Blue Ring


New Member
I'm considering buying a blue ring octopus and i wanted some real information from those who have owned them in the past. I know the book on these guys and how dangerous they are. Just wanted some stories/experiences in handling, keeping and surviving with these in your tank. Thanks!

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
I'm considering buying a blue ring octopus and i wanted some real information from those who have owned them in the past. I know the book on these guys and how dangerous they are. Just wanted some stories/experiences in handling, keeping and surviving with these in your tank. Thanks!

your considering it? You might wanna dig your own grave before you make such a stupid decision, why don't you just stick with a clownfish or something.


New Member
How many have you owned? With your comment i'm assuming none. But thanks for using my thread to raise your post count. Everyone is really impressed. Obviously it is dangerous. Which is why I was asking those with experiences for some advice/comments and any other useful information. BUt dont' get me wrong, i do appreciate your expert, firsthand opinion.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
How many have you owned? With your comment i'm assuming none. But thanks for using my thread to raise your post count. Everyone is really impressed. Obviously it is dangerous. Which is why I was asking those with experiences for some advice/comments and any other useful information. BUt dont' get me wrong, i do appreciate your expert, firsthand opinion.

um ok man, I don't need your waste of time threads to raise my post count, I don't really give a rats ass about posts. I haven't owned any because it is a dumb thing to do considering they can kill you and im sure if there is an antidote you wouldn't be able to get it in time. I'm sure you won't get any
"expert" opinions from people who have kept them because most are smarter than that, I see you are lacking in that department.
and aren't you the one who was asking about adding another eel to a 75g tank with a trigger and then thought you could add a lionfish and another type of trigger? Why don't you read some books or something instead of "assuming" your correct with these because it makes you look like your just askign questions to waste peoples time. A blue ring will need its own tank, can't shove that in your 75g too.


New Member
Don't you have a thread on stonefish right now? If i'm not mistaken those can be dangerous as well. Also, there is no antidote currently known. And i didn't think that people actually said, 'um...ok man' since i graduated high school. If you have something intelligent to add then by all means, but assuming you don't, stick to your own threads, man.


Active Member
The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball, but its venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is no known antidote....That's what I know about them. If you want something unusual, get an Angler.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
Don't you have a thread on stonefish right now? If i'm not mistaken those can be dangerous as well. Also, there is no antidote currently known. And i didn't think that people actually said, 'um...ok man' since i graduated high school. If you have something intelligent to add then by all means, but assuming you don't, stick to your own threads, man.
yeah I have a thread on stonefish and I have kept venomous fish before. And there is a antidote known for a stonefish sting so if you RESEARCHED you would know something new. If people on this site weren't scared of getting banned they would tell you like it is instead of being nice about something so ridiculous, which I am "assuming" you don't like people doing since your still trying to be a smartass.
from reading your other threads, you aren't doing proper research and your fish are gonna suffer from your arrogance. But if you wanna go buy a blue ring, go for it. Not many suppliers sell them unless they come in on accident, I'd be suprised if someone ordered you one because then they would be just as dumb as you, I wouldn't wanna be in that boat.


Active Member
From what I know there more difficult to care for then other octos. They are very delicate and usually wont survive shipping. So if you order one from your lfs and pay ahead of time expect to have to try several times. There also shy and are not going to come out and attack you just as any other octopus wouldnt. what size tank do you have? In my opinion the fun part in keeping an octopus is interacting with them and with a blue ring you cant really do that. Because they are so rare and poor shippers to begin with, you are most likley to only get and adult which would last you about three months. I also know that the blue ring releases toxins into the water. so if you put your hand into the tank (which would be dumb in the first place) you would get a nasty rash or have some other reaction to the toxins. hope this helps


Lions, stonefish, etc., yes, they are common in the hobby, however, a painful sting by an accidental brushing of the fins vs. a blue ring that are lethal with no antidote and have been known to perform actual sneak attacks is a different story.
I didn't think your question was dumb and didn't post because I don't have first hand knowledge but your attacks on others who have posted ARE dumb.


