Bigger is better? Lets try 475 gallons...Tangs gonna be happy!

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/340#post_3414683
You could make them an hour and I would still love watching them. LOL
Nice work Tangs!!!
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/340#post_3414770
I would rather have a book of pictures of his tank!
Thanks to you both - that's very kind to say! ! It's been a learning experience for sure!
It's crazy that I started the refugium of this thing with 1
handfull of grape calupera, and after 4 months - the 12x24 (30g tall) fuge had a MAT of the stuff 3-4" deep, and the dimensions of the fuge.....THen (3 months ago) I added a turf scruber and today, I;ve only 2 little handfulls of grape left - which I pulled out, and threw into the fuge on the 90g, just to keep it around......crazy that I originally got the grape calupera almost 10 years ago (1 handfull) and have been able to keep enough around ever since! - between several tanks/systems...
I won't be able to run both a fuge with macro AND a turf scrubber at the same time - the TS is just too efficient - and when it's running, the glass virtually stays alage free (except for the back glass - which I do not clean) - but there's not enough NO3 in the water to keep macro going. I turned off the lights to the TS on Monday, and today, the glass is in need of a GOOD cleaning (I was hoping to revive the calupera) but I'd rather only have to scrub glass under once per week than have grape in a fuge for the thing.. Still learning things!

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/384145/bigger-is-better-lets-try-475-gallons-tangs-gonna-be-happy/340#post_3414821
What are your average nitrate readings?
Seachem Trate test has not shown nitrates higher than 2 or 2.5 ppm since May '11 - and for the past 2+ months, readings run under 1ppm. The PO4 tests show 0, and of course trites & ammonia are always 0.....
I did something stupid
when I noticed the dieoff of the claupera in the fuge - I nixed the lights for the TS a week ago - and without alot of macro in the fuge to help process the bioload my nitrates this morn were like 6 ppm - so the TS is ON again! And we gonna be doin some waterchanges this weekend....grrrr. But prior to this momentary lapse of reason on my part - weekly trate tests were very consistant under 1ppm.

tangs rule

Active Member
Per request -
the UGLIEST and CHEEPEST Alage Turf Scrubber: (embarassing - but I had all the stuff to make it {except screen} and from planning to running was 1 day)

It sits over the 75g sump - but since the whole system is/was running - the TS had to be built within the stand and designed be removed in total too - without interrupting tank opperations...AND the distance from the bottom of the satnd to the top of the 75g sump is only 5.5" . . ATS maintenance (screen removal) is easy, as the 3 PVC tubes holding the screens come straight out and the bulbs (dual 55w pc) slide out same way. The third light is out of picture to the right - but is a little spun aluminum job with a 6500k florescent in it.
The top plate (to protect the wood stand) measures 16 by 18. All 4 sides to it hang down into the sump from the top plate and are hinged. There are 3 screens (10" x 14" each) and waterflow is provided by a 1100 lph (290 gph) submersible pump in the sump. There is an inline ball valve to control flow - but it runs wide open.
In the beginning - a 75g standard glass tank/sump seemed PLENTY big - but throw in (& maintain) 2 skimmers, 2 filter bags, a CA reactor, return pump snorkel - and have bubble traps - and it kinda got tight......of course this is realized after 3 tons of tank are on top of the stand, and the 75 sump cannot be removed without a partial disassembly of the stand - which I;d NEVER try with a full DT on top.
Both the 75g sump, and 29g tall fuge tanks run just under 1/2 full - and during a power fail - there's 15-20 gallons MORE room than needed below to hold the water in the DT when the siphon breaks.
Admittedly this a "shade tree mechanics" ATS and is not a sexy thing by any means - but it works VERY well - as before I shut off the lights 6 days ago, the glass (except back glass which I will let coraline alage take over) needed cleaning every 10 days - 2 weeks, versus 2 times per week running a fuge with a small trachcan full of grape calupera.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, it's better to have the ugliness under the stand than in the tank. If it works, it works. I don't think it looks that bad at all. Anything that saves time in maintenance on that beast of a tank would have to be a plus in my book.