Bodybuilding advice - please


if your urine is that bright a color, your shake must be enriched with b vitamins. b vitamins will make your urine bright greenish-yellow, which is good.
and you do NEED a multi vitamin. 97% of americans are not healthy. this coming from a Glamour magazine, but it is true. extra muscle is a perk, not a right, and your body will only work for extra muscle if all of your nutrients are in balance. and a good vitamin will turn your urine bright, and give you ENERGY! last i checked, energy was a good thing... :thinking:
if you go to a GNC, ask them to tell you about the men's vitamin for guys working out. it's got extra amino acids in it to help your body build muscle. amino acids are the building blocks of protein, very important.
i have to run now, the battery on my computer is almost dead! ttyl!!


Active Member
Well this whey protein shake I have has a ton of amino acids in it... I should get some of that vitamin b stuff though.. if only to change the color of my urine..


I drink amino water some times called Amino Vital and its never turned my pee colors. You shure your dreanking enough water.


Originally Posted by Speg
she is a girl thats a friend... not a girlfriend.. a girl-friend. :) I dont date anybody anymore.
awe, i was so excited. Oh well...
as for bright yellow urine... :scared: i was on a pill once that made me pee neon blue... hehehe!!!
and speg, carbs are for energy, so you really don't have to shoot for a certain goal. Just eat as much as you can, and if you still feel tired or exhausted, eat more. If not, you're at a good leve.

salty tank

Actually yes i started taking natural man which is a vitamin. It was recommended to take natural man with the shakes i got. I drink plenty of water because before i was taking the vitamins and shake my urine was clear almost all the time.
Im not worried i was just peein one time and was like "WHOA!!!! what did i drink to much of last night!?!?"
ha ha this is a nasty convo


Active Member
Before I say anything further, thanks a lot for all the advice/help you've given me. I have been to all the websites, tried all the different things suggested and I feel very good about all of it! :)
I do seem to be gaining some weight. I cant really tell where it is right now.... but thats not important!
Today I was working out at my friends on his machine.. and normally the weight I have set on there is just about all I can handle with 5 reps.. and I usually cannot finish the last set of reps (100lbs)... anyways I get on the machine today and start working out and im like... dude how much weight is this?.. my friend said 'its 100'.. im like... man its friggin much easier than I remember :p
Also on another machine I could barely do 60 lbs on it.. today I was cranking out 100 lbs on it and I couldnt even budge 100 on it before... So obviously this stuff is finally showing me signs of success :)
Thx again! Tomorrow is weighted lunges..... omg im so not looking foward to it though :p I have a sunburn on my butt and ......... well you get the picture.


Originally Posted by Speg
Before I say anything further, thanks a lot for all the advice/help you've given me. I have been to all the websites, tried all the different things suggested and I feel very good about all of it! :)
I do seem to be gaining some weight. I cant really tell where it is right now.... but thats not important!
Today I was working out at my friends on his machine.. and normally the weight I have set on there is just about all I can handle with 5 reps.. and I usually cannot finish the last set of reps (100lbs)... anyways I get on the machine today and start working out and im like... dude how much weight is this?.. my friend said 'its 100'.. im like... man its friggin much easier than I remember :p
Also on another machine I could barely do 60 lbs on it.. today I was cranking out 100 lbs on it and I couldnt even budge 100 on it before... So obviously this stuff is finally showing me signs of success :)
Thx again! Tomorrow is weighted lunges..... omg im so not looking foward to it though :p I have a sunburn on my butt and ......... well you get the picture.
Thats awsome dude. Great job. Weighted lunges....come one. HEAVY squats, Lunges are pritty much only usefull if you have a saggy a##, or you need a good ham workout. Lunges will work the thighs but not like heavy squats will.


well, i don't think his butt is saggy, but if he keeps burning it, he'll get the 'leather face' look there...


Active Member
Hey speg,
Glad to haer that you're seeing progress. It's a great motivator. Have you picked up a tailor/seamstress tape? Once I started taking measurements, instead of relying on scales alone, I could truly document my progress and set size goals for myself. It really helped keep me in the right state of mind.
Best of luck
ps I've read some of the things you eat. Like in the eating habits thread. Dude....don't be afraid to season your food with fresh herbs and pepper. (that tuna, spaghetti mix sounded pretty bland) happy eating! (my toughest obstacle)


Active Member
Well my butt is not the greatest butt around... thats really the only reason im doing squats and lunges.. My legs are built so awesome... but my mom/dad gave me a horrible butt :p
I've thought about just taking string and wrapping it around areas and measuring it to see what kinda progress im getting size-wise... but I forget about doing it :p
I do put pepper on stuff and season my chicken breasts.. I just dont like using mayo or salt if I dont have to... the salt mostly.. and I cannot tell you the reason why im trying to stay away from salt. :p I dont mind too much what i've been eating though... my goodness I LOVE oysters
I hate cottage cheese though.. I gag several times before I finish that stuff off :p


