Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


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Originally Posted by Charred Salad
Very nice setup! hope mine is as good as yours when I get mine!


Active Member
Bone - those Armor of God palys are friggen awesome!
i just got some eagle eyes myself, i hope they grow as fast as yours when i get my new lights hooked up.
let me know if you want to frag them, or if you have some extra blue shrooms too :)


Active Member
I just fragged the Armor of God palythoas.
I gotta give them a month or two to grow out a little!

Eagle eyes grow really fast probably faster than the Armor of God palythoas even when they are fed everyday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oak
Forgot to ask this before but do you still have your stock lighting just wondering ?
Scroll up to post #158.


Active Member
man nothing grows in my tank, but that will all change soon, i got my new lighting so soon, so i will compare my results :)
remember me when those AoG palys are good to go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
man nothing grows in my tank, but that will all change soon, i got my new lighting so soon, so i will compare my results :)
remember me when those AoG palys are good to go!
You got it!


I think I read that you only use carbon in your rear chambers. Is that all you use or do you use the sponge? Live rock rubble? I am trying to figure out what to fill my rear chambers with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmestayer1
I think I read that you only use carbon in your rear chambers. Is that all you use or do you use the sponge? Live rock rubble? I am trying to figure out what to fill my rear chambers with.
Just activated carbon. About a fistful in a lady's knee high stocking.
I didn't go with the bandwagon with the live rock rubble in the rear chamber because in the long run detritus collects back there and the only way to get it out would be to move the rubble which would be a PITA. I just vacuum it all out about every third or fourth water change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by REEFCRAZY81
great looking tank what kind of lightingany mods to tank
No mods except for a Jacksdad surface skimmer; scroll up to post #158 for lighting details.


Active Member
Well, I have now entered the world of SPS. It turns out a buddy of mine whom I lift weights with occasionally is really

into SPS and has a 10 gallon nano that is decked out with SPS, clams, zoanthids, LPS, and much more. He has 110 watts over his 10 gal. with 55 watts of 10,000 K power compact fluorescent and 55 watts of true actinic 03 power compact fluorescent with about 10 species of SPS and a maxima clam. He claims he never does water changes except when he sells frags he tops off with the same amount of saltwater he takes out, but he has a skimmer rated for a 65 gallon on a 10 gallon tank that hangs on to an Aquaclear 500 which hangs on to his tank.
This purple Pocillopora damicoris had most of its polyps out when I acclimated it last night around 14 hours ago, but it doesn't look so hot today. I don't think it will make it, but we'll see.