New Member
Thanks for the reply runn. I started the thread to find out more about the blue ring octopus. If i'm not mistaken these forums are for amateurs and experts alike in the field to share ideas, solve problems and share their love for a great hobby. Obviously i am new to the hobby and therefore will ask questions that have obvious answers, especially to an expert like salt life. I only wish to attain his grand knowledge one day. But thank you to those who have replied earnestly and with respect, you make the forum what it has been intended to be.

salt life

Active Member

Originally Posted by smartorl
I didn't think your question was dumb and didn't post because I don't have first hand knowledge but your attacks on others who have posted ARE dumb
Is that towards my comments or what he said to me?
I deleted my comments because he obviously doesn't want to hear that it is a bad idea, Sorry if my posts were going about it the wrong way but being nice and beating around the bush is what people like him want.


New Member
Thanks for the reply but i only 'attacked' (more like responded) to those who felt the need to insult my question. And it was only one person. But thanks for the reply, i do appreciate it.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
Thanks for the reply runn. I started the thread to find out more about the blue ring octopus. If i'm not mistaken these forums are for amateurs and experts alike in the field to share ideas, solve problems and share their love for a great hobby. Obviously i am new to the hobby and therefore will ask questions that have obvious answers, especially to an expert like salt life. I only wish to attain his grand knowledge one day. But thank you to those who have replied earnestly and with respect, you make the forum what it has been intended to be.
I never claimed to be an expert. if you did some research before asking you would find all your answers. good luck


New Member
I dont' mind hearing if it is a bad idea. I don't even care how you say it. As long as you actually have experience or real knowledge on the topic. I know it is deadly, which i stated in my first post. I also stated that i didn't want useless comments stating that much. I asked for something more specific which most people understood.


SL, it was in defense of your comments........
I didn't feel like his comments were insulting. Some animals and fish are just best left alone and this to me and most others as well, is one of them. If you told people you were interested in a lion, I'm sure you'd get similar responses. There is such a thing as taking risks in life and some things that are just not right. I can understand the poisonous snake handlers who collect venom for research but keeping an illusive octo that you will most likely never see (if you are lucky enough to not be stung) that has no purpose other than to say you are keeping a very dangerous animal just makes no sense.

small triggers

Active Member
I am trying to figure out why you would want a blue ring in the first place. And whom you think you can order one from? I have never seen one for sale anywhere,,, and have not even seen one in local aquariums because of the high risk.


Active Member
This is a pretty common theme for blue ring threads. They are awesome animals, very small and, as previously stated, potentially fatal. Allegedly, their bite is painless so most don't even know that they've been bitten until it's too late. They are short lived in aquariums, (like most octopi)... generally between 6 and 12 months.
You have to understand that most people believe that only ignorant people would have a blue ring based on the risk. That's why these threads always become arguments. I disagree. I say if you want one, get one... I'd love to see the pics and hear how it goes. And if you did get bit one day, then it's just natural selection at work. Good luck.


New Member
Thanks! and my LFS ordered two for a customer interested in them and ordered one extra one that he is selling. I am not sure where he gets them from but i can ask. Thanks for all of the replies...on a side note. Is there another octopus that i can keep with eels? actually what are some of the other options for octopi in general? size of tank etc.? thanks ahead of time. and sorry for getting a little snappy salt water. One of my pet peeves on this site is pointless answers i have to scroll through, but i know you were just looking out for my well being.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
And if you did get bit one day, then it's just natural selection at work. Good luck.

You can be ornery can't you? yet you made your point, and it sounded like a friendly comment. Very smooth. :)


I don't really mind taking SOME risks. I have a lionfish and I stick my hand in the tank all the time but to me it doesn't make sense to get an animal that can actually kill you. This is a hobby, not something to die from. At least if a lion stings you, you know you're probably not gonna die. Not worth the risk in my opinion.