Active Member
Few questions here...
Ok firstly I was showing off basically with a friend tryign to see how much we could powerlift and I hurt my left shoulder pretty badly. I was trying to finish my workouts and when I tried curling my left arm could barely curl at all. I plan on taking off at least a week from arm workouts.. today I did legs and didnt even use any sort of weights in my arms for fear that i'd damage it more.. I am wondering what the heck I did in there? Is it a tendon maybe? Did I spell Tendon right?
Secondly ... on reps... when doing reps should you go at a fast pace or slow or does it matter? My friend says he was reading to where you should crank them out as quickly as possible...
Thirdly... when doing sets... how long of a rest period should you take inbetween sets? I was taking around 30 seconds to 1 minute and my friend says it should only be 10 seconds according to his book.


Originally Posted by Speg
Few questions here...
Ok firstly I was showing off basically with a friend tryign to see how much we could powerlift and I hurt my left shoulder pretty badly. I was trying to finish my workouts and when I tried curling my left arm could barely curl at all. I plan on taking off at least a week from arm workouts.. today I did legs and didnt even use any sort of weights in my arms for fear that i'd damage it more.. I am wondering what the heck I did in there? Is it a tendon maybe? Did I spell Tendon right?
Secondly ... on reps... when doing reps should you go at a fast pace or slow or does it matter? My friend says he was reading to where you should crank them out as quickly as possible...
Thirdly... when doing sets... how long of a rest period should you take inbetween sets? I was taking around 30 seconds to 1 minute and my friend says it should only be 10 seconds according to his book.
First thing Is i would Try to figure out what happend to your shoulder. where does it hurt? How did you hurt it? Theres a few workouts out there that will help but a shoulder injory is no joke. You would be surprised by how commen this is. Usually it has something to do with a Rotator Cuff- YOur Teres Minor or major takes a hit. Let me ask you this when your arm is raised or extended out from your side you feel a little pain? You feel a click or a pop in your shoulder? Just to let you know im no doctor ive just read allot about it?If its a soar pain and not a over welming gun shot pain i think you should just stay off of it for a week and ice it twice a day. .
On your second question about the reps. Your mixing up two different workout technics which involve two different types of muscles. I NEVER EVER do a sooper fast set. Your not going to do anything but hurt yourself. Take Bench for example go down slow-takeing a deap slow breath-expanding your rib cage- Touch your chest and back up breathing out. I have to go back to work i will try and answer more later. See ya


Active Member
I agree, I wouldn’t waste my time doing fast reps for two reasons. You could injure yourself and you tend to have poor form. I do slow reps and really concentrate on form, I want to make sure I get the most out of each rep and really work the muscle and when you have poor form you suffer. I tend to take about 45 seconds to a minute between each set.
Have you joined a proper gym yet or are you still using your buddy’s equipment? I don’t think you are going to see really positive results until you get on good equipment ($30 a month is not a big investment).
If you continue to have shoulder pain I’d go to a doctor and have it looked at.


Active Member
Its not really bothering me right now. It doesnt hurt when I move it at all right now just sometimes when im working and I pull stuff I can feel it but its not pain.. its just enough to tell me 'hey... dont do that with that arm'. Its not even a really bad pain, its just a 'noticable feeling' I guess you could say. It was bad enough at the time though that it wouldnt allow me to do the rest of my workout though! I should probably do more stretches before working out... and no more showing off. =c)
I had already done some workouts at my buddies house and then came home and we were checking out the new set of weights I bought.. and we thought it would be fun to try to do ALL of them :p I just purchased 160 lbs of weights by the way... and another 40 lbs more after that.
No.. I havent gotten a gym membership yet.. I have nobody to go with and I just cannot go alone. If I find someone willing to go with me then i'll surely go.
I have another question too.... when doing arms workouts for example... is it proper to do all your bi workouts together or is it ok to do like one bi workout then one tri workout then one forearm workout then go to another bi workout.....?


Active Member
i have shoulder problems from over swimming badly. even though im alot younger- it might help. start using really light weights and SLOWLY build back up to normal(could take weeks if its bad) You could even get a stretch cord and strecth your shoulders- I do it every night and it makes them alot stronger and they feel better the next day! just my opinion!


I would hit all the bi exercises one after the other. That way you don't give you muscles that time to rest and you can break them down more and get a better "burn".


Active Member
Heres Cartman's way to build up your body:
-sit back relax, enjoy some tv or play some games.
-Eat what you like when you relax
-Before you go to bed everynight, have some desserts! Ice cream is my favorite!
In about 7 weeks people will fear you and they will respect your authoritaw!!!! Who says you need muscles to be strong?