Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


THAT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is one of the best tanks i have ever sine!!!!
what equiment did you use????GOOD JOBBBBBBBBBB


Active Member
Thanks buddy! Equipment is 72 watt of power compact fluorescents and flow is provided by a Maxijet 900.


Active Member
I just changed the bulbs on my nano cube and I am not too happy with the new color. I changed from a 36 watt power compact fluorescent 50/50 (half 10,000 K and half 7100 K blue) and a 36 watt power compact fluorescent true actinic 03 to 36 watt power compact fluorescent 10,000 K and a 36 watt power compact fluorescent true actinic 03. The full tube of 10,000 K really washes out the color in the corals. I think I will pick up another 50/50 the next time I am at the store or order one online if I can't stand it any more.
I added some new acquisitions today:
Pink Bird's nest
Seriatopora histrix


Active Member
Lady's pantyhose stocking with 4 oz. of activated carbon changed monthly, a 50 watt heater set at 78*F, and a Maxijet 900 for flow. No sponges, no bio-balls, no live rock rubble, etc.


that's all you have? by the look of your water it looks very clear it's just hard to believe that you basically only have 1 piece of filtration lol. Does that keep the big stuff out?


Active Member
With the back chambers empty, most of the sediment and other junk eventually settles to the bottom back there. I do a water change every two weeks (~4 gallons) and every third or fourth water change I'll suck all the junk out of the back chambers.
I feel changing carbon on a regular basis really keeps the water crystal clear. It works for me!


Active Member
New growth on blue Montipora digitata.
It is basically a cream color with a very faint hint of blue on the tips of the polyps under my PCs, but under halides this is the German blue monti.
