Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dburr
This may be your experience and others experiance, but how can you prove it was the plants? Was their a DSB in any/all the tanks? What did the others use for top off?
Their are to many variables. This will never be solved without an experiment done over the course aleast a few months maybe years. Again without an experiment...... Common sense to you, but newbies don't know about common sense when it comes to salt water. They are here to learn and you post your thoughts they take it for fact ,IMO, not the exception the the rule. Others are posting main stream ideas that have worked for alot of people not the exception.
When a brand new tank goes from 160++ppm nitrates to 0.0 in three weeks, using HD play sand, no circulation, no skimmer, no filtration other than the plant life Is a good enough experiement for me.
6 years of continuous operation with a only a UGF (not being cleaned) and allowing the hair algae to build up. Is a good enough experiement to me.
People running tanks here for 6-8 months with hair algae blooms, removal of that with cleaner crews, sickly fish, high nitrates, with nitrates going to 0.0, in weeks, no more hair algae, and much healthier fish, is a good enough experiment to me.
Now how do you know it was the DSB and not the plant life algae in your system? Did you run your system with no plant life at all. No even hair/slime/corriline algae, no cyano bacteria? Did that system have an active bioload of at least 1" of fish /10gallons.
So turn about is fair play. How do you know it is your DSB and not that plant life in your systems? How do you know it was the LR and not the plant life? How do you know it was the skimmer and not the plant life?
You see before I recommend these things to newbies I have added plant life and only the plant life. So I know it is just the plant life.