Best lighting for my buck

Great pics guys. I went down to the local store today to start pricing out canister filers

what a crazy guy ! tried to tell me my system was going to crash if i did not used the undergravel system! whatever...
Was going to sell me a mag 350 for $179.99 cannster .. is this even necessary? Shouldn't I look around for something else? He made it sound like this was the only type for my 55 gal. Its been so long since I bought a flter system.. i think my old one for the nano was a rio???? are bio wheels good or bad?


Active Member
buy an overflow and buy or make a sump, u can just buy a 20g tank and make a sump, the overflow will be about $70-$100 but they are alot cheaper used

Originally Posted by Rylan1
It depends on what type of corals you want to keep. IMO you have t3 options.
1- for higher light corals- go with the Nova Extreme Pro. With this you can keep many SPS corals - 324w.
2.- You can keep softies w/ a Nova 216w maybe moderate light SPS

3. If I could go back I would probably get a Sundial Nova. These are 216w, but as far as space, extra accessories, and effiecency goes... It has only 1 cord
and has built in timers. It also looks like the reflectors are built better because they are integrated b/w all the bulbs...but it is 1 piece reflector- not individual, These are $269

I looked up the sundial by Nova... it is about $30 bucks cheeper. Is it all that better or should I go with the Pro. Id rather spend the money now than later. same with convience.. is it a better system than the pro...
Anyone out there have sundial?
so many opinions...getting scarred now!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
I looked up the sundial by Nova... it is about $30 bucks cheeper. Is it all that better or should I go with the Pro. Id rather spend the money now than later. same with convience.. is it a better system than the pro...
Anyone out there have sundial?
so many opinions...getting scarred now!!!!
im telling i if u want to s[end the money get tek of aquatinics. nova isnt even close to them


Active Member
The Nova Pro is good bang for the buck if you can't afford a Tek or Aquactinics. The pro in fact will be very close to the tek in output. If your tank isn't over 20" tall you should be able to keep about anything you want with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The Nova Pro is good bang for the buck if you can't afford a Tek or Aquactinics. The pro in fact will be very close to the tek in output. If your tank isn't over 20" tall you should be able to keep about anything you want with it.
ya but the tek is 4 bulb and way better reflectors and still more par than the nove pro


Active Member
tek obviously is a better light. but some people dont want to spend $500 for a light. and r u telling me corals will grow faster under the tek than nova pro. they r very similar when it comes to light output. lets just respect everyone's opinions.
Thanks guys for all the opinions out there! Really you have all been a great help in aiding me in this decision. The way I look at it lighting is probably the single biggest buy ..or close to it.
Anyways I have decided to go extreme pro. For the amt of corals I will keep and all I should be ok
You ALL have been very helpful

ps. bob is right sometimes we can't all spend $500


Active Member
tek is about the same price with bulbs the tek 4x is 329 and the nova pro is 379, for the tek to get the bulbs thats about60, maybe 75, and people dont understand that the reflectors on t5s are what make them so good, like people buy nova 8x54w for a 55g cause they think they need all the watts when really they do cause it only has obe reflector, so they spend 429 for a nova 8x when they get the same or better results with a 4x


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
Thanks guys for all the opinions out there! Really you have all been a great help in aiding me in this decision. The way I look at it lighting is probably the single biggest buy ..or close to it.
Anyways I have decided to go extreme pro. For the amt of corals I will keep and all I should be ok
You ALL have been very helpful

ps. bob is right sometimes we can't all spend $500

i was 16 when i bought my tek, it was 425 for the light bulbs and all my loc line for my return. its better in the long run to cause the nova ballast is a ballast that is a "quick start" but really its bad for the bulbs, and its 6 bulbs so more electricity andd more money when u replace the bulbs,


not a big deal about the lunars. If you really want you can buy a cheap strip later on or wire in your own.


Does the tek come in 72"? I'm "all of a sudden" in need of lighting as well (I have an odyssea that one plug just went out on, and i've heard baaaaaaad stories about them - you know, catching on fire and stuff...) . Similarly, I'd like to make an informed purchase and I'd like it to be cost efficient - changing out 4 bulbs @ $30 each is better than changing out 6 @ $40. I also don't want to short change myself and buy something (like the odyssea) that I'll be changing out in two years.
I have a 125 that I just starting getting going again after a year off and I do want to populate with corals.
Thanks in advance.


Ok I am not a T-5 Expert, but reefraff is, the Nova Pro is the same output as the Tek four bulb. The Nova comes with a sheild, built in cooling, and legs. So it comes down to $$$, I would rather wipe off a shield then 4 bullbs and then 4 reflectors. Active cooling of the bulbs has been proved to have alot with to do with par readings. Flanker you talk about not running a fan but I see one in your pics, do you think air is getting blown on your bulbs or just on the water? Nova Pro is still the best bang for the buck. I can post par readings if you are in doubt, or maybe reefraff will.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
Ok I am not a T-5 Expert, but reefraff is, the Nova Pro is the same output as the Tek four bulb. The Nova comes with a sheild, built in cooling, and legs. So it comes down to $$$, I would rather wipe off a shield then 4 bullbs and then 4 reflectors. Active cooling of the bulbs has been proved to have alot with to do with par readings. Flanker you talk about not running a fan but I see one in your pics, do you think air is getting blown on your bulbs or just on the water? Nova Pro is still the best bang for the buck. I can post par readings if you are in doubt, or maybe reefraff will.
the sheild makes the light even worst, it blocks the light. and i had the fan on for the summer it was 105 at my house.


Active Member
Removing the sheild from the Nova pro decreases the output because it compromises the cooling. Quickly removing the shield so heating didn't affect the output only provided a slight increase in PAR, about 1%. The acrylic shields don't cut much light at all.
Mo, did those extra lamps survive the shipping?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
the sheild makes the light even worst, it blocks the light. and i had the fan on for the summer it was 105 at my house.
Should have left the fan on, it's good for about a 20% bump in output, just don't blow it directly at the lamps.


Yeah all but one. I like the light, I am running it stock right now though. Waiting on a sale to upgrade to a 75. Been keeping track your lighting thread so new bulb choice won't be a problem.