a good actinic (UVL, ATI ext.) and replace one of the 10K's with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The Pro would be my choice. It really wont be any more intense that a 4 lamp Tek because the individual reflectors in the Nova are better than a flat one but not of the type and quality of the Tek. With the cooling the Nove will give you better lamp and ballast performance. You should order a spare blue lamp as the 50/50 mix of lamps that come with the pro was a little too flat looking to me. Maybe order a good actinic (UVL, ATI ext.) and replace one of the 10K's with it.
I agree... if you go with the pro I would do probably 1-50/50 - 3Acintic - 2 10K. Or perhaps just 4 acintic and 2 10k.
My nova is very bright...just wish it had a bit more of a blue tint.
My point about the Sundial is that it comes with only one cord and a built-in timer... With the nova you have 2 plugs for lights.... 1 plug for moon lights... and a plug for fan..... The sundial would make for easier and cleaner setup.
Originally Posted by big
Glad to hear that! Now you can get just about any type of corals, clams etc. your heart desires for that new 55. Now spend all the time available to you to read up on the critters for that new tank and lights. Good Luck and happy Reefing to you!......

Here are a few more shots for you of what's ahead for your tank with time and patience! And with your new lights you can have even more high light ones too!............ Warren

Promise to do my homework!!! I am sure corals will be the last to be added to a very stable system! I can't get over the diversity you have. Those puffy green tube ones.. WOW
Ok im hooked
Oh one last question... as mentioned from a post below.. is your pro on a timer?? having the two cords??


Active Member
My old PC system was on timers. The issue I face now is that with the additional output of my new lights I will not be using one for the next several weeks. Like everything else in a reef tank, changes need to occur very slowly. Less light for a while is better than all of a sudden too much light on a tank.
So for the next few weeks I will be slowly upping the amount of daily light levels trying to not "burn" any of my stuff. My old system had old bulbs that the output had dropped on, I was up to a 12 to 13 hour lights on day. I will need to work the day cycle back up to avoid scorching the corals that where not accustomed to this much light. Again good luck with your new setup.........


My Pro is run on a Coralife dual timer, don't get the digital I have heard people having trouble with that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
My Pro is run on a Coralife dual timer, don't get the digital I have heard people having trouble with that one.
What mix of lamps did you end up using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I agree... if you go with the pro I would do probably 1-50/50 - 3Acintic - 2 10K. Or perhaps just 4 acintic and 2 10k.
My nova is very bright...just wish it had a bit more of a blue tint.
My point about the Sundial is that it comes with only one cord and a built-in timer... With the nova you have 2 plugs for lights.... 1 plug for moon lights... and a plug for fan..... The sundial would make for easier and cleaner setup.
You using the 50/50 mix of 10k's and Blues that came with the fixture?


Active Member
this is with the nova pro 6x54 over a 72 since december. b4, i had the sunpod 2x150 mh. and b4 that, i had it under the regular nova 4x54. talk about a waste of money.


I've got a pro and I really love it. I've also heard of people putting TEK reflectors and diff bulbs in there (for those that are truely picky) but the light gives a ton of bang for the buck and lights up my (and all of these guys) tanks very nicely!


Active Member
I run a Nova Extreme 48" 216 watt on two of my tanks, 72 and 75 gallon. I keep a long tentacle anemone in one (at the bottom) and a crocea clam in the other tank (about halfway up) with no problems. Has been working for months.


Active Member
i really wouldnt go with the pro, mor bulbs but not as bright as the tek at all, and u dont need a fan for the tek, i never used one