Blue Sponge in Refuge???


Active Member
Yeah I have found some sites don't let you copy their pictures or this site has some kind of filter to prevent them from being seen, not sure which. Can you see the one I posted now?


Active Member
The pods can and are getting through the sponge. They are also living in it. If you have live rock in your DT, then you also have pods in there, thats how you got them in your fuge in the first place.


Originally Posted by trainfever
The pods can and are getting through the sponge. They are also living in it. If you have live rock in your DT, then you also have pods in there, thats how you got them in your fuge in the first place.
Yes, thank you, I know that...I actually have lots of pods in my dt..I have a mandarin that is actually well fed

However, I had no clue that pods can get thru the blue sponge...Both I and another poster have asked this before and never really received an answer on that topic
Thank you for answering that question.